District 9: Female- Caina Sren

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AGE: 15

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Caina has red hair and green eyes she also has freckles. Caina wears dirty clothes because she does not have enough money to buy more. Caina is "5.2" and weighs 100 pounds. Carina has a few scars from her fathers abuse.

PERSONALITY: Carina is a very kind and genourous person who is very sad because of her mothers death and fathers abuse towards her and her brother. Benk her brother is only 10 and they are both abused by her father Gela. They come home every day to an angry and drunken father hurting them with countless items.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Bow and arrow or throwing knives

LIFESTYLE: Caina went to school for only 10 years and had to drop out. She dropped out to work so she could care for her child Ena and her husband Fera. Caina and her child have to live on their own because Fera was transferred to District 10. Fera is still Caina's husband they just can't see each other

TOKEN: Her wedding ring from Fera

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