34) Leaving (last paragraph NSFW)

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Eddy walks to the now quiet hallway.
The others are chatting outside, the hallway being much too small for all five of them there at the same time. It leaves room for Eddy to put his shoes on and to get his coat. Brett watches him as he crouches down to tie his shoelaces and wishes he could walk over to him. Will Eddy approach him again like last time they were standing here and tease him? He sure hopes so.

When Eddy gets up, he seems to hesitate for a moment and then whispers, as if to himself "Oh, whatever!"
He quickly closes the few steps separating him from Brett and pushes him against the wall, putting one leg between his, applying some friction to his immediately growing bulge. He grabs a handful of Brett's hair at the back of his neck and tilts his head backwards, leans in and pounces him for real this time, without any hesitation or reservation. The kiss is thorough and deep, claiming and possessive, and so incredibly hot that Brett struggles to keep his brain and legs functioning.
When Eddy pulls away his eyes are focused intensely at Brett's. Brett shivers under his gaze; it's like the eyes have totally gone black, the pupils clearly dilated with arousal. Eddy bobs his head a few times up and down and whispers "Yeah, like that."
While coquettishly biting his lower lip, he then smiles, winks an eye and breaks eye contact. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly to steady himself once more and walks out the door, glad he's wearing the longest coat he owns tonight, leaving a dumbfounded Brett behind.

The group of men are still talking outside when Eddy walks out of the front door and tells his friends he's good to go. Mason looks at Eddy, his gaze shifting to the door and then at Eddy again. "Where did you leave Brett?" he asks wondering.

Eddy looks slyly at him. "I think Brett needs a little time to get himself together again. I left him back in the hallway." he nods in the direction of the house.

The other men look at one and another and can't help but laugh at that remark. Of course they have seen how Brett has reacted to Eddy all evening and have some inkling about what might have happened just now, especially when noticing the crimson color of Eddy's lips.
"Eddy, dear, you always look so timid and shy, but underneath you have quite a devious side, don't you?" Mason quips, snickering.

Timo nods vigorously. "You've got that right. Eddy is still waters run deep." His voice is full with affection.

"Yeah, yeah. You can make fun of me all you want, but I know what I'm doing. So shut up." Eddy grumbles with red cheeks.

"I can see that. I also think it is working." Mason winks, at which Eddy just grins shyly. Mason claps his hands together once. "Okay, people! I had fun tonight. So let's make this Wednesday game evening a regular thing, yeah?" All others nod in agreement. "And this Saturday we'll see you at the Club?"

Eddy nods. "I'll be a bit late though. I have an appointment with a client early in the evening for a possible performance."

"Don't know if I can make it, mate." Timo adds a bit regretfully, "Depends on a gig I have during the day."

"No worries, mate. We'll see you after, when you're done."

Timo shakes his head. "I'll try to make it. Don't worry."

Vincent dances up and down while they turn around to go back into the house "This was a fun evening! Glad we've met these guys." Mason and Peter can't agree more.
In the hallway they almost bump into a dazed Brett who still stands there looking into nothing.

"You okay, mate?" Mason asks, concerned and amused at the same time, because he knows a bit of what might have caused Brett's state.

Brett finally snaps out of his reverie when he hears Mason's voice.
"Yeah... Wow..." he looks aimlessly around, still not seeing straight. "Okay. 'That'  was something all right." He licks his lips, tasting Eddy still there. "Oh man. Embarrassingly enough, I so need to take a shower right now!" He immediately turns and walks towards the living room. Even the bemused laughter from his friends behind him doesn't make him want to reply. He doesn't care what they think about him, they probably already know anyway. So he only focuses on the need to get himself some relief quickly before he'll explode. He's stretched his self-control to the limits tonight already, and let's face it: he hasn't been with anyone for four weeks! So sue him for being horny.

Within minutes the hot water cascades on his now naked body. The touch of the drops give him a tingling sensation all over. He closes his eyes and plays the memory of the kiss he shared moments ago like a movie in his mind, almost feeling the dance of their tongues for real again. His hand encloses his hard erection and starts moving. He thinks back on that Saturday they had sex, his mind projecting Eddy like he's really here and it's like he has entered Eddy once more, thrusting in, out, in, out. This feels heavenly! Oh God, how gorgeous he looks while he lays underneath him.
Then suddenly the light flickers, darkening the image, clearly some sort of warning, and the world begins to shift.
NO! Not today!
He pushes the darkness away and replaces it with the image he has engraved in his mind; the image of Eddy sleeping peacefully that Sunday after, bathing in rays of sunlight. How beautiful he looked then. He focuses on Eddy's smile, his slightly askew teeth, his soft pink lips. And suddenly Brett is on top of him again, moving, sees Eddy's lips part, his mouth now slack open, his eyes squeezed together, not in pain, but in pleasure. Pleasure he's giving him. 
Up, down, up down, his hand goes, imitating what he wants so badly.
Oh, what he would do to him if he was here... Would they do it like this, with the water pouring over them, Eddy with his hands on the wall, moaning with every thrust he would give?
He tightens his fingers, intensifies the movements, losing control. Soon he climaxes, the orgasm overtaking him as he comes hard, his liquid washing away with the rest of the water.

Finally he feels himself relaxing, all the tension built up during the evening, no, during the whole week in fact, flowing out of his body. Oh wow, this was good!
Suddenly he realizes he was able to just enjoy this, able to push away the bad memories when they tried to overtake him and that nothing could come between him and Eddy.
It pleases him to no end. So, is Eddy the one that will push her away for good? 

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