Chapter 46: No more Warmups

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Akuma: So you finally arrived. Hehe, took you long enough.

Ebok: (smirking) Well sorry for the wait, I didn't know you would be so eager.

Akuma: I didn't know either, but I hope I didn't overestimate you.

Ebok: (smirking) If anything you underestimated me... If I were you I'd be running right now.

Akuma: I doubt it.

Ebok: Mizu, would you mind stepping to the side, I want to fight him by myself.

Mizu: Alright, but if things get out of hand I will intervene.

Ebok: Don't worry. I guarantee they won't.

Meanwhile on the sidelines...

Isis: (thinking) Ebok's power, it's on a completely different level. I don't know what training he went through, but whatever it was it skyrocketed his power.

Catherine sees Isis astonishment.

Catherine: You sense it too?

Isis: Yes it's... Unbelievable.

Commander Surry: (thinking) From the sound of Catherine and Isis, we might actually have a chance here.

Back on the battlefield...

Ebok and Akuma gaze at each other. Ebok puts up his guard and so does Akuma.

Akuma: Prepare for the fight of your life.

Ebok: Shut up and fight.

Ebok and Akuma charge at each other. They both throw a hard punch, making both of their fists connect. The impact is so strong that it creates a giant whole in the ground. Akuma teleports behind Ebok and tries to punch him, but Ebok turns around and blocks it. Ebok moves Akuma's arm and throws a barrage of punches. None of them connect do to Akuma's precise blocking. Akuma then tries to knee Ebok in the stomach, but Ebok pushes it back with his hand. He then comes with a roundhouse kick, but it is blocked by Akuma. Akuma then grabs Ebok's leg and throws him into a large rock. Ebok instantly rises out of the crushed rocks and charge back at Akuma.

Ebok: (running) Let me see you handle this one. Image multiplier!

Ebok creates two images by each of his sides.

Ebok: Now, mass increase times 50.

The images increase their mass and continue running towards Akuma. Once they get to Akuma the two images attack on each of Akuma's sides, but he blocks the attacks with his forearms. Ebok tries to attack Akuma in his stomach, but blocks the attack with his knee.

Ebok: I got you!

Another image comes from behind Ebok, and kicks Akuma in the forehead, causing Akuma to stumble backwards. Ebok and the images jump back. They then all punch Akuma in his stomach at the same time, causing him to slide back.

Ebok: I'm not done yet!

Ebok charges at Akuma again, but this times runs right by him. Akuma turns around to follow Ebok, completely forgetting about the other images. As soon as Akuma tries to chase him. An image comes and kicks Akuma in the face. Another one comes and kicks him in the stomach, and the final image comes and punches him in the face, causing him to fly upward. Once he's in the sky, he is met by Ebok's fist, which sends him speeding back down to the ground. The images disappear. Ebok takes a deep breath then exhales.

Ebok: Get up, I'm not done with you yet.

Akuma rises out of the rumble.

Akuma: I must admit that actually hurt, but let's end with the warmups.

Ebok: Fine by me, but I didn't know you wanted to die so fast.

Akuma: Your mouth is too smart, how about I shut it completely.

Ebok: I'd like to see you try.

Akuma: 100%!

Ebok: Angel's Eye!

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