78) Breakfast

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"Here. Have some toast."
Brett pushes a plate with two slices of toast with jam on it to the side of the kitchen counter once Mason finally emerges from his room. He's in his pyjama's still, his look dark, his curls all over the place. He emits a vibe that most people would want to avoid at all costs. Not Vincent, though.

"Hey, Mason, what happened to you man! You look like shit, mate." Vincent tells him eloquently. He's slouched down onto the couch, looking quite pale himself, his red hair without it's normal shine.

"Fuck off." Mason grumps and sits down at the table with his back to Vincent. He drops his head on his arms on the table.

Vincent raises his eyebrows at the harsh tone. Sure Mason is grumpy more often, but never that grumpy, especially not towards his friends. He looks questioningly at Brett and Brett answers in the way Mason can't now. "Like you are any better, mate. You're just waiting miserably for your own hangover to fade, aren't you?" he banters delicately. "Fancy some coffee?"

Vincent turns green on the spot. "Thinking about coffee isn't such a good idea. I'm gonna hurl for real." He shakes his head cautiously, so he doesn't upset its insides too much.

"I'll have some. Black, please." Mason grumbles against the table and adds even more softly: "Black as my heart."

Vincent hears it anyway.
"Mason? Are you okay, mate? Is something wrong?" he asks timidly.

Brett snaps his fingers discreetly to get Vincent's attention.
"Listen, Vin. We'll be out of your hair in a moment. It'll be okay." Brett assures him as he searches for his friends eyes and when he gets them he tries to convince him without words to leave it be.
Vincent eyebrows knits together. He tilts his head to the side, a clear question on his lips, but he doesn't say anything.
The coffee is ready and Brett puts the cup in front of Mason. He pushes the plate with toast against his arm encouragingly. Mason lifts his head up with a jerk, startling the other men. He then grabs a piece of toast and looks angrily at it.
"Brett. I seriously can't eat now." He drops the toast on his plate again with profound disinterest and slams his hands on the table in aggravation. "Just go. Please?!"

"Of course. I'm ready when you are."
And Brett is. He doesn't have to finish his own breakfast or drink his coffee. If Mason wants to go, he'll go immediately.
"But maybe you should put some clothes on before we leave." There is no humour in his voice, it's not a jibe. He wants to keep Mason grounded with being practical.

Mason sees the earnestness behind the words and visibly relaxes a bit.
"Sorry, mate. I didn't want to snarl at you." He sighs deeply and casts his eyes down. "Okay. Shower first. Maybe I'll look a bit more alive. Maybe." Mason grunts. "And you eat. Please."
He then gets up and wobbles away to take a shower.

Vincent eyes him as he walks by. It's only when Mason is out of hearing distance, he dares to speak again. "Brett? What's up with Mason? He's never been like this."

"All I will say is that he has lovers issues." Brett says with a shrug. Because how can he say more without outing his friend?

"Huh? I didn't know he was seeing someone. Or that he wanted to?" Vincent is confused.

"You know I can't tell you that, mate." Brett decides to say after a few heartbeats. "Mason has to fill you in with the details. But he'll be alright."
Brett offers Vincent Mason's toast casually, which is getting cold anyway. His friend takes gratefully.
"You want some tea then?" Brett has some time to spare now, so he tries to help his pale friend. "Tea is always good when you're hit with a hangover."

"That would be great." Vincent nods as fast as he dares. "Since when do you take on Mason's roll in this household?" He takes a bite of his toast.

"What do you mean?" Brett look at him questioningly.

"You know? Providing food and drinks. Being the spokesperson for the one who has difficulties. Normally Mason's job." he explains with a shrug.

Brett is quiet for a long moment. Woah, he actually has a point. It has been something he used to love to do. But considering his last, toxic relationship where she had it so that he did everything for her, did all the tasks so she could sit on her arse and tell him he was doing it wrong... He guesses he got a lot more careful after that. And actually it feels good to do this now.

"I didn't drink yesterday. If I can help, I will." he says warmly.

"If I can do something, anything, you'll know where to find me, right, Brett?"

It's not the first time Brett realises that below the obliviousness and his air-headed ways, Vincent can be quite smart and loyal. Vincent looks at the door where Mason just disappeared.

"Always, Vin. Always. It's not you. Really."

Vincent nods once more, turns to his toast and takes another bite.
"This is actually nice for my hangover. It's good Mason didn't want it."

Brett chuckles while poring Vincent's tea. "You shouldn't drink so much to need it."

"Yeah, well. Life doesn't always work that way." Vincent sighs.

When Mason enters the living room again, dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt, he does look a bit better, although his eyes are infinitely sad still.
"I'll get our coats." Brett walks to the hallway immediately. He is not going to have his friend wait, but Vincent yells after them.
"Mase! Don't forget your phone!" He holds it in the air for Mason to take. "It was in the couch."

"Huh? But that's not mine." Mason takes it from Vincent's outstretched hand. "Oh! This is Timo's!" He looks up at Brett with a jerk, his eyes suddenly big "So that's why he didn't pick up his phone? Because it was here still?"

"Oh! Eddy already said that it might be here. I forgot!" Brett blurts out, finally remembering this morning's conversation.

"You forgot?!" Mason looks sharply at Brett and points at the device accusingly. "What the hell? How could you forget something this important?!"

"I'm so sorry." Brett blushes deeply and rubs his forehead in agitation. "I just woke up when I heard it and I didn't register it enough." How did he forget Eddy said it?

Vincent looks back and forth to his friends, as if he's watching a tennis match.
"Uhm? Guys? Am I missing something here?"

Mason sighs. "Later, Vin. I'll tell to you when we get back."
He ruffles Vincent's hair.
"Thanks man. I apologise for my mood. It'll pass." He nods as to himself. "It'll pass."

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