Chapter 41: The Return of the God of Destruction

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Setting: China

Gao, Ebok, and Roth have been training and strengthening Ebok's Devil's Eye. Gao has also been showing Ebok godly techniques and moves. Now they are working on Ebok's gravity control. Gao has put Ebok in a situation where he has to lift up a mountain.

Gao: Just calm yourself young one. Let your Spirit do all of the work.

Ebok starts to focus his spiritual energy. His aura starts to appear, it is white and aggressive like a blizzard.

Ebok: Mass Decrease!

The mountain lifts up, but Ebok quickly drops it.

Ebok: *pant* *pant*

Gao: Extraordinary. A mere child lifts up a mountain. Young one, you amaze me everyday.

Ebok: *pant* *pant* It wasn't easy.

Gao: I understand that, but...

Ebok: But what?

Gao notices someone's presence.

Gao: Show yourself intruder.

Ebok: Huh?
Ebok is puzzled.

Mizu steps out of the mist.

Ebok: (shocked) You're still alive?

Mizu: Yes and stronger than before.

Gao: So you have been sent by the gods to destroy Ebok. Am I correct?

Mizu: Yes and anyone else that gets in my way.

Gao: I see. Why did they tell you to destroy him?

Mizu: He kidnapped the Reaper and still has him.

Gao: I see. Well there has been a mistake.

Mizu: What?

Gao and Ebok explain what happened during the kidnapping of the Reaper. After listening to this, Mizu's mind is changed.

Mizu: So it is Akuma who should be punished... I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused you Ebok.

Ebok: Haha it's fine.

Mizu: But we will fight again, but not to the death.

Ebok: (eagerly) You know I'm down.

Mizu: We'll see *smirks*... Well I'm off.

Mizu leaves, and Ebok and Gao continue their training.

Gao: I have been thinking about your Devil's eye and I want to change it, so it is a blessing instead of a curse.

Ebok: What do you mean?

Gao: Activate your Devil's Eye.

Ebok activates his Devil's Eye. After he activates it Gao raises her hand toward the sky, as she does this a beam comes from behind the clouds and forms into her hand as it takes the shape of a ball. She then comes close Ebok and puts her hand over his eye. After she removed her hand the color of Ebok's eye changes. Instead of red it changes to a sky blue.

Ebok: What did you do?

Gao: Let's just say you no longer have the Devil's Eye. Let's call it the Angel's Eye.

Ebok: I like that. It sounds awesome.

Gao: Well let's start training it, because it is very unstable.

Ebok: Yes!

Meanwhile in the Realm of the Dead...

Shén: Step away from the souls Akuma.

Akuma smirks.

Shén: Stop Akuma!

Akuma reaches his arm in the pool of souls, as he does this the souls start to go inside his body. Shén runs over but he is quickly blown back by the amazing power of the Akuma.

Akuma: Yes... Yes! I can feel the power surging through my veins. Hahahaha!

As all the souls go into Akuma's body takes a new form. His skin changes to a grayish black as his eyes glow white. His body slims and he grows a couple of inches taller.

Shén: No! I am too late.

Akuma: Haha. I was going to kill you, but now since I can drain souls I think I'll just take yours.

Shén: Oh no you-

Akuma interrupts Shén's sentence by quickly grabbing his throat. Shén struggles to speak as Akuma tightened his grip.

Akuma: Now be devoured.

After Akuma says this Shén is turned into a ball of energy then eaten by Akuma.

Akuma then marvels at his power.

Akuma: My power is extraordinary!... Hmmm let me see what's going on in the Chaos Realm.

Meanwhile in the Chaos Realm...

Akuma appears in the Chaos Realm. And he stops all of the battling.

Akuma: This realm will be no longer needed.

Stone: My lord, what do you mean?

Akuma: I mean I'm going to destroy this Ream.

Stone: My lord, but-

Before Stone could finish his sentence Akume raises his hand and blows up the Chaos Realm. Serif and Ken use there Lightning transportation to escape, leaving everyone else to be destroyed. After he destroys the Chaos Realm he teleports to the Earth Realm in South Region where he stands before Ken and Serif.

Akuma: Well it seems you escaped... Haha...Hahahahahahaha. You only prolonged your death. Now prepare to be killed.

Serif: Ken! Get ready!

Ken: I already know. This is the big one.

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