District 1: Male- Azrael Thanatos

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AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tanned skin, brilliant green eyes, curly black hair, and aquiline features. Charming smile. Middle height, athletic, but relatively thin. Twin scars down his cheeks from a knife fight. Wears anything that won't restrict his movement. Generally prefers clothes that blend into his environment. If they don't, he'll do something to change them until they do as much as possible.

PERSONALITY: He enjoys a good fight, and during his alone time, he writes music or sketches. When he isn't training or pushing himself to his limits, he's hanging out in the nearest forest or spending time by himself. He tends to be a loner, and doesn't like to work with others; he's strong enough on his own. His main goal is to win this game and move on. After that, he's planning to find someplace quiet to raise a family and live in peace.

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Poison or something with a sharp edge

LIFESTYLE: He wants to be left alone to live in peace with a small family. That's his biggest goal. He lives moderately, using only the bare minimum to support himself. As for work, he often sells his artwork at the market, and he earns most of his income by competing in mixed martial arts competitions or other contests involving weapons. That's how he got the scars on his face.

TOKEN: A corded collar necklace of hemp with a silver cross on it

The Starving Artist: Hunger Games 2015Where stories live. Discover now