1) Club Eddy

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What the hell am I doing here?! Eddy looks around him warily.
He is standing/half leaning on a bar stool, his narrow Asian eyes looking at the crowd dancing in front of him.
He has a drink in one hand and looks at the dance floor where way too many drunk people are trying to dance to music that is playing way too loud, with way too much bass in way too little variation.
Eddy sighs deeply. For goodness sake. He so doesn't belong here. How on earth did he let his friends persuade him to go with them? They have been boasting about this Club for the past couple of months, that their night had been so perfect, and that he just has to come with them. 
They ensured him over and over again that 'the people there were awesome, the music good enough, everybody open minded and super nice. And very important: getting a date would be so easy. And everybody knows, obviously, that he needs to loosen up, to get laid or something, so he must come with them.' At least in his friends eyes that's how it is. 
He shakes his head in annoyance that he fell for it.
They wouldn't leave him alone about it, so tonight he had let himself be dragged into this hellhole. He must admit that he had been curious about the place. And he could do with some physical action indeed.

Eddy sighs again.
How long has it been since he had sex with someone? Too long to even remember.
He always has an excuse to not date someone, to not start a relationship. Practice, work, general fatigue... It's bullshit of course. He's really not good at that dating game everybody seems to like so much and he really wants to avoid it. A shy, introverted person like himself is just not good enough at selling himself, now is he? And why would he? He is not a person who wants to be with someone for only one night. He wants love. A 'forever after'. Not just a fuck.
He looks around.
Do people even meet 'love' in a place like this?

The music is loud in his ears. His friends are dancing with others, clearly having a good time, while he's still at the bar like some old spinster waiting for her Prince charming to arrive and take her off to fairyland or somewhere else sparkly and sugar coated.
He could do with a prince charming though...

Is it possible to feel more lonely in a place stacked with people?
Just as he decides to leave and escape this nightmare, he sees some new guys walking into the Club. It's a group of four and they are quite rowdy, bantering and laughing together. One of them stands out particularly.
He's a bit shorter than the others, his dark hair styled messy on purpose. He's wearing dark rimmed glasses, a black tight polo with pushed up sleeves, the buttons not even closed, showing some skin and jeans hugging his bum deliciously making it look like it screams 'touch me, touch me'.
But it's not the apparel that is the most outstanding feature of this man. It's his attitude that draws all attention on him. His moves are sure, deliberate, sexy. He is bantering playfully with the others. His laughter is not exaggerated like that of his friends, but more in check, giving more meaning to it. His eyes shine behind the glasses, and focused all the same time. He's taking everything in his surroundings in. They seem to wander over the crowd in search of someone. Is he meeting someone he knows?

When his gaze stumbles over some girls dancing in the center of the room, it halts. Soon he makes eye contact with the prettiest of them all. Slowly he looks her up and down, like he's undressing her with his eyes. He looks appreciatively at what he sees and lets her relish in his attention, making her feel beautiful, special, in the process. And that with just one look.
He then slaps one of his mates on the back and points at the pretty girl.
He laughs while he says something to his friends and walks casually to the girl.

Eddy watches the play unfold before his eyes in awe. Wow, that is so fast. And smooth. How can someone be this confident? It's intriguing, like watching a movie where you can't take your eyes off.
Eddy watches as he approaches the pretty girl. Her back is now turned to him. Is she playing hard to get or something? He clearly isn't bothered by it and closes in, puts a hand on her waist boldly and whispers some words into her ear. Although it's quite dark in the room, illuminated only by the stroboscopic light, Eddy can still see that she blushes. What is he saying to her?
Apparently he has invited her to dance with him, because he turns her around towards him. Now they are face to face, he starts moving his hips from side to side, rubbing his pelvis against her casually. She reciprocates his moves. Within seconds they are entangled in a very sexy dance, his hands almost on her bum, gyrating her closer and closer to him.

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