28) Charades

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Luckily Wednesday comes soon, although not quick enough for Eddy.
He and Timo had to play the Monday and Tuesday at two weddings that they were hired for, and it had become quite late. It was okay enough, but just another job.

But this Wednesday night he has the evening off and they are finally walking towards Brett's house. Luke has joined them too after his day of work. They are happily talking to each other. Although happily...?
Mason is still full on agitated by the music choice of the bride and groom from the last night. "Listen up Eddy, if I have to play Canon in D one more time, we will not take up on the gig! Why on earth do people choose this piece for their special night still?! It's so boring!"

Eddy snickers. "Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's just very overplayed. Mind me, I would like to not play it anymore, but if it makes people happy, who are we to object? And the money was good. We need to pay our bills of course." He has a point.

"I know, I know. But the other pieces we had to play were also so very uninspiring." Timo sighs, the frown still on his face. "Perhaps we should set up a consultancy to help people with choosing the appropriate music for special occasions."

Luke nods thoughtfully. "HAMSO to the rescue?" he suggests. The others look at him confused by the new acronym. Luke explains with a grin, "H from Help, A appropriate, M music, S special, O occasions? HAMSO! I could make you a website for it if you like. It sounds Japanese. Should put some anime images of you on it too." 

The following minutes they start enthusiastically thinking up a strategy to kick every Canon in D out of this world.
Eddy is glad they can talk so amicably like this. He's actually kind of nervous about meeting Brett again. They have been texting as much as possible the last couple of days, but Brett had a daytime practice schedule and Eddy had performances at night, so there hasn't been that much window to text real time.
Of course his friends know this. When Eddy is anxious or nervous, he always gets even a bit more silent than he normally is. It's also one of the reasons they are bantering about a wild idea that makes no sense at all. All to make him relax a bit. Eddy loves them dearly for it.

When they arrive at the house, Eddy hesitates to ring the doorbell. He can't back out now, can he? But before he can panic, Timo touches his shoulder shortly. "It'll be alright, mate. Just have fun."
Eddy looks up gratefully and nods. He takes in a deep breath, lets it out slowly and then rings.

Brett opens the door within seconds after the ring, the chime not even subdued. He clearly has been waiting. "Hi! Come in, come in. Here, put your coats up. Want something to drink?" He smiles widely at Eddy, eyes shining. His cheek has its normal thickness again and his eye is not that black anymore, but now more a dirty brownish colour. He bounces off to the living room, followed by the three men.

Timo spots Mason in the kitchen and joins him to help him with arranging food, while the others decide on the tabletop game they will play. They decide on a card game.
The game is won by Peter and spectacularly lost by Brett, for him being way to much distracted by Eddy to play. They all tease him a bit for it, before thinking up a new game.

Suddenly Luke has a brilliant idea. "Let's play charades!"

Vincent is immediately ecstatic. "Yes! Brilliant! Let's!"

Eddy thinks for a moment and has a nice twist to it. "We need to spice it up. Let's make up our own set of rules. 1 No talking. 2 No acting or body language 3 We are only allowed to play our music instruments. And the theme will be... euh... animals! That would be so much more fun."

The plan is immediately embraced by the others. Flip cards with animals are made rapidly and pairs are quickly formed.
Brett and Eddy team up as violin gang. Timo and Mason compete as cello/piano gang. Vincent, Luke and Peter are a mix of horn, guitar and viola gang.

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