Chapter 51: Renji's power

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Setting: North Region

Gensui and Renji stand before each other...

Gensui: Let's see what you can do.

Gensui speeds towards Renji, but Renji doesn't move. Gensui throws a punch at Renji but his hand is burned as Renji's fiery aura burns him, causing Gensui to step back.

Gensui: (Thinking) His aura is so strong that I can't even touch him, completely negating my ability.

Renji: What's wrong? Is your only ability useless now?

Gensui: Only ability? Hmhmhmhmmmm let me show you why I'm strongest demon of all time.

Gensui starts to unleash his full power. Black energy starts to swirl around him. He grows black wings and devil horns from his head, he also becomes more muscular.

Renji: (Thinking) He was hiding this much power?

Gensui speeds towards Renji and tries to grab him, Renji teleports behind him and kicks him in the back of the neck, causing Gensui to stumble forward, leaving a burnt mark on the back of his neck.

Gensui: You're fast, but still new to your power.

Renji: Hmph, that doesn't matter, you won't be leaving here alive.

Gensui smiles and flies into the air.

Renji: What is he planning?

Gensui: Cursed summoning! Giant Hell hounds!

2 hell hounds the size of small houses appear on both of Gensui's sides.

Gensui: I can't believe I've been pushed this far by a Tubian brat. Hell Hound slash attack!

The 2 hell hounds run towards Renji, he jumps up to dodge, Gensui instantaneously moves behind him and tries to elbow him in the back, but Renj turns around and blasts him into the ground. The hell hounds jump up towards him.
Renji aims his hands at them and releases a devastating fire ball that incinerates both of them.

Renji: (Panting) Wow that took a lot of power.

Gensui gets up from the ground.

Gensui: Alright brat that's it-

Gensui is stabbed in the back by 3 North Region watchmen. He coughs up blood as he realizes what is happening.

Gensui: You may have won this round but we will be back.

As Gensui says this a portal opens up sucking him back to the Chaos Realm. After he's gone the watchmen rush over to Renji to get intel on the situation, but before he can say anything he faints.

Meanwhile in the Chaos Realm...

Stone: So you lost?

Gensui: I was surrounded and they performed a sneak attack.

Stone: No matter, you still accomplished the goal of taking away something he holds dear. Once these two wake up, I will have the two strongest weapons to avenge my lord.

Gensui: When are they going to awake?

Stone: In 3 days from now.

Gensui: Okay I'll be over here removing these damn swords from my back.

Stone: Good, I need to concentrate.

Meanwhile a day later in the Sacred Mountains...

Ebok: Gao what did you do this chicken it's amazing.

Gao: (smiling) Thank you child. I try to help you the best way I can through this tough time.

Ebok face saddens as Gao says this.

Ebok: It's hard being without her I hate that she got so sick.

Gao: Yes, but it was her time my child. The gods move in mysterious ways.

Ebok: It happened so fast. She just died 2 days ago and I haven't even told Desean or Commander Surry. I don't even know what I would say.

Gao: It's okay my child, you are being strong as she wants you to be.

Ebok finishes his chicken, he gives his dishes to Gao and goes to stand on the balcony. As he stares into the mountains he thinks about Isis' death.

Ebok: (Thinking) If only I wasn't so reckless, she would still be here.

As Ebok gets lost in thought a member of watchmen from the North Region interrupts him.

Camrin: Ebok, sorry to bother you, but Head Captain Dean Moyasu would like to have a meeting with you.

Ebok: Anything for a head captain, you have a reason why?

Camrin: Yes, a team was been attacked by a demon causing 3 causalities and a student to be on bed rest.

Ebok: A demon? a demon shouldn't be able to take out an entire squad

Camrin: Yes, and not to mention it was a team led by an elite commander and the highest ranked freshmen student this year.

Ebok: I see, let's go now then.

Ebok and Camrin get into the helicopter as they fly off towards North Region.

Meanwhile in the Realm of the Gods...

Mizu: Lord Megami, the Realm of the Dead was attacked, the two guardian angels were killed and Akuma's and Shen's souls were taken.

Megami: I don't know who could behind this.

Mizu: They also completely erased their energy signature, so who's ever behind this knows what they are doing.

Megami: I see, someone must be planning to revive them. I need you to find out who's behind this.

Mizu: Understood I'm leaving now!

Megami opens up a portal and sends Mizu to the Realm of the Dead.

Meanwhile in South Region...

Ken: Lord Serif! I've just received a message from North Region. One of their squads were attacked by demon causing 3 causalities.

Serif: Its only been 2 weeks of peace and there's already another attack?

Ken: Also the head captain called for a meeting.

Serif: Understood, inform the watchmen.

Ken: Yes sir!

End of Chapter 51

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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