Ëthia: Chapter 4 ~ On the Right Path~

Start from the beginning

The big blue pieces of fabric that had been hanging from the ceiling were now darkened, many candles had lit the place up giving it a warm comfortable feeling, and servants in the background hustled about cleaning things.

Kiara sat at the head of the table, Jarom on one side and Ëthia on the other.

Kiara began to speak, "Well I'm glad you both made it to dinner on time, How are you feeling Jarom?"

"I'm doing well, thanks for asking Kiara" Jarom replied.

The dinner went on with little conversation that night, it wasn't awkward, just relaxing. They chatted about the events of the day, what happened to Jarom, how Ëthia felt, and Kiara even told some strange stories of Ëthia's mother and her as children.

"You should've seen us" Kiara said finishing the story, "We were the best of friends" Kiara looked down at her empty plate of food for a moment, "I miss her so much, I don't think there was a better friend for me out there".

"I'm so lucky to have you" Ëthia told Kiara.

Kiara looked up and smiled at her, "Thank you, you've been so good to me all these years, putting up with me. But, I must get to bed now, You have a busy day tomorrow, some suitors are coming over in case you forgot" Kiara said and left the room.

"Suitors" Jarom repeated.

Ëthia looked at him with a weak smile, "What, I do have to be united soon you know" And it was left at that.

Ëthia and Jarom got up and left the dining room, they both went to their own separate rooms, and lay on their beds.

Jarom was soon asleep in his room and Ëthia lay in her room looking at the ceiling.

'Oh mom' she thought to herself, 'what am I gonna do? I don't know who to be united with, and I don't want to be United with the wrong person'. Her mind paused for a moment, 'I want to be United for love, like you and father, but at the same time I need a man who knows what he will be doing. It seems like so much is on the line for me and everyone else'

Ëthia rolled over on her side and took a deep breath, she closed her eyes and lay in the silence.

Footsteps of servants went by, conversation of guards voices went through the door, and the soft sound of Ëthia's breathing were the only things heard in her room.

A while of time passed and Ëthia was still awake with her eyes shut.

She got out of her bed and opened the door.

By now the halls were empty and only little candles on the wall lit things ups, little dances of shadows made their way across the wall as if they tempted Ëthia to dance with them.

Ëthia smiled at the sight of the shadows but made her way to Jarom's room. She walked in and saw he was still sleeping.
She didn't come in the room for Jarom, she instead walked over to the window and looked out.

Jarom's window faced the front court yard entrance, and Ëthia's room faced the back gardens.
Ëthia looked out the window and saw some of the plants swaying back and forth in the wind, they too looked like they were dancing like the candles. The top of the trees gently joined the dance while the half moon had made the leaves of the trees shimmer as it went back and forth.
Ëthia smiled, the view of all this made her feel something inside, something warm, and comforting. She continued to admire the beauty of the night and soon was brought to the attention of a woman running towards the castle in a hurry.

Ëthia left her current position to make her way down to the front door.

Guards were there and asked her why she was up, "That's none of your concern, but open the door"

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