Chapter 1: 500 yrs Later

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It's been 500 years since Magami shared Shén's powers to the world. When she did this she gave thousands of people special abilities and improvements. Some people weren't fortune it enough to get the power so they despise the people who got it. They made a name for people with these special powers, calling them "Tubians", Tubians took heed to this name and started their own country. The country consists of 4 regions: North Region East Region West Region, and South Region. They isolated from the world themselves years until they made a treaty with the Americans.

Setting: Earth,South High(Tubian school)

Commander Surry: Hello everyone! I'm Commander Surry and I will be your Commander from here on out. I am the best of the best when it comes to teaching, but better when it comes to discipline. Only an average of 20% of my students past. If I believe you are not capable of the next level I will not past you... Now everyone introduce yourself and show your abilities... You young man you go first.(pointing to a black kid, with black spiky hair, dressed as if he cared more about fashion than anyone).

Ebok: (Standing up) well the names Ebok. E.B.O.K, I'm 16 and I love fashion, my goal is to become head Captain, and my ability is this... *raising hands to waist with fist bald up pointing forward* I can control gravity.

Commander Surry : (shocked) that's extraordinary! Show us a demonstration please.

Ebok: *floating* well this ability lets me fly. I know how to increase my mass, and decrease my mass, I haven't learned how to use it on people or things yet.

Commander Surry: Fascinating!(Thinking)"well this is new. That kid has amazing potential"...

The rest of the kids introduce themselves and show they're crazy, outstanding, and weird powers. Class comes to an end, but Commander Surry has something else to say...

Commander Surry: Well class has come to an end. I am very excited about this class and have high expectations, see you tomorrow, and try to get some sleep because tomorrow won't be anything like today.

When leaving class Ebok sees a beautiful girl drop her books and decides to help.

Ebok: *walking over to help* "Hey, You need any help?

Girl: Yeah, I'm so clumsy

Ebok: *Laughs* it's fine, *helps her pick up her books*

After Ebok finishes helping her pick up her book he starts conversation.

Ebok: Can I walk you home?

Girl: *giggles* You don't even know my name but you want to walk me home?

Ebok: I'm so sorry, what is your name?

Girl: *giggles* The name is Isis, and yours is Ebok?, if I'm correct?

Ebok: *smiling* yeah that's it.., you came in late and didn't really get to introduce yourself.

Isis: Yeah, well let's start walking, my dad gets worried when I'm late.

They both walk out of school and start on their way to Isis' house. Breaking the silence Ebok starts conversation.

Ebok: well what's your ability?

Isis: I can sense abilities, I can also tell how strong they are.

Ebok: Wow! That's pretty awesome, can you sense how strong I am?

Isis: *giggles* Yeah,

QUICK FACT: Power sensors are better known as "Sepoys" they measure powers, strength and can also scale the power levels of the person they are measuring, the scales they measure powers are from 0-100, back to the story

Isis: yours is a 23, not bad.*smirking*

Ebok: *smiling* Wow I didn't know I was as strong as that.

Isis: well you are pretty strong, almost the strongest in the class.

Ebok: *Surprised* There's someone stronger than me?

Isis: I wouldn't say stronger, but you guys are about the same.

Ebok: Who is it?

Isis: A guy named Desean, on the power scale his was a 23.2, and his ability is the control of lighting and it changes color depending on how powerful the bolt is.

Ebok: Wow he does sound strong.

Isis: Yeah, I'm only a 3 *looks down*

Ebok: Hey, don't look sad we can increase that by training together. (Sounding sincere)

Isis: Are you foreal?

Ebok: yes why would I lie?

Isis: I don't know *giggles* I just have no hand to hand combat whatsoever.

Ebok: well I've been practicing my hand to hand combat, and it's pretty decent.

Isis: Well I guess that will be our first lesson *smiling*

Ebok: I guess it will *smiling*

They continue to talk until they finally get to Isis' house and say their goodbyes...

Isis: Well you were good Company. Thanks for walking me home.*smiling*

Ebok: Oh it's nothing*blushing* see you tomorrow at school.

Isis: Okay bye *waving*

Ebok: Goodbye (thinking) Wow she's really cool, smart, and beautiful, I really like her. Well might as well get home. *flys home*

mom: What makes you late today?

Ebok: Oh I helped my friend walk home.

mom: And who is that?

Ebok: A girl I met today name Isis she's really cool.

mom: Okay that's nice, how was your day?

Ebok: It was pretty good, mostly just meeting my Commander.

mom:Okay that's good, dinner will be ready in a few, we're having fried steak and French fries.

Ebok: Okay mom, I'll be in the back meditating

Ebok's younger brother, Tez, comes home

Tez: finally I'm home(panting)

mom: why are you panting?

Tez: Our teacher wanted us to run home for the beginning of our exercise...

Mom: well go and get some rest dinner will be done in about a half hour.

Tez: Okay mom

While Ebok is meditating in the backyard, he can't get his mind off of Isis. So instead of meditating he tries practicing his gravity control, but can't get Isis off his mind.

Ebok:(thinking) why can't I get her out of my mind (frustrated). (Yawn) I maybe just need a nap.

Ebok went to his room, once he started to drift off, mom yells...

Mom: Dinners ready!

Ebok and Tez go down stairs and eat dinner they also discuss their days at school.

QUICK FACT: Tez is 12 years old and can control gravity just like Ebok except Tez's gravity control is a little weaker, Ebok and Tez's mom name is Charlotte, she is a human, and their dad is a Tubian with the ability to control gravity, his name was Arnold , he died trying to save a human girl from evil Tubians ... Back to the story

Ebok and Tez finish eating their food and go upstairs to their rooms to get ready for school tomorrow. They take a shower and go to sleep,

End of Chapter 1

BloodCryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें