Chapter 18: Capturing the Reaper

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Setting: Isis' Room

Ebok and Isis cuddle in the bed as they drift off to sleep. As Ebok is sleeping Akuma comes to him in his dream.

Ebok: Who are you? Show yourself.

Akuma: You know who I am.

Ebok: Akuma... What do you want?

Akuma: How do you like your new power, you see how it saves your life. I can give you more of that power.

Ebok: Why? Why are you trying to give me your power.

Akuma: In do time you will know, and you will come to me for more power. (Laughs evilly) Hahahahahaha.

Ebok jumps out of his sleep startling Isis.

Isis: *gasp*

Ebok: I'm sorry baby, I just had another dream about Akuma.

Isis: Okay baby, well I'm really tired so let's talk about it in the morning, okay baby?

Ebok: Okay baby, I'll try to go back to sleep.

Ebok tosses and turns but cannot go back to sleep.

Ebok: This is irritating.

Ebok goes to the kitchen and looks for something to drink. He finds a bottle of water, he sits at the table and drink.

Isis' Dad: What has you troubled?

Ebok: (startled) Oh... uh nothing.

Isis' dad: Laughs, I've been living for 40 you think I can't tell when someone is troubled?

Ebok: No sir seriously I'm good.

Isis' Dad: Well young blood, I'll give you some advice, pray to the gods they have all the answers.

Ebok: Yes sir.

Ebok finishes the water and walks back to Isis' room he gets back under the cover and falls asleep.

The next morning...

Isis: It's time to go to school wake up.

Ebok: C'mon 5 more minutes.

Isis: Nope wake up.

Isis bugs Ebok until he finally wakes up. They brush their teeth, take a shower, and get ready.

Isis: Come on baby we're gonna be late.

Ebok: Okay okay I'm coming.

Ebok finishes his breakfast and heads out the door.

Isis: now let's get going.

Isis hops on Ebok's back and they start on they're way to school.

Ebok: I hope he teaches us something new im getting tired of going over fundamentals.

Isis: I feel you baby, that's what I'm hoping for too, the tournament is right around the corner.

Desean's house...

Tom: Are you ready Desean.

Desean: Yeah I'm ready.

Tom: Well don't drag your bottom lad, come on.

Desean: Hmph

Desean jumps in the carriage and heads to school.

Everyone is now at school waiting on Commander Surry's instruction.

Commander Surry: I have some bad news.

Ume starts crying.

Commander Surry: Nashi has died.

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