Chapter 3: Ebok vs Desean

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Ebok: Isis, Stay by my side. Ume, use your camouflage technique to hide us, and Nashi, rip apart anyone who comes near us.

Team 4 does the formation.

Desean: (thinking) Interesting.

Ebok: Isis, tell me their power level.

Isis: Desean is a 23.2, Okura's is 17.8, James is a 11, and nissa's is a 14.

Ebok: Okay what's their abilities?

Isis: You know Desean's ability, James ability is the ability to control his hair, nissa's ability is the ability to jump, Okura's ability is....(shocked face)

Ebok: what is it?

Isis: He has an inner beast that when released his power level jumps up to 39.4, but can only be released during rage.

Ebok: Wow, this might be harder than I thought.

Okura: well if you won't move I'll gladly defeat these weaklings.

Desean: Hmph

Okura: Haaaaa! Die!

Ebok: Nashi Now!

Nashi: Night scare attack

QUICK FACT: Nashi, has the sense of a tiger, when he goes to his form his nails grow out his teeth gets sharper and he grows his fur, Ume's ability is she can make people or object camouflage with their surroundings so they seem invisible. Back to the story.

Nashi: (Roars, power jumps up to 23.1)
He cuts a big slash across Okura's chest

Okura: How dare you! I'll kill you

Okura can't see them, but still charges in anyway...
Okura throws a punch it's caught by Nashi, Nashi finishes him off by driving his claws through the same wound he just gave him. Okura collapses and loses conscious, James and Nissa surrender. Leaving Desean by himself. Desean closes his eyes and stand still.

Desean: There

Desean knees Nashi in the stomach knocking him unconscious.

Ebok: (In Awe) What speed.

Desean: Let's make things interesting. Take this camouflage off.

Desean sends a shockwave toward Ume, knocking her unconscious. Now Ebok and Isis are visible.

Desean: Enough of hiding, we are the two strongest fighters in this school, let's go head on.

Isis: Don't do it Ebok, forfeit.

Ebok: Sorry, but that's not an option, and I'm shaking to see how strong this guy is.

Isis: (shocked at Ebok's integrity) Okay I'll just get out of the way. *steps off the battlefield*

Ebok: Now I can fight at full power.

Desean: So can I

Desean builds up his lighting blue aura, and Ebok increases his force up to 20...
Ebok charges at Desean...

Ebok: Let's see how strong you are, *swings multiple punches*

Desean: *dodging the punches* (thinking) If he gets a direct hit, I'm done for.

Desean jumps back and blasts a lighting bolt...
Ebok sees it coming and counters...

Ebok: mass release! Negative 100...*flies in the air and dodges the attack*

Ebok powers back up...

Ebok: Mass times 20

Desean: (Thinking) He's pretty good, this is not going to be easy.

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