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The excitement was blatantly obvious on the stony faces of the Gamemakers as they took their places in their chairs. A team of twenty of the Capitol's finest made up the team that would sit around the gamemaker's circle and decide the fate of the tributes. Their leaders sat above them, spread out so that no matter where you sat, you would be able to see at least one of them across from you.

Harry adjusted his headset, which he would use to communicate with his team and make the countdown for the arena.

The circle was glowing profusely as fourty-six hands flew over the controls, making the final preparations to launch the tributes into the arena. The hologram of the arena floated in the center, the Cornucopia in the center. Soon it would be filled with life, and death. Everything they had done this year had lead up to this point.

Harry glanced at his watch. It was time.

"Area one, are we clear for boarding of the tributes?" Harry said into his headset.

Claire's voice buzzed in his ear. "Area one is a go. Boarding tributes now."

Harry nodded, touching a portion of the table that would open the elevator shafts and turn on the tribute monitors.

Twenty-six screens flickered to life above the Gamemaker's heads, each displaying identical waiting rooms with twenty-six anxious looking tributes inside. Almost simultaneously, the tributes stepped into their respective tubes.

"Tributes are boarded,"Claire said over the headset.

"Confirmed. Areas two and three, bring the arena up. We're live," Harry said.

"Area two is a go," Rohe said.

"Area three is ready too," Mer said. She giggled over the headset. "This is so exciting!"

Harry nodded and entered a command into the table. He watched as the anxious faces of the tributes.

"The arena is live. Area three, put me over there now," Harry said.

Mer giggled. "The intercom system is live, and so are the cameras. We're ready."

With that, Harry took a deep breath and stood up, adjusting his tie. He wiped his hands, but this wasn't because of nerves, no. Harry didn't get nervous.

He made a few adjustments on his work area and his script appeared in front of him as the anthem plays as every single person in WattPanem begins watching. Every eye, from the Capitol to the desolate district thirteen was on him. The nation's symbol faded, signalling it was his turn.

He forced a smile on his face and began.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the start of the first ever Starving Artist Games," Harry said, looking into the camera in front of him. "We are the lucky few who will be here to witness it all happen, right here. From the interviews, to the training, to the parade, and not forgetting the reaping that started it all, it all comes down to this moment. As we speak, the tributes are preparing to enter the arena."

As he spoke, Mer's voice sounded through the headsets. "Tributes are launching in three, two, one..." The Gamemakers scoot closer to their tables and begin tapping furiously in their respective areas.

The camera switched over to the arena and Harry realized that he was holding his breath. He hoped the rest of the nation was doing the same.

Their minute starts now.



For this round, you will write about everything your tribute does in the initial battle at the cornucopia. That means include everything your tribute does from rising into the arena to leaving the Cornucopia. You can choose between risking your life and making a break for the Cornucopia, or flee as soon as the countdown ends.

The Starving Artist: Hunger Games 2015Where stories live. Discover now