Chapter 17: Night Time

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Ebok: *pant* *pant* *pant* Oh no Isis.

Ebok runs over to Isis, who lays on the ground unconscious.

Ebok: Baby, *rubs her forehead*

Isis: *waking up* Did you get them baby?

Ebok: Well I killed one.

Ebok walk over to Samuel's dead body. He tries to touch it, but it turns to ash.

Isis gets up and dusts her self off.

Ebok: The other two escaped before I could finish them off... Well you ready to go home?

Isis: Yes, but can we stop for some ice, I need to put something on this knot.

Ebok: I'm sorry I let them touch you baby.

Isis: *giggles* it's fine, you did more than enough to make up for it. (Smiles)

Ebok: Damn I love you so much

Isis: I love you so much more tho,

Ebok and Isis kiss for a little while and they start on their way to the store.

Chaos Realm...

Darf and Nathan run to Akuma's throne.

Darf: Lord Akuma, Samuel was killed.

Akuma: I know that.

Nathan: Do you want us to go after the kid Lord Akuma?

Akuma: No, Samuel was simply a test for my new prodigy, I'm actually surprised you two survived.

Darf: What? Samuel stole all that power for you and you just-

Akuma interrupts Darf's sentence by blasting him with a finger beam through his head.

Akuma: Idiot, Now Nathan give me the Energy Stealer.

Nathan: Never!

Nathan destroys the Energy Stealer.

Akuma: (Angry) You Fool!!

Nathan immediately tries to fly away, but Stone stops him with his paralysis technique.

Akuma: Where do you think you're going?

Nathan: I... I can't move

Akuma jumps toward Nathan and punches his Torso through his body.

Akuma: Fool, how dare he defy me.

Stone: Lord Akuma, how will we get the spiritual energy now?

Akuma: hmmm I will think of something, just give me some time.

Stone: Yes my lord.

Desean's house...

Desean: *walking to the kitchen* What for dinner?

Bob(Desean's chef): We're having fried shrimp salad with the dressing of your choice with a side of tangerine oranges. And for dessert we're have deep fried frozen ice cream over sliced strawberries.

Desean: Okay that sounds good. Have you seen my dad?

Bob: Oh no I haven't seen him since yesterday.

Desean: Okay thanks.

Bob: Oh no problem.

Desean walks outside to the training area, and is surprised to see Tom dressed with in his wrestling suit.

Desean: (laughs) Tom? What are you doing?

Tom: I noticed that your dad hasn't had time to train you so I thought I could be your training partner.

Desean: *laughs* nah I'm good, but thanks for the thought.

Tom: You sure?

Desean: Yes I'm sure (laughs)

Tom: Okay my boy, well I'll head inside now.

Desean: Okay, thank you though.

Desean's starts off his training with one arm push-ups.

Desean: I will start off with 100 push-ups, then 100 squat thrusts, then I will end it with 100 laps around the training area. Desean starts on his way...

Isis' house...

Ebok: Well we're here.

Isis: Yeah... Ummm.. Baby?

Ebok: Wassup?

Isis: Can you stay the night?

Ebok: Umm.. Yeah I just need to call my mom.

Isis: YES (excited) Okay I'll go tell my parents.

Ebok: (smiling) Well someone is happy.

Isis: Hell yeah, I've been waiting to go to sleep with you at my side.

Ebok: Who you telling baby

Isis: (laughs) you baby (smiles)

Ebok: (laughs) Okay baby

Ebok and Isis head inside, Ebok calls his mom and let's her know that he spending at Isis house. After he finishes calling his mom they go to Isis' bathroom and get ready for bed.

Isis: Baby?

Ebok: Yes?

Isis: Let's take a shower together.

Ebok: Okay I'm down baby.

Isis: Yes! Okay baby (smiles)

Ebok and Isis take their clothes off and get in the shower. Isis turns on the water and they start bathing. Ebok grabs the soap and starts washing Isis' back, as he is cleaning he moves his hands to her butt. His dick gets hard and she feels it as it touches her ass. She moves her butt back, making Ebok's shaft rub on the line of her butt. He then moves his hands to her front as he starts washing her breast. After a while she turns around and grabs the soap and starts clean his dick, after cleaning and cleaning they step out the shower and dry themselves off, and get ready to go to bed.

The end of chapter 16

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