94) Frog legs

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Timo's glance goes over to the approaching figures. He quickly looks sideways with a huge smirk present on his face. He bumps Eddy's shoulder. "But it feels nice for both, right?" he whispers louder than Eddy wants.

Eddy rolls his eyes upwards. "Sheesh. Yes, of course! Otherwise people wouldn't do it." he whispers back just before their friends are within hearing range.

"Do what?" Brett asks in an amused tone. Eddy's eyes fly up towards the charming eyes of his boyfriend. Damn his good hearing. And surely he has noticed Eddy's complexion. So what to say next? Before he can think of something good to say, Timo has already answered.

"Eating frog legs." Timo says in a very serious manner. "Can't imagine people would want to eat anything that comes of a frog, least of all their butt." He makes a face to emphasise his statement.
Eddy sighs with relief. It wouldn't be out of character for Timo to push his luck. Brett raises his eyebrows and chuckles, clearly not believing a word of this story, but he slides besides Eddy, thank God, and leaves it like that.

"Nice colour you have there, Eddy." Brett remarks casually while he wraps an arm around him. "Eat something spicy?" He turns Eddy's head with a hand on his chin and kisses him on the corner of his mouth.

"Brett!" Eddy whisers urgently while he looks over to his sides to see if people are looking at them. "We are in public!"

"So?" Brett deadpans as he picks up a nigiri from the plate in front of him with his chopsticks, dips it into the soya and sticks it into his mouth and chews while nodding approvingly.

"You can't kiss me like that in a place like this." Eddy tries to explain, looking from side to side again to see any reaction of the people around them.

Brett weighs him, swallows and sticks his bottom lip to the front in a sulking way. "Why not?"

Eddy blinks a few times rapidly. Is he serious? A glance on his man's face tells him that under the playful pouting, he really is. "People might see." he says as if it explains everything. "Some do not approve. It's common sense to be careful."

Brett narrows his eyes. "If I would kiss a girl, nobody would bat an eye." his tone is harsh.

It's clear to Eddy that Brett hasn't encountered homophobia yet. Eddy squeezes his leg softly. "But we are men, love. Not everybody approves of us." He smiles ruefully. It's a fact that they can't act like a hetero couple does.

"Yes, we're men. And I don't give a flying fuck about what others think." He eyes Eddy with conviction.

"You will if someone chases your arse down. Listen. Groups of friends come here and they serve alcohol. Not a good combination. We have to be careful in places like this."

"Listen." Brett turns Eddy's head once again. "I want to be with you like I would be with anyone, man or female. Look at me. I'm dead serious."
Eddy sees he is. He is drawn in by the sweetest smile that hovers on his boyfriends lips as their eyes connect. Those eyes... the little brown spot floating on the white in the left one, large pupils, electricity pulling him in, preventing him to break the line. The world evaporates, only those eyes float before him. A shiver runs down his spine, taking his words with it. He sees Brett's mouth move before he hears the words as through a fog. "Eddy. I really don't care what others think. They have to get used to us being together. I don't want to hide my feelings. Never again." He leans in and kisses him on his mouth with conviction. His tongue pushes Eddy's lips open and slips inside. Eddy melts on the spot as he can't help but return the languid, gyrating movement, and for the longest time the world doesn't exist. Eventually they part and Brett smiles widely. "I don't care what others think." he says again, smiling brightly.
Eddy swallows his objection down. If only it could be like this.
Could it?

"You really don't care, do you?" Timo asks bluntly, snapping Eddy out of his reverie. He had forgotten about the others, sitting very close to watch the show. He blushes and scrapes his throat. He quickly takes some meat as a diversion.

"That was way too much sweetness to whiteness." Mason flutters his eyes, head leaning on his hands with his elbows on the table.

Brett casts him a stony look. "Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck." Mason immediately shoots up as Brett kicks his shin hard.

"But Brett," Timo starts, the tone of his words causing Eddy to shoot him a nervous glance. Oh God, what is he about to do? Eddy shifts uncomfortably.
"If you don't give a fuck people knowing, can you tell me what you are?" Timo asks as if it's the most normal subject possible. "Are you bi? Pan? Top? Bottom? Or Vers, like Eddy?"
Eddy almost chokes in his own spit and starts coughing. Timo will be the death of him some day. But if Brett is taken aback by the question, he doesn't show it.

"You alright, Eddy?" Brett asks, slapping his back. Eddy nods feebly, trying to find a witty answer that will save Brett from answering. But his mind is blank, his wit nowhere to be found, only a vast emptiness in its place. Brett doesn't lose focus on him and eventually slips his arm around Eddy's shoulder. "You told him you're Vers? You Didn't even tell me that." he asks sweetly.

Eddy feebly shakes his head sideways, as he tries to catch his breath again. "Sorry." he manages in the end.

"No worries." Brett squeezes him tight against him and turns to Timo. "You know sex is different for everybody, right? And it depends on the person you're with what you like as well." Brett turns to Eddy again, lifts his chin and kisses him chastely. "Doesn't it, sweetheart?"
Eddy blushes, because it really does. He just nods. It's an enough of an answer.

"I was a bit direct, I'm afraid. It's just that Eddy and I were talking about labels." Timo explains.

"Yes, but no one was asking you to out me like that!" Eddy snaps in the hope he'll shut his friend up talking about him.

The outburst startles Timo. "Oh. Is it a weighted topic? I thought it would only make things clear, that it didn't matter what someone was..." He thinks hard for a moment. "Eddy. Sorry if I overstepped your boundaries." He looks long at Eddy until Eddy nods. "I'm trying to find out where I fit in this spectrum. I have a lot to learn, I'm afraid."

Mason grabs Timo's hand an kisses it. "We both have. We'll find out together. Right?"

"You know, I don't mind talking about it." Brett says. "But even if you think you know which label fits you, it can change suddenly when you meet someone new. I thought I knew, until I met Eddy. It's changing, because I'm changing. I really don't know how to label myself as for now." Brett shrugs. "So I think it depends on what stage in life you are and even then it takes a life time to find out. Right Eddy?" he looks at Eddy expectantly.

Eddy is amazed how Brett could convey all his feelings like that. He thought he was the one good with words, but Brett has his moments as well. He leans in and kisses him softly, because he will be more brave. Just like Brett. "Yeah. I think you're right."

Brett stretches. "Okay! Let's order more food! What do you want?" He grabs the menu and a pen and with that Brett has closed the topic. Eddy is once more amazed how easily Brett can turn conversations around. 

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