49) Roasting in 4 words

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The group cheers loudly. They already know this will be good.
Mason puts two chairs in front of the rest.
"That sounds like fun. Okay. We give you the instrument and you two will take first turn roasting them?" Brett nods while pushing Eddy towards the chairs. "Make it good."

When Eddy sits down next to Brett he sees the expectant faces before him and feels his anxiety rising. He isn't good at being the centre of the attention. Normally when he is he gets all nervous, doesn't know what to say and would prefer to run and hide. But Brett is close. He looks at his side and takes a deep breath. Brett is happily bouncing on his chair, already into it. How nice would it be to be able to enjoy such thing. Could he ever be like that?

Brett yells loudly to get everybody's attention:
"Okay! Let's start with the best instrument of all: the violin!"

"We have to give you an instrument, Brett!" Luke calls out. "Don't bend the rules first thing!"

Brett rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. "Okay, okay. As long as we start with the violin."

Eddy smiles a wry smile, not even hearing what Brett said. Oh God. It's starting. Now he has to make up roasts on the spot. He knows that he is witty enough to think things up, but saying them out loud is a very different story. Can he do that? What if they don't like it? He feels his heart rate increasing.

Mason decides to humour Brett: "Let's hear what you have to say then about that, euh... Expensive Piece Of Wood."

Eddy snaps out of his thoughts. The violin! Okay, he can do this one! It's the one Brett and he talked about on the phone.

Timo snickers. "I see what you did there. Clever man." He winks at Mason, whose cheeks turns pinkish with the praise.

"We Are So Awesome" Brett quips immediately, saving Mason from the others noticing his colour.

Brett looks at Eddy, encouraging him to join in.
Eddy shifts a little bit closer, letting Brett's energy rub off on him. If Brett can banter, so can he!
With some effort he stops the wheels in his head from overthinking and formulates his comment. It's an open door, but hey, it'll have to do.
"Dream Of A Violist."

All men snicker. Peter can't help but reprimand him.
"Eddy! Poor violist always being used as the laughing stock of the bunch."

"Sorry. Couldn't help it."
He's happy he added something to the game, even if it was at the cost of the viola. They are used to be the laughing stock of the bunch, right? It was quite easy actually. His heart slows down a bit.

Peter laughs with the others now.
"Yeah, right you couldn't, smartass. Well Eddy, get a go at his then: Cello!"

Eddy giggles, because he knows exactly what he will say.
"Big Wood Between Legs."
This is way easier than he thought. He looks at Brett, who beams at him. He's clearly pleased with his find. Brett touches his leg shortly, clearly a way to show his approval. It makes Eddy's confidence grow more.

Timo flexes his biceps in a macho-way.
"You've got that right!"

Brett smiles deviously at him and says "Had Me At Cello."

Timo playfully flips him the finger.
"Oh yeah? What about this one then. God's Gift To Orchestra."
He dabs to emphasize the statement, causing the others to burst out laughing.

Mason laughs hard too. "That's not a roast! It's a worship. And it's not your turn, mate!"

In the next half hour they come up with epic roasts for all the orchestral instruments. When it's the oboe and the piccolo turn, it makes Luke fall to the ground holding his belly and Vincent to start hyperventilating, totally losing it. Especially Eddy is on a roll now, his remarks on fire.

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