Chapter 15: Commander Surry is Attacked

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Setting: Shén's hideout.

Jin flies in the air as Shén does the same.

Jin: Hmph, I won't hold back

Shén: I didn't ask you too

Jin teleports in front of Shén and attacks him by throwing punches. Shén puts up his guard before the punches land countering, he then ducks and hits Jin with an uppercut that makes Jin Slightly move back. Shén then teleports above him and before Jin notices he is met with a elbow to the forehead that sends him flying to the ground. Jin immediately back flies up and tries to knee Shén, but he blocks, he then throws a kick at Jin's head, Jin sees it and pushes it down with his left hand. He then comes with a right punch, Shén slightly moves his head in time barely dodging the punch, with his arm still there Jin tries to elbow Shén on the side of his head, but he dodges by teleporting on the side of him, he punches him in his jaw, this sends Jin flying, Shén flies to him and grabs one of his legs and swing him around for about five seconds then throws him into the ground.

Jin: *(panting) alright... You win.

Shén: Haha well well, and I was just using half of my power.

Jin: Yeah yeah, train me now

Shén: You teenagers are so eager, but okay child.

Back at Ebok's house...

Ebok: Come at me,

Isis: (smirks) as you wish

Isis jumps in the air and sends a round house kick at Ebok, he jumps back and dodges causing Isis' leg to hit the ground. Isis quickly chases after him throwing two punches, Ebok moves his head from side to side dodging both punches, Isis tries a leg sweep, but Ebok jumps in the air, she follows him and tries to kick him in the chest, but Ebok crosses his arm and blocks. They both descend to the ground.

Isis: So you're gonna stay on the defensive?

Ebok: It seems to be working(smirk)

Isis: Not for long

Isis charges up her spiritual energy, and sends air waves at Ebok, Ebok crosses his forearms and blocks them.

Ebok:(thinking) Wow she really wants to win, I think she knows that I have been letting her win. Well I'll make it challenging this time.

Isis: Come on fight back, it's no fun if you just stand there blocking the whole time.

Ebok: Okay, you asked for it.

Isis: Thank you.

They charge at each other, Ebok kicks Isis in her stomach and sends her flying.

Ebok: Oh my gosh! Are you okay?

Isis fades away and it turns out that it was just a clone.

Ebok: Huh?

Isis appears above him and sits on his shoulders.

Isis: Yes! I finally won without you letting me win.

Ebok: Yeah you did, well I won't hold back next time.

Isis: *giggles* We're going to see.

Over at Ume's house...

Sheriff James: I don't know how these demons developed the power to travel to the Earth Realm and The Chaos Realm.

Serif: It seems they are getting stronger, but we must stop them.

Sheriff James: How? We can't just go to the Chaos Realm, that's suicide.

Serif: Yes, well I'll have my scientists to come up with something that can help us.

Sheriff James: Yes sir, that is a really good idea.

Serif: Yes well I will be leaving now, and send out watchmen so we can better protect our people.

Sheriff James: Yes sir.

At South High's training ground...

Commander Surry: Keep going you're almost finished.

Desean: (exhausted) 196... 197... 198... 199... 200.

Commander Surry: Good job Desean, you really are a prodigy.

Desean: (exhausted) I need to go get some water.

Commander Surry: Okay hurry back.

Desean goes and gets water...

Commander Surry senses a presents around him.

Commander Surry: Come out and show yourself!

It's the same 3 robbers that killed Nashi.

Commander Surry: What do you want?

Robber 1: Oh nothing just your power.

Commander Surry mugs them and realizes what they are.

Commander Surry: So how did you demons get here?

Robber 1: Well he knows we're demons, hahaha, oh well you're going to die if you resist or not. So I suggest you make it easy.

Commander Surry: You really are underestimating me. Well it seems I get to show you how strong I am.

Robber 1: Oh please,

They all charge at Commander Surry, he creates 3 clones and separates.

Robber 1: So you've separated us, *laughs* that won't make any differe-

Commander Surry punches Robber 1 in his mouth.

Commander Surry: You need to just shut up. You'll be defeated and killed here.

Robber 1: *Wiping the blood from his mouth* Errrrgh you'll pay for that!

Robber 1 dashes at Commander Surry, the robber turns his hand into a knife and starts swinging it at Commander Surry, but Commander Surry keeps dodging the knife, and hits him with a knee to the chin. He grabs his hair and knees him multiple times in the nose, and then sends him flying with a punch.

Commander Surry: Like I said you will be defeated and killed here.

Robber 1: *laughs* you think that is enough to beat me?

Robber 1 wounds disappears and stands back up like nothing happened.

Commander Surry: What the hell?

The other robbers defeat the cloned images of Commander Surry, and began to close in on him.

Commander Surry: Well this is gonna be harder than I thought.

They all charge at Commander Surry, but are met by a blue lightning bolt to the face, they quickly jump back.

Desean jumps in front of Commander Surry and powers up...

Desean: 3 against one is a bit unfair you think?

Watchmen also appear to help the fight.

Robber 1: We must retreat, let's go.

Desean: Oh no you don't,

Desean tries to punch one of them but they teleport away before his punch lands.

Watchman 1: Don't worry we will go after them.

Desean: Hmph, I wanted to test my strength.

The watchmen teleport away to go look for the demons...

The end of Chapter 15

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