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But Mason got him out!
The rest of the trip they talked like they had never been separated, just needed to catch up.

At that time Mason lived together with 2 of his friends, because housing is expensive and with living together they could share living costs. And to be honest, it's more fun together than alone. He texted them on their way back when he was filling his gas tank and luckily his roommates didn't mind an extra roomy. Arriving home and seeing Brett and hearing about his situation, they couldn't have been more sympathetic and helpful towards him.

Many doctor's appointments followed, getting him to heal all the things she had broken in his limbs, heart and brain. The friends made a schedule so he would never have to go alone, always waiting for him to be done. The healing process was hard. Not so much physically, he was healing well in a short period of time, but mentally it was more of a challenge. She really had broken the bouncy, witty, joyful man he used to be and it was hard to get that person back again.

She tried to contact him too, even appearing on their doorstep twice. But four guys can apparently handle one siren after all, no matter how tempting it tries to be. After the restraining order came in, things got better. They even moved to be sure she couldn't get to them anymore. Because they were caring together for their new friend, they became so much closer than normal friends would ever be. They were there for him, giving him support, cheerfulness, and distraction. Most of all, they gave him a home to return to.

Brett had healed gradually with time. He became more confident again, although it was partly just an act. He also became less afraid of touch, but could still jump meters high if someone suddenly put an arm around him when he didn't expect it. The nightmares diminished quite a bit, although sometimes they came crashing down on him again suddenly, the memories of dark times playing over and over in that pretty head, spiralling the owner down, dragging him into black abysses, where his friends managed to pull him out of again and again.

When he'd learned to touch again and found out it didn't mean pain or submission anymore, his shrink asked him if he could try to be with someone again, to see that if he was the one in control, he would feel nice and would learn to trust people again. He put up a front that worked, and after a while even he himself started to believe it. He found joy in fleeting contacts. He had a major ego boost with it too, because women still wanted him. He managed to get it so that he became the hot-shot in the Club everybody wanted to have. Not that anyone ever saw the man underneath the mask, but that was exactly Brett's intention. Maybe it was even what he needed. And it had been enough, until a few weeks ago.

It had started with this Eddy bloke. The way Brett looked and still looks at this man, is new, so different than before. He can't take his eyes off of him, seems to hunger for him. He wants to be close, but is also so very afraid to be. Apparently there is something special about this guy. Mason doesn't know what it is exactly that binds them, but even he feels their connection. It's like they are long lost twins or something. He made the conclusion that it's Brett's chance and possibility to change again. Possibly might be his cure. His chance that he can put the past where it belongs: in the past. And get a more normal life again.

I will be damned if I don't try to get them together. Mason's resolution is clear.
He turns on his side to go to sleep when he is suddenly startled out of his thoughts by a sudden outcry.

"NO!" The word rings loudly through the air. Brett suddenly whimpering in agony, tears streaming down his face, trashing his head and limbs around, fighting off an invisible enemy.


Mason is already beside Brett's bed, grabbing him by his shoulders, shaking him out of his nightmare.

"Hey Brett, wake up mate. It's okay. You're in Sydney, safe with Peter, Vincent and me. Come on man, wake up!"

Brett opens his eyes and looks bewildered up at his friend. "Wah? Mase? Sydney? Yes. Sydney. Safe." He tries to get his breath more even, to get out of the spiral towards hyperventilating, pushing the tears back down. It takes a few moments for him to get the world together again, to let sink in where he is and that it all was just a nightmare. When it does, he realises he has woken up Mason and maybe the rest of the household, again. "Oh, God, I'm.."

Mason cuts him off. "It's okay Brett. It's okay. It was to be expected that some ghosts from the past would come haunting you after this night. Don't worry. Want me to put my mattrass close next to you, like we used to when you came here first?"

Brett hesitates, but surrenders without a fight. "Yes, please. If you don't mind."
It's been some time since they did that, but he knows he will sleep more peacefully with someone close.

"Don't be mate. I know you would do the same for me." Mason pulls his mattrass beside Brett's.

"Yeah, I would." Brett lays back down, staring at the ceiling.

"You want to tell me about your nightmare?"

Brett is quiet for a while. "Preferably not. I don't want to see it again. It's better now. It was just a stupid flashback of the last day in that house again. Only in the alternate universe that you didn't come. I wish these dreams would go away already. I know that they are not real, but at such a moment they feel so very real. But you got me out! So why am I still dreaming the possible futures that could have been, but that -thank God- will never happen? It's so stupid."

"Probably you still haven't processed it properly yet? That your mind still doesn't quite know what to do with it? But you know, I hope that one time I will appear in your dream, like I did in real life, and that you can find some peace after. When that happens, please have me smash her head in, will you?" Mason snickers, but continues more seriously again. "Or maybe it's that you need to love again for it to heal properly. That that's the key for you to move on. Don't you think?"

"Maybe." Brett hesitates, but continues then. "Mason, I need to discuss something with you. You know, because I recently started experiencing gay love and everything. I don't want you to worry that I'll fall for you or one of the other guys and things might get awkward, right? I want you to know that I don't think about you in that way. You are like a brother. I hope you see me like that too."

"Yeah. I don't think you will ever fall for me. I know I won't for you. You're my best friend, brother, and I love you and all that, but I don't think we will or can ever be lovers. Agreed?"

"Yes." There is relief hearable in Brett's voice.

"Now we have established that, go back to sleep. I'll wake you in a few hours." Mason promises with a smile, feeling himself already drifting away.

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