Chapter 20: Braken's Fist

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Shén's Hideout...

Okura: I've mastered them both *waking up from his meditation*

Shén: Oh really? Show me.

Okura: Your funeral.

Shén: Lets go outside.

Okura: Okay go.

Okura follows Shén outside...

Okura: *Popping his neck* ahh let's go

Shén: As you wish

Okura puts his guard up and Shén does the same, they slowly walk around each other in circles. Then suddenly they clash, throwing punches and kicks, countering and blocking, and having an all out fight. As the fight goes on Okura gets an opening...

Okura: There!

Okura throws a punch, but it is caught by Shén.

Shén: You're gonna have to do waaaay better than that if you even want to think about beating me.

Okura jumps back

Okura: Oh well then, I'll show you (grins)

Okura starts to power up

Okura: Ten Percent!

Okura dashes at Shén and they go toe to toe again. Shén catches Okura off guard and lands a blow to the face. Okura stumbles back and now is on defense. Shén charges after him sending multiple attacks, Okura blocks the first two punches, but is caught by a third one. The punch is a direct hit and Okura falls back.

Okura: *wiping his mouth* (thinking) How does he keep countering me? He really lives up to his name.

Shén: Is that all Okura? How about this if you land a direct punch on me you win.

Okura: That's easy, ha, you're really underestimating me.

Shén: Show me.

Okura: As you wish

Okura powers up to 100% of his beast form...

Okura(demonic Voice): Now I know for a fact I will win.

Okura charges at Shén, he puts his guard up, Okura sees his guard, he maneuvers around behind him with incredible speed...

Okura(demonic voice): I got you!

Okura throws a punch, but Shén teleports out the way. He appears behind him...

Shén: You're gonna have to do better than that.

Okura throws a back fist as he turns around, but Shén ducks the attack. He tries to punch Okura in his stomach, but he vanishes. Okura appears on the side of him and gives him a direct punch to the jaw. Okura then powers down.

Okura: I told you I could do it.

Shén: *getting off the ground* this is surprising, I see you have been paying attention to me.

Okura: Yeah I'm hungry I'm going to go get something to eat.

Shén: Ahh, I will join you.

Okura: Okay, whatever.

Shén and Okura head to the nearest restaurant. The restaurant they find is a seafood restaurant called Fish 'N Dip... They find a table and get ready for their order.

Waitress: Hello! I am Emily and I will be serving you for today. Can I start you off with drinks?

Shén: Yes shall have water.

Okura: Water?

Shén: Yes water, true warriors don't drink flavored fluids.

Okura: (rolling his eyes) Whatever

Waitress: Okay, would you like to your food?

Shén: Yes, we shall have the baked fish with a side order of onions and chopped toad.

Waitress: For the both of you?

Shén: Yes mam.

Waitress: Okay I will be right with your food shortly.

The waitress walks off and after 2 minutes of silence, Okura asks a question.

Okura: How is a like being a god.

Shén: It's hard to explain child, it's sort of like writing a book. You can control almost anything, especially if you had my abilities ha. I was the god of gods, but my throne was taken from me.

Okura: Don't you miss it?

Shén: Of course child, but this was actually a blessing. I got to see things from a human's point of view. I get to really experience your struggles and see your everyday battles. I see why Megami loves you and treasure you all so much.

Okura: Who is Megami?

Shén: I see you don't keep up with your history child. Megami is the goddess of all goddesses, and also my wife.

Okura: If she is your wife why would she do that to you?

Shén: Because her love for humanity is too much, anyone who tries to come against you all or tries to destroy you all will get punished.

Okura: Why does she love humanity so much?

Shén: Well when we were creating the Earth Realm, she let me create all the animals, trees, oceans, mountains, and skies, but when it came to the superior being we were going to create, she created you.

Okura: So she created the humans?

Shén: Yes, that is why her love for the human race is so strong.

Okura: Oh yeah, well why didn't she save my family?

Shén: I have no valid answer for that child. I am truly sorry that something that horrible had to happen to you.

Okura: Hey! I'm not a baby, don't try to butter me up, I'm fine.

Shén: ... Okay child

Waitress: Hey! I'm back with your food and drinks.

The waitress hands them their meals.

Waitress: Hope you enjoy, I'll be right over there if you need anything.

Shén: Thank you*nods head*

Waitress: Oh no problem sir.

Shén and Okura go on to eat their meals.

End of Chapter 20

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