Chapter 19: Megami's Creation

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Ebok falls to the floor as the black energy proceeds to take over.

Ebok: Arg! Ahhhhh! Why won't it stop?!

Commander Surry: Everyone! we must gather around him and give him spiritual energy, the energy will overwhelm the black energy inside.

Isis: Right!

Desean: Hmph

Ume: Okay!

They all gather around Ebok as they share their energy with him. The more they give the more the black energy starts to go away.

Commander Surry: It's working just a little more.

The black energy finally vanishes and Ebok's eye starts to turn back to normal.

Ebok passes out from the huge strain that has been put on his body. Commander Surry picks Ebok up and puts his arm around his neck.

Commander Surry: He's going to need medical attention. Isis! I know you are going to come, so you mind helping me with Ebok.

Isis: Not at all.

Isis comes over and puts Ebok's arm around her shoulder.

Commander Surry: Everyone! Go home we will train tomorrow.

Desean: Whatever

Ume: Yes sir.

Commander Surry and Isis take Ebok to the hospital.
An hour later...
They arrive at the hospital.

Commander Surry: I need to speak to a doctor now.

Receptionist: Okay sir, can you sign your name here and the injured person's name as well.

Commander Surry signs his name and signs Ebok's name.

Receptionist: Thank you sir, now go down the hall and turn to the right and there will be a doctor waiting to assist you.

Commander Surry: Okay, thank you ma'am.

Receptionist: Welcome, glad to be of assistance.

Commander Surry and Isis take Ebok to the room where the doctor is.

Dr. Martin: Hi, I'm Dr. Martin, can you tell me what is wrong?

Commander Surry: It seems some sort of power took over him and put a humongous strain on his body.

Dr. Martin: Hmm that's strange, well just leave him here with me and I'll do some test.

Commander Surry: Okay, take of him

Dr. Martin: No problemo

Commander Surry lays Ebok down on the bed.

Commander Surry: Isis! Are you staying here?

Isis: Yes I must stay with him.

Commander Surry: Okay I'll be leaving now, try not to worry okay?

Isis: Yes sir! You have my word.

Commander Surry leaves the hospital and heads home.

The Realm Of The Gods...

Xinshi(The messenger god): I have some shocking news, as it seems to be The Reaper has disappeared.

Megami: What the how can the Reaper disappear?

Xinshi: Well it seems that a Tubian took him, you know the race you created, they are always causing problems, just some ridicu-

Megami: *interrupting* Okay Xinshi. I get it. An act of this caliber must be punished, do you know what was the name of this Tubian.

Xinshi: Oh yes, his name was Ebok, he is actually quite powerful I would say.

Megami: Very well then, I will create a warrior that will take him out.

Megami powers up to creation mode. As she is creating her new being shes give him White spiky hair that stands up, she makes his skin a tan color and gives him the body of an 18 year old boy. As she is giving him his abilities, she gives him the ability to access 100% of his brain, she gives him all the fighting styles even the God fighting style and gives him the ability to control all forms of water.

Megami: His name will be, hmmmm let me see... How about Mizu.

Xinshi: Well that's pretty good, now do you want me being him to the Earth Realm or what.

Megami: *slaps her forehead* Yes Xinshi.

Xinshi: Well bring him here, I will take him there.

Megami: Okay Xinshi don't do anything stupid.

Xinshi: Relax moma, I got this.

Xinshi grabs Mizu and takes him to The Earth Realm.

Xinshi: Damn I I forgot which region to put you in. Ah fuck it I'll take you to the West region then... And oh yeah, your goal is to find Ebok, and make him show you wear the Reaper is.

Mizu: Yes.

Xinshi: Well good luck and I will be going now.

Xinshi teleports away and leaves Xinshi by himself.

Mizu: Ebok... Must find Ebok

Mizu walks around asking random people do they know who Ebok is.

Mizu: Where is Ebok?

Person 1: Excuse me?, what is an Ebok.

Do to his ability to access 100% of his brain he quickly picks up the ability to talk more regularly and picks up how to act basically like a human, he also learns his abilities.

Mizu: I can't sense life force here, he must be in the next region.

End of Chapter 19...

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