21) Outside

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Eddy, Timo, Luke and Mason find themselves outside, wondering what to do next.

Mason observes the quiet friends standing next to each other. They are so different than his own. Vincent and Peter are extraverted, noisy and chaotic at best. But these boys are well poised, quiet and seem to think before they blabber. Except for the clothing this Luke-guy is wearing. How on earth can someone dress in that many colours and still feel comfortable? But otherwise he's not that wild. This Timo seems like a reasonable guy, except for his action to punch Brett of course. He sees some similarities to himself in him. He then looks at Eddy. He looks like he's a real lovable guy. A bit geeky, but sweet. Unfortunately his nice face looks so immensely sad, his posture gloomy.

"You're ok, Eddy?"
"You're ok, Eddy?"
Mason and Timo ask the question both at the same time. They look at each other in surprise, eyebrows high.

Eddy snickers, but sighs after. "Yes and no. I'm happy we are outside without cops etcetera, but I feel like I've lost several battles tonight."

"I can imagine that. You've been going through emotions tonight. But I need to know: Do you  like Brett still? Somewhere in your heart? Overlooking this night?" Mason asks.

Timo looks in wonder at Mason. It looks like they think a lot alike? He had also wanted to ask Eddy this, but later when they would have been alone. He needs to talk to his friend anyway. He feels like he has failed him. Not only did he not support him when he ran out, but he's also made it harder for him by causing problems. He knows why he would ask Eddy, but what is it to this man what Eddy feels?

Eddy hesitates to answer, but then sighs. "Hell. Yes. I don't want to, but I can't help myself. It's so not good that I feel this way. But you heard the man. He clearly doesn't want me. He said he's sorry he can't reciprocate."

Timo instantly knows what Eddy is talking about, but doesn't agree with that interpretation of Brett's sentence. "What are you talking about, Eddy? I didn't hear him say that at all. He said he's sorry. That can mean so many things. Like 'Sorry to be in this situation'. Or 'Sorry for you to be in this situation'. But also 'Sorry I hurt you'. And  yes, maybe he meant 'Sorry I can't return your feelings', or perhaps even 'Sorry for existing'. My point is: it said nothing! Fucking bastard."

Mason agrees to a certain point with Timo. "I believe he meant he's sorry he has hurt you and that he doesn't know how to fix it. Really."

Eddy looks for help at Luke, but he looks like he has no clue what so ever what's going on. "I don't know man. He's an effing mystery to me. I'm a simple man you know. Don't look at me for help." He shrugs to emphasize his statement.

Mason then decides to take a leap of faith. He made up a plan, in fact he has made it up before the incident. It's a wild guess if it will work, but it's all he has now, so he needs to take it. "Eddy. I have an idea. Tomorrow at noon, you'll come to our place. Bring some bubble tea as peace offering and talk with him. He loves bubble tea. See what happens. Give it a shot. Please?"

"Then I'm coming too!" Timo tells decidedly. "I'm not letting Eddy into the lion's den alone. And I need to apologize." he adds a bit ashamed.

Mason bites his lip. Two new visitors in their home at once will not please Brett. How will he react to that? Especially when one of them is Timo, someone that hurt him physically. But he really wants Eddy to come and talk to Brett, so he gives in. "Okay. But I warn you: it will scare the bejeesus out of him when you show up on our doorstep. We never have visitors outside of our close-knit group of friends. So be prepared for that. But I really think we should try."

Eddy feels so confused. Confused by the men before him, who want him to do things. Confused about his own feelings, which just won't go away. Confused of what Brett might or might not want. Does he really want to find out if he and Brett can work this out? Or does he want to leave this sinking ship before he'll drown? Is it a sinking ship even, or an airplane fying through some heavy turbulence? Are the oxygen masks about to fall out of the ceiling, or isn't it that bad? Is there even a suitable metaphor for this fucked-up situation? His mind is spiralling and he has no idea what he wants or doesn't want to do anymore, so he just wants to go home. Hide in his bed under a blanket, fall asleep and see what the morning brings. He decides he will just do that and leave everything be for now.
"I don't know a thing anymore guys. I'm going home to get some sleep and see in the morning what I'll do."
With that he starts walking home, Luke in his wake. Mason and Timo look at each other.

Timo rolls his eyes up. "They are so stubborn! The both of them are just horrific!"

Mason throws his hands in the air. "Why don't they just get together and let the fairy tale begin, for fuck sake. Stupid princes. It's draining so much energy out of me."

Timo looks questioningly at Mason. "You really think Brett likes Eddy? I know Eddy likes Brett way too much for his own good. But what about Brett? Would they really make a good couple?"

Mason nods. "There is not a single hair on my head that doubts that. I've never seen Brett engaged in someone like this." He sighs. "But Brett is a bit... different. Let's keep it at that. I don't know what hardship he will get Eddy into and I'm afraid it won't be easy at first, but I'm really sure he likes Eddy more than he wants to admit and even much more than he even wants to. That's why he has been acting so stupidly this night. Have you seen how they look at each other? It's almost embarrassing. He's been my friend for a long time now and you have to believe me when I say he really is a sweet guy. I think Eddy can bring that out of him again and that they would be good for each other. I don't know why, but I just have the feeling they should be together. Is that weird? But we can only do so much, right? Let's see what tomorrow brings then."

They both weigh those words when Timo suddenly startles. "Oh for fuck sake! They haven't exchanged numbers! Again! How on earth is that possible in this day and age."

Mason hits his forehead. "They are incorrigible! I told Brett so many times already! Okay, fine. Then it's up to us, mate. What's your number? I'll call you so you'll have mine. Then we can set them up tomorrow."

They quickly exchange numbers so they finally have a way to get in contact and don't have to wait for another dreadful week before they meet.
Before they go their separate ways, Mason looks all seriously at Timo suddenly.
"Hey Timo. I think I would have done the same."

"What?" Timo doesn't understand what Mason's talking about.

"I would have punched Eddy too, if he would have done to Brett what Brett did to him. So no hard feelings from me."

Timo grins. "Thanks. We are both quite protective about our friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah." Mason answers with a smirk on his face. "But please don't do it again or I'll have to hit you and I don't want that. You seem like a reasonably enough guy. Guess I'll see you tomorrow." He winks an eye and waves goodbye before heading in opposite direction Eddy and Luke went.

Timo laughs and hurriedly walks in the other direction, determined to tackle his friends before they'll arrive at Eddy's place.

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