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It took three hours to physically get ready for the parade. But for Layla, it had taken twenty four hours to mentally prepare for this. She had practiced smiling in the mirror, imagining herself drenched in makeup and in some beach getup. But the costumes this year were so much more. Layla found herself wearing a floor-length dress with a sandy colored top, twisted in so many directions. 'That must've taken forever' was Layla's main thought about the top portion of the dress. There were shells strung onto thin silver thread on her waistline, and above and below her cap sleeves. Her skirt was composed of a layer of turquoise colored silk, and on top was a fishing net with jeweled shells tied into it.

Unfortunately, Layla wasn't as impressed with her shoes. They were sandals with countless straps... and five inch heels. The straps went clear up to her calf. Layla had never longed more for her flip-flops.After getting ready, Percy, the other tribute from her district, insisted on waiting in the loading dock with the other tributes. Layla supposed that she should get to know everyone. It was only the right thing to do. Upon their entrance, the pair from district seven approached them. Percy instantly hit it off with them. 'Good' Layla thought, 'he won't cling to me in the games if he is with them'. She sauntered off towards the corner to think. She wasn't alone for very long though. A girl from district three came up to her and began to ramble off. She was wearing a black dress with a green computer chip design and wrapped in cords. Layla was thankful to discover that her shoes too, looked uncomfortable. Layla learned that the girl's name was Elysia, her father is an engineer, her mother is in technical support, and that she has two younger brothers. Elysia went on to say that she loved Layla's dress, and how lucky Layla was to have such a cool float. 'She is probably just jealous that it hovers' Layla thought smugly to herself. She spaced out as Elysia rambled on about their float, hovering over it as she talked, until Percy walked up to say hello. Elysia scrambled off before he could get the word out of his mouth.A voice buzzed overhead informing everyone that it was time to load into the district chariots.Percy and Layla climbed onto the chariot."So I made an alliance with Teagan and Ember, the tributes from seven," he said, looking up to her makeuped face. "They said we'd make a great team of four."

"Team of four you said? Because I've joined up with the Careers."

His face grew red. "Oh, sorry- I didn't-"
"It was a joke," she giggled. Making an attempt to smooth things over, she tried to change the subject. "So your twelve right?""Ummm... No. I'm seventeen. Just because you're a year older doesn't mean you have to look at me like a kid." He replied harshly.She thought for a moment. "Wait, I'm not eighteen, I'm only fourteen! But gosh, for as long as I've known you, I have always thought that you were twelve."'More awkward conversations'Thankfully, before Percy could reply, the float started moving. They both plastered smiles on their faces as they came out into the bright sun and cheering audience. The smiles didn't last long, for the float lost a hover engine. And then another. The giant shell they were riding in came crashing to the ground. That's when Elysia turned around to smirk at them. Layla tried to convince herself that Elysia would die soon anyways. The float was pulled by two blue colored horses, for decoration, and Layla's wheels began to turn. She motioned for Percy to follow her as she climbed onto one of the horses, with her heels in one hand, and the reins in the other, she rode gracefully over to where Percy was struggling to mount his horse. She scoffed as she had to practically shove him onto the saddle. He didn't look very sturdy, but he grinned from ear to ear anyways. The crowd loved it. This went on until the end of the parade, where Layla felt the need to give a rather cheeky grin to Elysia, who was still standing in her chariot a ways away from Layla. "Just wait until the games, Greenthorn," she scowled.Layla turned to Percy, "Y'know Percy, that alliance doesn't sound all that bad."

The Starving Artist: Hunger Games 2015Where stories live. Discover now