75) His?

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Timo shivers and looks at Eddy sideways through his eyelashes, almost as if he's afraid.

"No? We can't fix it?" Eddy ask sympathetically. He doesn't understand why Timo looks so scared, but then Timo's words sink in and Eddy's eyes fly open in realisation.
Timo cringes as he sees the change in expression before him.
"Wait." he ask cautiously. "Should have seen... his face?"

Timo flings himself towards Eddy again and cries into his already wet shirt.
Eddy looks down at him. His? He considers all the possibilities going with this small pronoun, thinking back to the last long conversation he had with Timo. 'I'm not ruling it out totally. I've never really wanted it before. Yet.' But this is a lot quicker than he could have ever imagined.
"Okay. His face." He says, careful to put no judgement in his voice. "So not a lady but a gentleman friend and something went wrong?" He pats him on his hair for comfort.

Suddenly Timo sits up and visibly pulls himself together. He can't look at Eddy yet though, the floor the only thing he can face for now. He breathes in deeply.
"Yes. I kissed him." he confesses.
Eddy can't help a sharp intake of breath.
Timo finally looks him in the eye through heavy eyelashes, thick with tears still. Shame washes over his face.
"Without consent. I kissed him without giving him any warning about me wanting to." Timo sniffs. "It was so out of the blue. He was totally in shock." He blinks hard. "He must hate me so much now." he whispers.
Eddy rubs circles on his back, willing some comfort into him.
"Eddy... I just don't know what came over me. We were talking. Oh God, I do love to talk with him. And there he sat, so nice and pretty. His lips just screamed to me 'kiss me, kiss me'. And then the alcohol got to me. I... I just went for it."

"How do you know he didn't like it?"

"That one was clear. Had me sober in seconds. He froze up and just looked at me like I was some sort of a ghost. Then I ran." Timo sighs shakily. "The coward's solution. But I couldn't help it. Thank God the others weren't there." Timo blinks quickly so he won't start bawling again. "I managed to grab my coat on the way and then I was outside. But I couldn't go home, because how can I face Luke like this?" he looks desperately at Eddy. "I don't want him to know. He already looked suspiciously at me when we left the Club together again. I think he's been figuring things out. You know? That I like him more than I'm supposed to? He's not quite as oblivious as he seems."

Suddenly all puzzle pieces fit together and Eddy's eyes grow wide in realisation.
"Oh! You're talking about Mason!"

Timo looks up guiltily and nods. "Yeah."

"But... but how long have you liked him? I mean like like him."

"Dunno? It dawned onto me gradually? Remember last week? When you asked me if I would switch sides? I thought about him immediately. So it's your fault I'm in this mess." he tries to jib, but his smile is just half.

"Hmm. I knew you were keeping something for me."
Eddy remembers their conversation clearly. He didn't think much of it afterwards, but now things click fully into place.

"Yeah. But I was trying to figure things out still. I didn't even know at that time. That same evening I realized that I really like him. In that way. It wouldn't go out of my head anymore and my feelings became much stronger." Timo hides his face in his hands, tearing up again. "What the fuck is wrong with me?! I couldn't keep my composure for more than a bloody week? What a loser."

"No. Don't say that. It's because you are an open book. You express how you feel. Most of the time anyway." Eddy looks at him sympathetically. "I'm the one good at the worrying thing, so leave that to me, okay? You should be the happy note between the two of us." He hugs him tight again.

"I molested him!"

"That's a big word for just a kiss. Don't exaggerate."

Timo is not having any of it.
"I'm so scared, Eddy. What if he doesn't want to see me again? What if I ruined our friendship? And you and Brett-" the words get stuck in his throat until he scrapes it. "What will happen with our two groups of friends? If he doesn't want to see me anymore, I'm losing more than just him." he rubs his forehead in agitation. "Even if he doesn't see me like that, I want to be friends. I want to be with him any way possible, you know. But I don't think he can do that."

"Don't jump to conclusions yet. You don't know, right?" Eddy grabs his shoulder and turns him to face him. "You know what? I'll talk to Brett. See if he can talk to Mason and clear things up between you two. I've got you with this, mate. I'm sure Brett is game as well. We'll fix it. Really."

"Thank you, Eddy." Timo nods gratefully. "I'm glad you want to try."

"Don't mention it, mate. Always here for you. And we'll work it out."
For a while they sit silently, both processing all the information laid out. Eddy feels Timo relaxing in his arms. Good. Timo has helped him to overcome so many things, so it's nice that he can do something back for once.

"Hey, Eddy. Can I sleep here on your couch tonight?"

"Of course." Eddy replies instantly.

"And will you please message Luke that I'm here, wasted or something? I lost my phone. I think it's at Mason's still." Timo sighs. His eyes are sad, but at least he's not crying anymore. He leans back at the couch and closes his eyes.

"Don't worry about that. I'll get it for you tomorrow. I'll app Luke now, and then I'll get us tea before we get some sleep."
He pats Timo on his back and stands up to get the water boiled.
Timo kissed Mason?
That's unexpected. But he'll help his friend. He definitely will. 

Club - a Breddy Fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora