68) Glasses 2

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Brett looks in the mirror with his eyes squeezed to slits, trying to see the frames he has on his nose.

He sighs in agitation.
"I can't see shit. I'll have to wait for Eddy."

"That's the friend you have with you?" Iris asks, putting the frames aside while Brett puts his own ones on again.
"Last time you had a different friend with you, if I remember correctly? He was quite handsome." she winks at him.

"Yeah, he's quite popular among, well, everybody. And my best friend. Still is." Brett laughs. "I can't believe you remembered."

"But today you have brought yet another sweety to help you out."

"Yes. A boyfriend beats a best friend in choosing the correct glasses, don't you think?" Brett smiles meaningfully.

"Oh my?! Boyfriend? How nice! Congratulations. He's quite handsome."

"Yeah!" Brett smiles proudly.
"Wish he heard you say that. Eddy gets a bit insecure sometimes."

"You don't say? That's totally unnecessary, isn't it?"

Brett looks fondly at this woman, who he's liking more and more. If only Eddy knew how other people see him.
"Yes! Didn't know he doubted his vision though. I'm curious if he needs glasses too."

"Secretly I hope so." Iris laughs. "Because I already have some in mind that would be so nice on him."

Brett laughs with her.
"As always. You picked the last ones quite easily for me last time I was here. They were rounder than these ones. I would like to have something like that again. I wasn't done with them yet."
He looks around. "I'm really curious how would Eddy look like with specs."

"Okay. Let's see if we have something like that and put them aside so you can show your Eddy."

After a few minutes Eddy joins them, his eyebrows scrunched together.

"And?" Brett asks expectantly.

"It's not really that bad, but need them anyways. Minus one or something." Eddy sighs.
"Man, I hoped I didn't have to really use them all the time, but the difference was significant enough to burst that bubble." He tuts and rolls his eyes backwards.

"That's nothing! I've got minus five and a half. Totally blind without glasses."
But wait. Is he feeling insecure about this? Hmm. Maybe. Well, not on his watch.
"I think glasses will look very cute on you." he asserts.

Iris claps her hands together.
"Yes! Let's fit your boyfriend with some different styles. See what suits him?"
She turns to get some frames.

Brett wants to follow her, but Eddy is grabbing his shoulder and turns him back at him. His faces Brett, his eyes all big, flying from the sales lady to Brett and back.

"Oh. I told her. Wasn't that okay?" Brett asks cautiously.

"You told her we're together? Like 'together' together?"

"Yes, of course. You are mine, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but most gay people try to hide that from, well, outsiders."

"Not me when I have the chance to show you off." Brett says decidedly, then backpaddles when he sees Eddy's expression.
"Only if that's okay with you, of course." He adds cautiously.

A blush creeps over Eddy's face.
"Very, actually." He whispers, looking bashfully through his lashes at Brett.
"Just didn't expect you to. Thank you."

Oh, how cute is this guy?! Brett looks around quickly. No one besides them and Iris are in the room. Ah well, fuck it. He won't contain himself anymore. He closes distance fast and kisses Eddy softly on his cheek near the side of his mouth, tuning Eddy's blush to crimson. In the corner of his eye he sees Iris returning with a few frames and she definitely must have seen the affection. She's seems not fazed by it though, and even if she would, he would have changed his actions.

"Okay, pretty man." Iris says joyfully, "I don't want to jump to conclusions too quickly, so first we're going to see what kind of style suits you best. Let's start with these dark rimed ones."
It quickly becomes clear that although Brett looks good in heavy and dark, Eddy obviously doesn't. Round ones are also not doing him any good, and the flat ones just make them laugh.
"Okay. This is one that I thought would look nice on you before. Let's see if I'm right."
She hands him a golden, square, thin rimmed, metal frame.

Eddy looks at himself in the mirror and turns his head from side to side. He then looks at Brett to see what he thinks.
Brett is glowing. This is what he likes on Eddy for sure.
"Woah. These are really pretty on you. Iris, you've done it again. I love these."

Eddy looks in the mirror again.
"Never would have thought, but I think so too. They make me look smart."

"And very handsome."
Brett stands closely behind him so he can look into the mirror over Eddy's shoulder and brushes his lips shortly on his neck.
"You should take these ones. Really."

Eddy nods, looking in the mirror still, his smile getting bigger and bigger.
"Yes. The more I look at them, the more I see me wearing them."
He looks at Brett with shining eyes.
"This is the ones. This is the new me."

"You won't hear me complaining!"

He takes the frame off his nose and tries in on himself. But the minute he looks in the mirror he bursts out laughing.
"All right. Nope. This is not for me. Let's go to the black ones again."

Brett takes Eddy's hand when they walk across the shop, squeezes it softly and pulls him closer.
"They look really good on you." He whispers huskily in his ear, making Eddy shiver and giggle.

Brett fits some more frames and chooses one quite similar to his old ones. They are a bit more square than those, but still round enough.
"Yep. This is more 'me'. I like them." he concludes. "What do you think, Eddy?"

"Yes. But even if I didn't. You need to be comfortable wearing them."

Brett could hug him for this remark. It's so different from previous times that he went to buy glasses with girlfriends. They always tried to put their opinion before his own.
"You are amazing. You know that, right?"

The warm air outside hits Brett face as he sticks his arms in the air.
"Yes! Only a week more with this travesty on my face!"

"Do you hate these so much then?"

"Uhu. My ex picked them out. I need to see something, so it can't be helped for now." Brett shrugs.
"Can't wait to see you with your glasses on once more." He folds his hands behind his head and wiggles his eyebrows in faint innocence. "I don't know if I will be able to hold myself back when you're wearing them though."

"Don't exaggerate, Bretty." Eddy banters back cheerfully. "If you're going to be a nuisance about it, I'll put them away, thank you very much."

But when Brett looks at him sideways, he sees he's delighted with the praise. Good. The negativity from yesterday should be long gone by now, totally forgotten, burned from his memory, and buried 10 feet deep. At least. He brushes his fingers past his cheek.
"Let's get some bubble tea before we head home?"

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