100) Walking in

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It's quite late when Brett sets foot in his hallway. He stayed too long at Eddy's, unable to let him go. But he had to, but it was so hard it's unnerving. If someone would have told him a mere two months ago that he would be having a hard time leaving his boyfriend today, he would have laughed it away in a second, thinking that person had a mental breakdown or something. Thank God life doesn't give a fuck about what he thinks.
Brett enters as softly as he can, glances at the light button and decides to keep the light off. He doesn't want to disturb his roommates who might be sleeping already. He puts his shoes on the pile that is their sorry way of trying for a shoe rack and hangs his coat on the knob of the meter cupboard.
Softly he opens the living room door, a small light burning in the corner guiding him in, but just as he enters, he hears a soft noise coming from the couch that makes him stop in his tracks. He wills his eyes accustomed to the light so he can make out what has made that noise. He hears it again: A soft moan, and then very clear kissing sounds. After a few blinks he can finally distinguish two figures on the couch, lying on top of each other, obviously making out: Mason under, Timo on top of him. Another moan and Brett is backing away into the hallway again, even more softly than he came in. It takes a full minute before his heartbeat steadies again. It's not only that he didn't expect them being awake, but also that he has to get used to the possibility of walking in on them.
He contemplates what to do. Barge in and scare the shit out of his friends? No matter how tempting that is, he has some mercy on them. Obviously, in a few months time when their relationship is settled more, he will take every opportunity to mess with them. But not yet.
Brett glances at the slightly ajar door and makes a decision. He tiptoes towards the outside door, opens it with extreme caution and then SLAMS it shut. He hears a strangled gasp and some ruckus from the living room and he can't help his wicked smile. Poor mates. He pretends to put his shoes away and bumps against the meter cupboard as if he's hanging his coat there and then he opens the door widely.
"Aye, mates." he greets his friends gamely.
They are sitting next to each other and although they are much closer than they would have been a week ago, only their rosy-cheeked faces reveal what they were doing before Brett entered.

"Thank God it's just you!" Mason lets a deep breath escape when he sees it's Brett who enters.

"You scared the living daylight out of us!" Timo agrees.

"'Just you'?!" Brett says as he walks towards the kitchen to get something to drink. "Who else were you expecting if it wasn't me?" But then suddenly Brett realises why Mason said it like that. He turns around to face them. "Wait a minute. Vin and Peter don't know yet?"

Timo shakes his head sideways. "Not yet. Luke doesn't know either."

Mason shrugs when he sees Brett's questioning face. "We don't know how to break it to them."

"How on earth do you think you'll hide it from them? Just looking at your faces gives you away." Brett grins. "They won't be hearing it from me, though."

"Thanks man." Timo leans against Mason, who wraps an arm around him.

Brett looks at the gesture and can't help but grin.
"Look at you! You are so cute!"
The remark earns him a flip of the finger from Mason. Brett chuckles and pours water in a glass. "You want something?" he asks over his shoulder, getting two negative answers from the couch. With a full glass in his hand he plops on a chair to the side of the couch. "I'll go to my room in a minute. Then you can snog some more." he winks. His friends chuckle at the same time. Suddenly Brett realises it's a thing they have done since they've met, just like answering at the same time and completing their sentences. How did he not see this coming?

"I really have to get a bigger bed so we don't have to do it here. We don't fit on mine together." Mason reddens. "I would love for Timo to stay over." He nervously glances at Timo, who immediately states a bright smile.

"Yes. That would be nice." Timo agrees and Mason relaxes visibly.

Brett thinks back at his evening and smiles wistfully. They didn't end up on the bed either.
"Waking up besides someone you like is heaven."

"Why aren't you staying over at Eddy's then?" Timo inquires teasingly.

"I have my reasons. For one: He's way too distracting." Brett sighs. "Can't practice normally. I can only look at him. So embarrassing." He rolls his eyes to the ceiling.

Timo chuckles. "You've got it bad, haven't you?"

"The worst. He's crept under my skin when I wasn't looking and now it's too late." Brett sighs. "And second: it's so very fucking scary. Of course."

"Scary? In what world is Eddy scary?" Timo banters.

Brett weighs his new friend up. He probably doesn't know it's not a joking matter. He decides to explain it to him in the shortest way possible. "My disastrous ex left me with some baggage." he says bluntly. "Ask Mason for details. He saved me from her after all."
Timo's head snaps to Mason's, who looks closely at Brett in turn, unspoken words for him in his eyes. "Yes, Mason, you can fill him in. I have to sleep in half an hour and don't want to deal with memories from back then." Brett breathes in deeply. Just saying this is making him think already and he feels his anxiety rising. Fuck it! He should be over this already. "But that's why we're taking it a bit slow." he says to Timo.
Considering everything, it's going quite well.
But why is his throat thick all of a sudden?

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