56) Timo?

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Shadows from the nearly full moon pierce the night, turning it into a warm blanket of dark and grey as Eddy and Timo walk side by side. It's always peaceful so late at night. The people outside mind their own business, except for the drunken stranger every town seems to have.
Eddy looks curiously at his friend. What did he just see? Was it just a figment of his imagination?
"Did you have fun tonight?" he asks, keeping his voice deliberately casual.

"Yes! I really like to hang out with those guys. I'm glad you hooked up with Brett. Who would have thought that?" Timo snickers. "If you would have told me I would eventually be happy with him, I wouldn't have believed you."


"God, no! Of course not! He was such a playboy when you met him. I really didn't see you two together like how it is now. I was afraid he would ignore you, or use you, hurt you at least."
He frowns his eyebrows together remembering the feelings he had back then.

"So you really didn't like him, did you?"

"Yes. I hated him in advance because of what he would do to you. You know, even before you even talked?" He suddenly laughs out loud, the sound ringing happily through the silent night.

"I know, right?! It was horrible that I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was frightening. I have never been attracted to someone like that. You know? Someone that outgoing. But then I took action even!"

"Yeah. You, who has always been shy as fuck, listened to me and just went for it."

"I know, right? It was so out of character for me."

"You're right. You've never been that bold before. You couldn't handle the stress of going with someone you had never met before, so you used dating apps back then. And look at what you did. I'm so proud of you." Timo mockingly pretends to wipe an invisible tear from his eyes, which Eddy ignores.

"But my subconscious was right though. His attitude wasn't just a front, it was a defence. Can't believe that we're taking that defence down now, brick by brick, and dealing with the shit behind it, making him better. Making us better."

Timo raises his eyebrows. He's clearly been waiting for an opening to talk about it.
"Tell me? You've really been okay tonight?" he asks, suddenly serious.

"It went well. Although at first he got into another panic attack, just like he said earlier. It was frightening, but I could get through to him as some point. We managed to turn it around and then it went better than expected." Eddy blushes by remembering what they did.

"So he left you satisfied?" Timo's face is sporting a Cheshire's cat grin now.

Eddy startles. Normally they don't talk so explicitly about their sex life.
"Mate! You sure want to know?"

"Just curious, my friend. Just curious."
Timo hides his hands in his pockets and kicks a small rock to the side.
"It sounded as if it was nice though. You know. From the living room." He casts a cheeky look sideways.

"Ah fuck. Okay. Yes. Yes it was. Very."

"Stage three? Or four?" Timo inquires casually.

"Three." Eddy covers his face with his hands in embarrassment.
"Remind me again why I am telling you this?"

"Because I asked." Timo says sweetly, like there is an invisible helix hovering above his head.

They walk for a minute in silence when Eddy presses his luck.
"Now that we're curious and all. I never asked: did you ever... you know... with a guy?"

Timo looks so fast at him that he almost tears a muscle.
"That's a question I didn't expect." He takes a long pause. "No. Otherwise I would have told you."
He kicks another rock.

Eddy looks inquisitively at his friend. He would have told... Oh? So he's not against the idea of being with a guy? That's new. He thought Timo was as straight as a ruler.
"Would you... would you consider switching to my side? I mean the gay side? Some time? Maybe for someone?"

"Don't know. Not ruling it out totally. I've never really wanted it before. Yet."

Yet?! Wait, is he blushing? Eddy suddenly hates the darkness around them. He can't read Timo's facial expressions.

"Yet..." he lets the pause drag. "Do you know someone who you would like to test it on?"

"No. Dunno. Maybe."
Timo says it all too casually, like it's nothing, but Eddy's ears are ringing.
"Ah, here is out crossing where I have to bid you goodnight, my good sir."
Timo bows towards Eddy, mockingly pretending to take off his non-existing hat.
"I'm glad you had a nice evening. I had too. I'll pick you up Saturday morning so we can go together to that gig, okay? And let's go to The Club together after it too?"

"Oh no, you don't go changing subjects so suddenly on me! You just have told me you might fancy a guy! I have questions you know!" Eddy blurts out unintended, his brain to mouth filter absent. He wants answers!

"Woah, hold your horses." Timo laughs. "Why are you all that surprised? You didn't know I'm bi?"

"Don't you go casual saying 'bi' to me! You never mentioned!"

Timo shrugs. "You never asked. And I've never really dated a man before. So maybe you couldn't have known?"

"You never even made any notion to fancy a guy in the smallest way possible. Only girls. So what's with that?"

"Well, I like the female appearances more, I guess. But I did have a huge crush on a dude in high school once. So..." Timo ponders. "But back then I was way too shy to do something with it."

"But... but... but... I talked about cute guys to you. So why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry mate, didn't want to keep you in the dark or anything. I never thought about it really."

"So why now?"

"Dunno? Because you are so much in love and it makes me a little jealous? I would like that too. And girls have been giving me a hard time lately. So I thought I should brighten my horizons. Maybe." He winks at Eddy. "There have been some cute guys around me lately, so who knows."

Eddy is stunned. So easy? Just switch sides in a heartbeat?
"Do I know you?!"

"I bid you goodnight, my friend. And don't worry so much. I'll handle things nicely. You'll see."
He starts walking away, laughing.

"Timo!" Eddy yells after him, totally frustrated.

But Timo doesn't stop and waves one hand in the air.
"See you Saturday!"

Eddy looks befuddled at the figure walking away whobecomes smaller and smaller with the distance increasing.
What does this all mean?

A/N: I've also posted B-Sexual. It's a short story about Eddy who comes home early and finds Brett in an unexpected steamy situation. I hope you will enjoy that one too <3  

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