Chapter 25: Legna... Not Tubian

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Mom: (yelling) Wake Up It's Time For School.

Ebok: (Yelling back) Already?!

Mom: YES!

Ebok: Aghhhhh.

Isis: Come on baby, let's get up.

Ebok: But I'm tired.

Isis: So I am too, now get your sexy ass out of the bed *kisses Ebok*

Ebok: Seems like you woke someone else up too *smirks*

Isis: (smirking) Oh really?

Ebok: Mhm *smirks*, but let's start again. I'm about to get up.

Isis: *giggles* Okay baby

Ebok and Isis get up and get ready, they take a shower and brush their teeth. They put on their clothes and head out, but before they head out Charlotte has some news for Isis.

Mom: Oh yeah, Isis...

Isis: Ma'am?

Mom: Your mom called and said your cousin is visiting for a day.

Isis: *rolls her eyes* Okay mom.

Ebok and Isis leave out, while heading to the school, Ebok asks Isis a question.

Ebok: Why did you seem so annoyed when you found out your cousin was coming to visit?

Isis: Because she is nothing but trouble, and also it's like she tries to ruin me no matter what she has to do.

Ebok: Why does she want to visit then?

Isis: Because my mom is so nice to her.

Ebok: why is she so nice to her?

Isis: Because she has a bad past?

Ebok: What do you mean?

Isis: Okay for one she was adopted into the family. Two she was abused by her dad, and her brother was killed in front of her.

Ebok: Oh my goodness, that is a horrible past.

Isis: Yeah, but she uses that to her advantage.

Ebok: Damn well, I got you if she does anything.

Isis: Okay baby, thank youuuuuu.

Ebok: You're welcome baby *kisses Isis*

Ebok and Isis continue on their way to school, they soon get their and head to the training grounds to wait for Commander Surry.

Ebok: Where's Commander Surry?

Desean: I don't know, he's late for some reason.

Isis: Well he needs to hurry up.

Commander Surry finally arrives...

Commander Surry: Sorry guys, had to take care of some quick business... Well it seems everyone is here, let's get started.

Ebok: What will we do today?

Commander Surry: Well since we missed a day of training, we're going to double the training of today, and you're going to stay a little while longer.

Ebok: (enthusiastic) Well I'm down.

Desean: Hmph, me too

Isis: So am I.

Commander Surry: First let's get warmed up with our usual exercises. Then we will get started.

Meanwhile in the Realm of the Gods...

Mizu: Why can't I transform? I have mastered everything.

Xinshi: I don't understand either it must be... Ohhhhhh I forgot.

Mizu: What, what please tell me.

Xinshi: You're not a Tubian... Haha you're actually a Legna.

Mizu: A Legna?

Xinshi: Yes, i uhh made a mistake, but oh well we can still continue to train.

Mizu: It's fine sensei, and my brain is starting to expand, I am now accessing 21%.

Xinshi: Well well, you might not need my training after all.

Mizu: That does seem right, but I must pick up a few more things from you.

Xinshi: Well then I will show you my signature attack. The raging star.

Mizu: Yes.

Xinshi: Well since you are an Legna, you have access to cosmic energy, just not as much as a god. This is a close range attack, so you want to close in on your opponent while doing this.

Mizu: Go on.

Xinshi: You want to release cosmic energy through your hands and feet. After you have done this you charge at your opponent, you hit him in his forehead, his shoulder, his thigh, his gut, his other thigh, and his other shoulder. After you finish the combo you say "Raging Star" a red star will appear around your opponent. Once the star has appeared you hit him, he will start flying and wherever he lands a star will be engraved behind him.

Mizu: Hmmm, like this.

Mizu starts building up cosmic energy...

Mizu: houghhhhhh!

Xinshi: Wait! Don't demonstrate on me.

Mizu does the combo in open space.

Mizu: Raging Star... HAAA!

Xinshi: Ha, you did it, but you need to rest for a day so you can be ready to defeat Ebok and find the Reaper.

Mizu: Yes I understand...

Xinshi: Well I will show you where you can rest.

Mizu: Thank you sensei...

Back at South High...

Commander Surry: Good job team, now I want to focus on our Spiritual energy.

Desean: How do you want us to focus it.

Commander Surry: By attacking me with nothing but spiritual energy. When you have knocked me on my back you have won.

Ebok: Okay that sounds pretty easy.

Commander Surry: Well let's begin.

End of Chapter 25

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