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"And next up we have Elysia Ambrose from district three," Rohe introduced me and I walked forward waving at the crowd.

"I'm a huge fan of your work," I smiled brightly speaking to Rohe as I took my seat. "I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year in the arena." I tried my best to look excited.

She gave me a smile, "Oh I'm sure you're just going to love it."

I plastered a huge smile on my face as I twisted in my seat, subtly; trying to get comfortable in the pale yellow dress my stylists had made for my interview. I hated wearing dresses.

"So Elysia," Rohe said from her seat across from me. "How do you feel about the Capitol so far?" She asks.

"It's amazing here," I smile looking out at the crowd. "The food is amazing, I don't think I've ever ate so well in my life." That was true, back in district three we didn't have enough money to feed us this well.

She let out a small laugh at my words before continuing. "How did you feel about being reaped?"

"I couldn't believe it at first," I started, "That it was my name, it didn't register straight away." I shook my head still a little in disbelief that I was actually chosen. "But then I thought that it was a good thing," I didn't think it was good at all but I smirked anyway, I had to keep a strong face. "Because now district three is going to win."

The crowd laughed at my comment and I smiled sweetly at them.

"So you think you have what it takes to win?" She asked my sounding interested.

"Of course I do," I said confidence in my voice even though inside I was falling apart with fear. "Most tributes here are either strong physically or are really smart," I said. "But I'm both and in the games that is a deadly combination."

"Oh it certainly is," She nodded at the crowd, "We love to see strong and smart tributes" she continued as the crowd cheered. "Is there any particular weapon you would like to see at the cornucopia?" she asked me.

"I would love to have a mace," I say, "I can do a lot of damage with a mace, so the others better watch out if I get my hands on one."

"Speaking of the other tributes?" She asked me, leaning forward in her seat. "Is there anyone in particular you are worried about facing?"

What a stupid question, of course there were people I was worried about, I was a sixteen year old girl from district three the odds definitely were not in my favour, though that wasn't how I answered. I may be going into a fight to the death but that didn't mean I had a death wish.

"I've been keeping my eyes on Azrael from one and Lucas from two, I know they are going to be tough competition," I said naming the two careers I though seemed stronger. "My district partner Alistair seems really smart, but of course he's a three, like me, so that's expected." I grinned at the audience. Alistair although my district partner did seem like a threat, I knew that strength didn't always mean physical. "Wendy from thirteen also seems really smart from what I've noticed."

"They do all seem like very strong tributes," Rohe agreed, "What about Allies?" She asked me.

"Well, I've been talking to Acadia from twelve." I said. "I think we might team up, at least until the competition is down a little."

"Ah, Acadia." Rohe nodded. "There are a few who seem to find her intimidating, is there anything you would like to share about the mysterious tribute from twelve."

The Starving Artist: Hunger Games 2015Where stories live. Discover now