83) Rocket Science

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Brett eyes Eddy with awe. He's saying and doing the things he would like to do, but doesn't know how to execute in the right way. He is on a roll!

"Well?! Do you?!" Eddy grits at his friend.
It takes a full two seconds until Timo breaks.

"Oh, Mase. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry" Timo closes distance and pulls Mason into a hug, repeating the words over and over again.

"You don't..." Mason manages between sobs and looks over Timo's shoulder at Brett. "I told you I'd fucked it up yesterday. I lost my chance." He pushes Timo away and averts his eyes.

"NO!" Timo yells, on the verge of tears as well. "Oh God, I don't know... I don't know what to do anymore!"
Brett is sure Timo's going to hyperventilate if nothing happens quickly, but Eddy puts a hand on Timo's shoulder and digs his nails into it. The pain snaps Timo out of his panic for a moment.

"Listen." Eddy speaks up, softly now. "Timo. Let's break things down so it'll more easy to understand. Do you like Mason?"
Timo nods.
"To be more specific: do you like Mason in a romantic way."
Timo nods again.
"Do you want to kiss him, hold him, maybe more later on?" Eddy ask relentlessly.
Again a nod, an unsure one at first, but followed by a more decisive one.
"So why not give it a chance?" Eddy asks, his voice shining with sincerely. "Love chooses you, you know? So what, if it's manifesting itself in a friend? So what if it's chooses the form of a man's package? Does it really matter? Be glad you found it and that it's answered back."

Timo casts his eyes down. "You're right. I know you're right. But I'm scared. Scared of people looking at me differently. Because people will! You know that firsthand, Eddy." He snaps at his friend. "And then to top it off I will be losing all of my friends when it goes south."

It's like Brett hears himself speak. Because didn't he say something like this when he started to get feelings for Eddy? So this is something he can help him with. He scrapes his throat.
"It doesn't have to go south, you know." he says quietly. "If it's really love, it shouldn't matter in which form it comes. It can't be any other way. It's like water. You can try to change the current, but it will always go to the sea eventually."

"Okay, I admit, being in a male/male relationship can be difficult sometimes." Eddy says as Brett takes his hand. "There are places you have to be careful of what you show or what you do. There might be people who don't understand. But..." Eddy begins his sentence but is now too distracted by Brett to follow through. Brett makes a show of closing his fingers around the back of Eddy's hand, bringing both their hands to his mouth, and kissing Eddy's knuckles. Eddy looks at him questioningly, but does enclose his long fingers around Brett's hand as well.

Brett looks at the bony structure and speaks to it as if in thoughts. "See these fingers, huh?" he says into the room as he inspects them. "They might not be small and cute like the ones on a woman's hand, but that's it, you know. I love these hands. These long, graceful fingers, all strong and manly. I don't ever want to be touched by any other than these." He looks up at Mason. "Mason, you know I always thought I would end up with a sweet, cute, girl at my side. Eventually. But now? No way. Now I cannot think of a life without Eddy in it." Brett turns around to Eddy and smiles widely. He feels the tears glistering in the corners of his eyes, but he doesn't care. He can show them to these people who mean the most to him. Because he wants to be honest: to his friends, to Eddy, but most of all to himself.

"You do?" Eddy's voice breaks with emotion, his hold back tears shining more visible than Brett's own.

Brett nods, locking their eyes as they have done so many times now, the now so comfortable electricity doubling so that it's almost visible.
"Yeah. You take me as I am, with all my faults and difficulties. You know them and have seen them, but they have not scared you away. And because you allow me to be flawed, I will strive to be as good as I can get." It sounds like an admission, a promise, and it is. He tears his gaze away to look at the men on the couch, sitting there, watching. And hopefully learning now what Brett has learned last couple of weeks.
"All for and because of Eddy. That is what love does. I don't give a flying fuck that he's a man, what others think, or that there might be difficulties. Every relationship has them, one way or another." Because let's face it. He knows that his past relationships with women have been way more problematic than his current one will ever be, gay or not.
"It just has to be him." he shrugs and looks with a sweet smile at Eddy.

"Brett..." Eddy says with tears in his eyes.

Brett knows these are tears not from sadness, but from emotion. He lifts one hand and rubs the singular tear away that has overflown and squeezes the elegant hand in his other.
Has he ever told anyone about his feelings? No, not even with Eddy he has been this honest. Speaking about feelings makes you vulnerable and everything you say suddenly true as well. Sharing is scary. But now? With Eddy? Even though they haven't know each other for long, he has never felt it this strong. So to hell with avoiding vulnerability. If he can use it to make a point to these oblivious men on the couch, he will. Bonus is that Eddy will know his heart as well. He nods to emphasize what he's said and will say next.
"So, Timo. Mason. Yes: Love changes you. It isn't rocket science, it just does, one way or another. And it's scary. But you have to give it a shot and see if it won't explode in your face."
And he would like to say more, adding cheesy lines as 'that's the only way how you find true love' and so on, but he is tackled by Eddy, who launches himself into his arms with such a force that they both topple over. Brett notices vaguely that they barely miss the corner of the table on their way down, and with it a bump on their heads, before they hit the ground, pushing the last air out of his lungs.
"Oof." he manages.
Eddy doesn't let go. He's plastered on top of him, hugging him tight, his moist cheeks against Brett's. 

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