Chapter 42: A risky Technique

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Setting: China

As Ebok and Gao are continuously training. Gao senses Akuma's energy.

Gao: Ebok?

Ebok: Yes?

Gao: I sense a sinister energy.

Ebok: Can you tell who it is?

Gao: It is Akuma.

Ebok: Akuma! What is he doing in this realm?

Gao: He seems to be fighting.

Ebok: Oh no! Who is he fighting?

Gao: Two men, but they will soon be killed.

Ebok: I must go help.

Gao: I would usually say no, but I know how much this means to you.

Ebok: So can I go?

Gao: Yes. But I warn you, be careful.

Ebok: You know I will.

Gao nods and Ebok heads towards the Tubian Country looking for Akuma.

Meanwhile in South Region...

Akuma: Now who wants to die first?

Serif: I volunteer you!

Serif powers up to Sun Lighting.

Serif: Let's see if you can beat me.

Akuma: Hahahaha I'll use 5% of power.

Serif Charges at Akuma. He throws a straight punch and connects, but it does nothing. He also breaks his hand in the process. Serif jumps back.

Serif: It's like his face is made of stone.

Ken: We have to finish him right while he's at 5%.

Serif: *holding his hand* Well... You have any ideas?

Ken: The Lightning Eclipse...

Serif: You know that move is dangerous and highly risky.

Ken: Yes but it is our only chance.

Serif: *sigh* alright let's do it.

QUICK FACT: The Lightning Eclipse is a technique that involves two Inazumas. The two warriors draw an extreme amount of energy from the sun. After gaining the power from the sun, the two come together, and become one being, increasing their power by 100 fold. But here's the downside. It only lasts for 5 minutes and the radiation absorbed from the sun causes an unbearable strain on the body which causes a vulnerable state for the two warriors after they defuse. Back to the story...

Akuma: Are you going to fight? Or just whisper to each other?

???: Thought you could hide from me?

Akuma: What?

Okura, and Desean step from behind the trees...

Akuma: Oh if it isn't Okura. Hahahaha what makes you think I would hide from you?

Okura: Hmph, let me show you!

Desean: Okura no!

Ignoring Desean's shout, Okura charges in. Okura throws a punch to Akuma's face, but it does nothing.

Akuma: Is that all?

Okura: (angrily) you haven't seen nothing yet. Haaaaa

Okura begins to change in to his Guàiwùs state...

Serif: No my son! What is he doing here?

Ken: I know this might sound crazy, but let's let them hold him off so we can build up our attack.

Serif: Alright, but let's do it quickly.

Ken: Yes

Ken and Serif shoot a long lightning bolt that links them with the sun. After the bolt connects, they start to absorb power from the sun.

Meanwhile Okura finish ms his transformation...

Okura: Now feel the power of a Guàiwùs!


Okura dashes at Akuma. He tries to claw him, but misses.

Akuma: Too slow.

Okura: Shut up!

Okura continues to attack, but he constantly misses due to Akuma's speed.

Akuma: Its time for you to go to sleep.

Akuma steps back and points his hand at Okura.

Akuma: Die...

Then end of Chapter 42

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