Meet the Gamemakers: Rohe SeNalla

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AGE: 47

STATUS: Gamemaker for seven years, assistant gamemaker for ten years. She also has experience in creating obstacles for games and replications of the Games for those who live at the Capital.

SPECIALTY: Rohe is best at volcanic activities, poisonous gasses, and drugs that stir adrenaline and rage. She is skilled with working the games and can make a change happen within mere minutes of finding out a contestant has made a move.

PERSONALITY: Rohe is very controlled, and not easily angered. She likes to believe she knows who will win from the beginning and at times will try to make it harder for others, though she doesn't let that get in the way of making the games fun. Rohe tries to keep the games as both a source of entertainment, and a source of letting the Districts know who's in control.

SPONSORSHIP: Rohe is more than likely to sponsor tributes who are physically strong and mentally strong. She looks for the smart and those who have the gall to win no matter what the cost. Rohe is more likely to sponsor tributes from District 1, 7, 8, and 3 (in that order, normally).

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