A Note on Posting Entries

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I wanted to just take this time to say thank you to all those that participated in the Early Reaping. I would also like to say, if you didn't participate in the early reaping, you still have an equal opportunity to make it into the games as everyone else does.

Now, I can't remember if I have mentioned this already, and if I have please tell me so I'm not redundant.

As you should probably know by now, all tributes are required to email their contest entries to sagamemakers@gmail.com. This is a requirement and we will not take entries any other way.

While you are required to email your entries, there is no rule against posting them as chapters in a book on your Wattpad profile. They will be posted in this book, but I would actually recommend posting them as a book.

From my own personal experience, unless you are from district 1, it is very hard for people to make it all the way to your story. Your entry will not get its own chapter, because frankly that would be a very long book. The way I have it outlined each task will take up four to five chapters each. Times that by five tasks and add each individual tribute profile and you're looking at 60+ sections.

The only condition a have for posting them as a book is something you'll want to do anyways. Attach a link to this book so they are able to read and vote properly.

That's all I have for you today! Thank you and I wish you the best of luck during reservations!

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