District 4: Male- Percy Cole

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AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is of thin appearance, but has strong arm and leg muscles from lugging heavy fishing equipment. He tends to keep his light brown hair generally short, has a dark brown eye color, and wears thin clothing (his district has a relatively heated climate). His skin is calloused from strenuous work. He is also set at a significant disadvantage for a terrible sense of hearing.

PERSONALITY: Percy takes pride in his cool head and bright attitude. He has developed a sort of friendship with patience and has a never-ending thirst for knowledge. It takes a lot to get him angry, and even then, he tries to be as collected as possible. Each option is bounced around in his head before he takes action, which is both a gift and a curse in his opinion.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Spear/Blow darts

LIFESTYLE: His primary goal in life is more than survival: he wants to be great and remembered, but he promised himself that it would not be for coming home victor--and killer--in the Games. Daily life includes dragging hours of setting up and lugging fishing equipment place to place, loading cargo, and tying knots for extra income. However, after hours when possible, he sneaks into a library set aside solely for Peacekeepers off duty and takes several books home with him to feed his hunger for information. Through this, he has learned both the ways of other districts and necessary skills for survival.

TOKEN: Deformed Seashell

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