7) Eddy leaving

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Eddy breathes in the cold air outside, welcoming it.
He had bolted as fast as he could when he saw Brett entering the dance floor once more.
Tears are very close now lurking behind his eyes.
He knew what Brett and that red head were doing next, when they left the floor together. They went to the dark room no less, so it was very obvious. He already knew that this is what Brett does at an evening like this. They told him. He believed them.

So why does it sting so much then? Why does his heart crumble?

It's not like he had or will ever have a chance with him anyway. A womanizer like that will never be interested in him.
Not even for just a good fuck. That apart from the fact that he's a man, for fuck sake.
He tucks his head into his coat some more. He wants to hide from the world. Solve into thin air. Be anywhere but here.

Eddy hears quick footsteps behind him, closing distance fast.

"Eddy! Wait up!"

It's Timo, trying to catch up to him.
He would rather be alone, but he can't shun him away, right?
He slows down. When Timo reaches him, the man is gasping out of breath for running all the way from the club, his hands resting on his knees.

"Eddy..." Timo finally catches his breath a bit. "Why'd you leave so suddenly, mate?"

Shall he lie? Feign a headache or some other absent illness?
But it's Timo. One of his best friends. Probably his best. He will sees right through him anyway.

"It is no use Tim. I can't get over myself. I get too distracted by this man. And he is clearly out of my league, ain't he? But still... I'm sorry."

"Is it because he left with someone again?"

"Not just someone. A beautiful red headed girl. Did you see her?! She's obviously a 10. Or at least a 9. Think about that and then look at me!" He gestures at himself. "Look! What would he ever see in me? Nerdy. Bony. Dangly. Awkward. And above all: a Man!"

"Don't Eddy. Don't." The sarcasm Timo cherishes so much normally is totally absent. "Listen mate. You know you're too hard on yourself now. This Brett doesn't know what he's missing out on. Clearly. But we both know he's also not a guy for a serious relationship now, is he?" He stops Eddy and turns him facing at him.
"So the question really is, is what you want from him? I don't understand what you see in him. You don't even know him at all. He's just a pretty face you've seen now... twice?! Why are you so hung up on him? I've never seen you so obsessed over someone like this. You always want to know someone before you even think about falling in love."

Eddy knows he's right. He doesn't understand either.
A tear rolls out of the corner of his eye, down his cheek. He can't help it.

"I don't know Tim. I really don't. But I would like to know why. Talk to him. I know it's not normal. Especially for me. It just is." Eddy shrugs. "I don't know why I can't get him out of my head. I'm thinking about him way too much. My work's suffering because of it. My practice time too. My sleep, for fuck sake. My sanity! I don't know how to change this fucked up situation."
Eddy shakes his head in frustration.

"Then maybe you should just try talking to him. Or fuck him once, to get it out of your system. He might be game. Just staring at him from the side, feeling unhappy, won't make a difference now, will it?"

Eddy looks offended.
A one night stand?
He's not someone who wants casual sex.
Call it being a romantic, but he wants love. Not just a quick fuck.

Timo tries to convince him though. "Have his body. See how it works out. Maybe you can get your head straight again."

Eddy smiles through his tears. "I haven't been straight for a long time now, have I?" The opportunity for this remark was just too good to not be used.

"Hey! That's my line!" Timo smirks but adds seriously: "Okay, here's the deal. Next Saturday you dress up in that black polo-shirt and that tight dark blue jeans that you own. And then you will talk to him and see if he's game for something. Anything. Okay?"

Eddy is surprised by mentioning his apparel so specifically.
"Why especially that attire?"
What does Timo have to do with what he should wear?

"Because you look sexy hot in it. Even me, as a quiet straight man, can see that it is so."
Timo rolls his eyes before continuing to explain.
"Look. If you roll up the sleeves of that shirt just above your elbows, it shows off your forearms. They're one of your assets. All that violin playing gives you muscles there that hardly anyone else has. And those jeans really make your ass stand out. And if you ever mention this to anyone, including myself, that I've said that, I will deny it all at once." he continues with a cheeky snicker.

Eddy is truly grateful.

"Thanks Timo. I'll think about it. You just go back. I'll walk myself home."

"Nah! I'm done for tonight. You ran off and Luke went with that girl he just met, thinking he owns the fucking world in that splendid puked-over-by-a-rainbow shirt of his. Before I know, pigs will fly. I don't think I can handle anything more just now." He snickers, throws his hands in the air and yells with a dramatic voice fit for an opera: "LA! What will become off us!"
His eyes twinkle.

Eddy laughs.
"You madman." he replies fondly.

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