Start from the beginning

"We have to get away from them" I heard Elias say from beside me and I turned to look at him.

Blood was dripping down his face from a huge gash in his head but somehow he seemed better off than I was.

"Can you carry her?" I heard Acadia shout over the deafening cawing of the creatures.

Elias nodded as he pulled himself up from the ground then picked me up.

"Run," Acadia shouted.

Elias ran with me over his shoulders while Acadia followed behind us using my mace to bat of any creatures that managed to get too close.

"There's a hole in the ground not too far from here," Elias said sounding out of breath. "Its half covered by a tree, if we can make it there, there should be enough room for us all to hide."

I didn't hear Acadia's response because the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground with Elias half on top of me, a spear through his arm.

"Thanks for the tip twelve." Percy from four said coming into my vision and pulling the spear from Elias's arm.

"Get away from them," Acadia shouted swinging my mace in his direction while at the same time trying to keep an eye out for more of the creatures.

"Get away from them," Teagan from seven mocked coming in from behind Acadia and making Percy laugh.

Acadia spun half way trying to keep them both in her sight.

I could hear the Cawing of the creatures once again and knew they had managed to catch up with us, but this time I was thankful because even though there was a high chance they would finish me off there was also a chance they could kill Percy and Teagan.

The bird like creatures flew into Teagan and his screams filled my ears.

I saw Percy turn to run but Acadia ran behind him and smashed my mace into the back of his head. The cannon sounded before his body hit the ground.

Acadia helped Elias to his feet .

"Get us to the hole," She said to him and he nodded.

She then half lifted me letting me put almost all of my weight on her as we followed Elias.

The third cannon sounded as Acadia and Elias helped me into the cramped space. There was just enough room for the three of us to hide.

"We should be safe in here for a while," Elias said as he pulled some bandages and water from his bag.

"I hope so," I heard Acadia's reply before everything turned to black.



I was running, well, more like hobbling away from it. Although I'm unsure what it is exactly, I have gathered enough information to know that it can inflict pain. And a lot of it. I figured this out because it swung it's miniature mace of a tail at my leg.

Oh, and it flies. I practically jumped for joy when I figured that out. 'Wattpanem, congratulations, you have officially made me sarcastic' I often thought to myself... Sarcastically. This thing is seemingly unstoppable, and so are all of it's friends. The pack hunting my alliance now is composed of four identical beasts total, with their leathery wings beating through the air mercilessly.

I continued to push my weak legs, stinging from the venom from it's tail, to run faster. I prayed that the pain would soon cease. Our alliance of five was hopping from island to island, killing the inhabitants, and hoping to escape what we now all call Flocks. I quickly glanced back to spot Naveen falling hopelessly behind the group. I saw him trip and fall headfirst into the water surrounded by Flocks. Sprinting back to him, I was grateful the two Flocks surrounding him lost interest and flew away to find different prey.

Soon enough, I had reached him. Or what is left of him. All of his upper body was in the water, the rest on the sandy ground beneath my very feet. I could've sworn he was dead. When I pulled him out, I discovered two things, one, he is heavier than he looks, and two, the Flocks got to him. His face was adorned with holes the size of dimes, all from the Flocks blasted tails. These holes were dripping with a purple tinted pus. I gasped and pulled up my pant leg to reveal an identical situation.

My attention was caught by a feeble cough escaping Naveen's lips.

"Omigoshyouralive!" I shouted in one breath. He smiled weakly up at me. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at something behind me. I whip around to see three Flocks gaining up on us.

I cursed under my breath and spun my whole body around to stand up into a better fighting position. They seemed to sneer at me with their black matte beaks. This was the first time I could really get a good look at the ugly little things. As I took in their short height, two legs, wings, round belly, and sharp beak I thought to myself 'they could be called the 4F: Fat, Featherless, Fierce, Flocks'. The thought made me smile, until I realized all three of them were only a few feet away. They looked angry, maybe they could read minds and they knew I just insulted them. As they growled and inched closer, I spun my sword in my hand nervously. Sweat trickled down my neck under the hot sun that reflected across the water surrounding me.

Just before they pounced, Percy, Teagan, and Ember all came up behind the beasts and sliced their black heads cleanly off. The ratio of people to Flocks was 1:1, it was so perfect, it almost looked staged. The three slayers swung their weapons in unison, and it all left me in a state of awe."Took ya long enough" I said through fits of internal laughter. It was so ridiculous, they are all so heroic, then there's me, who accidentally killed a girl at the cornucopia. 'And couldn't even save herself from a few demon birds' I mentally inserted. How did I end up in such a good alliance?I sighed and watched them be all heroic looking while they cleaned their weapons from the Flocks' purple tinted blood and guts.

We walked to a safer looking island to set up camp. Against his wishes, Naveen was carried there by Teagan. It looked like there had been a miniature blood bath here on the island we decided on. It was fairly small, but big enough to fit all five of us once we cleared it off. There were bodies, body parts, and who-knows-what scattered everywhere. I sighed and began to work on pushing it all into the lake.

A familiar head floated to the top and I let out a shrill scream. This head belonged to someone I despised since the games began; Elysia. Her face was bruised, bloody, and for once, weak looking. I smiled, I didn't defeat her like I wanted to, but someone did. And now that annoying girl is dead.

The Starving Artist: Hunger Games 2015Where stories live. Discover now