91) You can dance?

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They peek around the corner of the door in search of the origin of the laughter. Two men they are in the kitchen where Mason, standing at the sink with Timo as a blanket folded around him, is trying to get some juice in a cup. He is failing spectacularly, because Timo tickles him every time he tries to pour.

"You are such a critten!" Mason laughs. "You wanted something to drink, so let me do this, you numbnut."

Timo chuckles deviously. "I can't help that you have the motor skills of a stick insect. It's a good thing you play piano instead of cello. You wouldn't hit a note in tune with this skittish behavior of yours."

Just as Mason turns to hit him, he sees Brett and Eddy instantly as he does.
"Hey! You're back! Just in time. We're about to head out to get something to eat. We-"

"Not yet you are!" Brett interrupts as he unpacks the bag with the Bubble teas demonstratively. "First you're going to drink the bubble teas we brought with us." To emphasize his statement he pushes their drinks in their hands. "With the sight of how this was going just now," he gestures at the mess on the kitchen counter they made, "you'll be thirsty enough for it."

Timo smashes the straw he is handed by Eddy through the lid and takes a large, grateful sip. "Oh, God." he grunts, sounding semi-orgastic. "I needed this so much! This man had me starving from dehydration with his clumsiness." he nods in Mason's direction.
Mason gives him a glance and shakes his head as he too jabs his straw through the plastic layer with an satisfying plop.

"Come Eddy." Brett grabs Eddy's hand and plops onto the couch, pulling Eddy down with him.

"Eddy, my friend, you need a bigger couch and some more chairs." Mason complains as he drops to the floor. Timo hesitates for a moment, but then sinks to the ground next to him.

"Think so?" Eddy shrugs as he makes himself comfortable against Brett, who wraps his arm around his shoulder. "Never needed more, until now. I only had you and Luke coming over. And even so, loads of people all over the world sit on the floor, so why not you?"

"Why not you then?" Timo quips back.

"Because we are of higher standing, you peasant." Eddy rapidly fires back.

"He does have the glasses to be an aristocrat already." Brett grins. He adjusts his own pair, very deliberately using his middle finger and wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

"Hmm?" Mason watches his friends bespectacled faces intently. "Well, Brett is beyond saving, of course, but Eddy... they look very nice on you. Well done."

"Hear, hear." Timo enthuses.

"And when did you say you are leaving?" Brett banters playfully.

Eddy sits back in the couch as Mason and Timo chuckle in unison. He looks around his living room, loving the banter between his friends. When did he have this before?

"In a minute. We were waiting for you, actually. We wanted to tread you for saving our asses today."

"Oh, but that's not nessec-" Eddy starts, but is interrupted by Brett.

"Nah. Don't want to get in your way, you love birds." Brett says. "And I had planned to teach Eddy to dance this evening."

Eddy frowns and something in him tenses. "Oh? Why?"

"When we go Clubbing next week, I want us to dance together. I told you I want to make things clear for all people I know there, didn't I?"

"Yes. But not when." Eddy mumbles. Tension grows. Him, dancing in front of everybody? No way!

"Don't fret." Brett kisses the frown on his head. "I'll fill you in on the details later. Okay? First I'll teach you how to move. So," he shifts his gaze to his friends, "we have no time to eat out."

Timo cheers up. "Oh, but if it's dancing you're worrying about, you can come with us! Eddy can dance quite well, you know. He just doesn't."
Timo gives Eddy half a heart attack. Why the hell is he mention this without Eddy's approval?!

"What?" Brett's eyes fly to Eddy's. "You can dance?! You didn't tell me! Or have shown me."

Eddy eyes shoots daggers at Timo, who clearly has no idea what he's done wrong. The bastard. Does Timo expect him to show Brett his moves like it's nothing? Brett will judge him and he so isn't ready for that. How did it end up like this? He just wanted a nice, relaxed evening, and not having to do an audition for Australia Got Talent. Brett squeezes his shoulder encouragingly for an answer to his question.
"Well, we never talked about it." he hesitates. "And I'm not that good, anyway."

"Oh, yes you are. I dare to say you are even better than most of us combined." Timo breaks into the conversation. Eddy can't believe it, but he managed to make it even worse. Damn him and his big mouth! He going to have his ass for this.

"Oh? And how would you know?" Eddy flings back, desperate to get to safer ground.

"I have eyes, you know? When you are tipsy or drunk and at home, you do stuff you normally don't in public." Timo points his index finger at Eddy. "So I know firsthand that you, my friend, can dance."
Eddy has no idea how to refute this casually stated claim. Timo says it like he has been dancing all his life in front of him.

Brett's eyes are large behind his glasses while he looks at Eddy like he sees him for the first time. "Should get him drunk more often then." he tells the room and Eddy knows immediately he won't touch any bottle with any percentage of alcohol in it soon.

"But the request stays the same. Come. Eat with us. We're taking you to that new sushi place." Mason presses to Eddy's great relief. "Sushi, sushi, sushi?"

Eddy doesn't need a second to respond, because it's an out! Anything will be better than to have to dance in front of Brett so out of the blue. He has to prepare himself for that. So Eddy squeezes Brett's leg. "Let's?"

After a look at Eddy, Brett gives in. "All right. But Wednesday we'll practice our moves!"

Wednesday is a three nights sleep away. He can practice a little and won't make a fool of himself like he would tonight. Maybe. Hopefully. So he nods.

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