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It's not cold tonight, the sun still setting, its orange rays covering everything in a layer of gold.
Eddy walks happily through the streets on his way to Brett's house. It's Wednesday again, so by now that means game night. He whistles softly. Not only will he see Brett again, which he has of course longed for these past few days, but they also came up with a game concept yesterday that they have to try out with the others. It was pretty entertaining with just the two of them, so it will be even better with more people. He has always liked to think up games with rules that have something to do with classical music and how much fun is it that Brett seems to be on board on that.

He sees Luke in the distance standing in the corner looking at his phone. He makes him look up whistling the first bars of Pag's La Campanella.

"Eh, mate!!" He greets him joyfully. "Let's go!"
It only takes a few meters for Luke's curiosity to take over.
"Sooooooo. How was your Saturday night?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Nice. Of course." Eddy answers evadingly.

Luke looks expectantly at him to tell more. "And....!"

"Like hell I'm giving you details!" Eddy blushes.
It's bad enough that he shared some of what happened with Timo because he had to talk with someone after, but he won't tell anyone else anything. It's just between Brett and himself.

"Like I even want to know." Luke sulks, pouting lips and all, but he soon winks and smiles. "Glad you two have found each other."

When they arrive at Brett's house Luke rings the doorbell.
Within a second it is yanked open, causing Luke to jump back a few steps in surprise.

"Brett!!! Dude! What the fuck! Don't scare me like that! You'll give me a heart attack!" He leans dramatically against the doorframe, holding his heart in an act worthy of the drama queen he is.

Brett doesn't care one bit he got him scared. "Luke?!" he frowns, knitting his eyebrows together, "Where's Eddy?"

Before Luke can answer, Eddy emerges from the shadows on the side, laughing.
"Didn't you see me?"

Without further ado Brett pushes Luke inside to get him out of his way, walks over to Eddy and pulls him into a tight hug. He pushes his nose in Eddy's neck, sniffing his scent. That unique smell! Eddy always has a subtle hint of aftershave that Brett has never smelled on anyone else.
"I've missed you." He whispers in Eddy's ear and then kisses him chastely on his lips.

Eddy blushes, shy to show affection when Luke might see it.
But Luke is busy muttering some curses behind him, still trying to get back on his feet after falling inside.
"Jeez, alright, alright. I'll give you lovebirds some space." he snickers and hastily walks to the living room.

"Thanks, Luke!" Eddy yells after him. Thank the Gods for understanding friends. He lifts his hand and pushes one of Brett's hair strands back.
"I've missed you too."
The past days have been so long without him. Now with Luke inside he knows he won't settle for a small kiss anymore. He takes initiative, bends over and claims Brett's lips urgently, making up for days without actual touch. He closes his lips on Brett's, licking the lower one seductively, shifts up and pushes his tongue into the awaiting open mouth and twirls enticingly around Brett's. He ends it with a small bite in Brett's under lip, making Brett moan involuntary.

"Yeah, wow. Kissing. I like that." Brett answers. He's flustered, because he's used the one claiming the other, playing it a little rough. He never knew how nice it would be the roles reversed. He's turned on immediately.

"Oh, do you now?" Eddy smirks coquettishly. His eyes shoot down at Brett's pants, it's clear what effect he has on his boyfriend. He pulls Brett in some more, their groins touching, the evidence of their want pressing against each other. His hand sneaks to the back of Brett's head, intertwines his fingers in the lower part of the soft hair, then pulls Brett's head back, making him look up. Brett moans.
"You like me pulling your hair, right?"

Brett licks his lips. "Hell yeah." he admits hoarsely.

"Good. Because I like doing it."
He tightens his grip, leans over and kisses him again, deep and thorough, stealing his breath. He turns Brett's head to just the right angle to ravish him completely.
Brett answers by slipping a hand in the back of Eddy's jeans and cupping one butt cheek, softly squeezing it.

Eddy grunts and breaks contact, panting hard.
"Oh God, Brett. Stop that, or we'll have to take it further right here and now."
He knows he's just saying stop, but he already feverishly wonders how they can take care of their arousal now. He looks around, suddenly sees the open front door and startles when he realises where they are exactly. He pushes Brett away, causing him to stagger back a few steps.
"Shit! I forgot we're still outside! Get in, get in! What will your neighbours think." His cheeks flush bright pink, his eyes wide.

Brett puts his hands casually in the pockets of the hoody he's wearing, and shrugs. He's enjoying Eddy's flustered state.
"See if I care."
But he takes Eddy's hand and walks in immediately, closing the door behind them.
He looks longingly at Eddy, but already knows what he will say. What he has to say.

Eddy takes a deep breath. "Let's pause this for now. Game first."

Brett nods. "Yeah. Let me get my shit together for a moment, okay?"

"God knows I need it, so yeah." Eddy leans back against the wall and closes his eyes.

It takes them a full minute of careful breathing until their heart rate goes down. Then they look at each other, and grin.

"Ready to go inside?" ask Eddy casually.


Brett enters first, Eddy follows close behind.
"Hey." Brett greets his friends casually, but everyone starts laughing when they look at him. Vincent even points. Brett raises an eyebrow, he isn't hard anymore, so why would they laugh?

It's Mason takes pity on him.
"Brett, go check a mirror, mate."

Eddy's can't help but grin when he looks at his lover.
"Sorry, bro. My fault."

Brett quickly finds the mirror besides the door and sees his image looking back at him with all his hair sticking up all over the place. It was okay when he got the door! This has to be Eddy's doing alright. "Eddy! Do you have any idea how much work I had flattening everything? It looks like I'm in Super Saiyan mode!"

"Over 9000!" Peter yells, getting a fist bump for that from Vincent.

"But we love you anyway, you adorable porcupine, you!" Timo quips and blows him a kiss.

Brett doesn't miss the red flush on Mason's cheeks and neck. He's also clearly very busy not seeing things.
"Yeah, yeah, have pity on a poor soul." he grumps, getting his hair wet and squishing the strands into place, only partly succeeding. "Okay, hear me out, you dweeps. Eddy and I have come up with a new game."

"New charades!!!" Vincent cheers, fist bumping Luke.

"No. Let me finish, you moron. A new one." He looks at Eddy. "Today we'll be roasting instruments in... how many words?"

"Four words!" Eddy says, determination in his voice. 

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Thanks for reading!

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