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Eddy scrapes his throat, hoping it will be enough to not give away his distress.

"Uhm. Hi, Indira. Nice to meet you." He says politely, because he knows how to behave a normal person, you know.

Indira smiles and smiles and starts chatting to him about the orchestra. She is actually quite nice, Eddy loses some of his worry for now. After a minute Brett wanders off to God knows where.

"I really like playing with Brett." She says casually. "He has a nice tone and has a great sense of humor. We fit nicely together all this time." She sighs. "It's a shame it will end."

"Oh? Why will it?"

"I'm marrying my sweetheart." She shows off her engagement ring happily, shining brilliantly on her finger. "But that also means I'll be moving to Perth."

"You'll be leaving? Oh. Brett didn't tell me."
Eddy frowns. There will be a free spot in the orchestra? Why didn't Brett tell him?

"That's because he doesn't know yet. We've just decided this yesterday to go live there."
She laughs suddenly. "Not the marrying thing of course! But the moving!"
Eddy tries to laugh with her, but it sounds rather forced in his own ears.
Black hair comes towards them through the crowd. Indira pears at Brett as he moves closer.
"Brett and I have been playing together for quite some time now. I have to tell him today." She looks at Eddy a bit wistfully. "You'll look after him for me, won't you?"

"Yeah. Of course." Eddy says wondering where this comes from and what she knows.

"Thanks. He's a bit of an airhead sometimes, but he's sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go talk to him."

She intercepts Brett when he's almost there and drags him to the hallway out of Eddy's sight.
Now that he's alone again, he can't help but think.
A free position... Should he try? But would Brett even want him in the orchestra, or would that be too close? Maybe he wants to keep his work and personal life separated? He didn't acknowledge them together, so probably not. First of all he should have his shit together of course. But with Brett besides him, he might be able to make it work. Brett's presence would mean so much, because he gives him a confidence that he hasn't experienced elsewhere. Being together all the time, making music would be marvelous. But would Brett see it like that as well? Is it possible to be 'just a friend' here?
Eddy feels himself getting nauseous rapidly with every question he thinks of. He inhales and exhales profoundly, deliberately breathing to push it down. The noise around him is suffocating. God, it's way too crowded here. Isn't it very hot as well? He looks around. Exit. He needs to take a breath outside. Where is it?
The only way out seems to be the way Brett and India went. Will he bump into them on his way out? That is not what he needs right now. He breathes in and out again, desperately reaching for control.
Suddenly there is no choice anymore, he needs air!
Eddy walks to the door quickly, down the hallway and into the large, now deserted lobby. It's much cooler here, thank God. He sinks with his back against the wall to the floor, pulls his knees up and presses his head on them. Breathe Eddy, Breathe.

A hand is placed on his shoulder, making him jolt up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Brett looks worried.

"I, uhm, I just... Too hot inside. I got nauseous." Eddy lies feebly.
Well, it's not a total lie, but it's also only a part of the truth.

"Hmm. Maybe." Brett says knowingly. "I saw your face fall when I got Indira to talk to you. Was it too much to introduce you? She's really nice."

Oh. Brett saw? Shit.
He shakes his head in denial. No, that wasn't it.
Brett sits down in front of him, his legs beside Eddy's.

"Then tell me? Please?"

Eddy swallows, because he has to ask him now what he meant, doesn't he?
"I'm... It was... about, well, if you..."
Shit what is this? He's good with words! So why is he always lost for them when he needs them most? He scrapes his throat. He mentally kicks himself.
"I was thinking that you might want to keep your work and personal life separated."

"Huh? What made you think that?"

"The 'He's a friend of mine' remark." Eddy looks down, embarrassed. "I thought you might not want me here?"

Brett's eyes become big.
He stretches a hand out, puts it on Eddy's cheek softly and caresses it.
"Oh no, sweetheart. Don't think that!"
Brett lifts Eddy's head so he has to lock eyes with him.
"Listen. I hope you'll join this gang here in the foreseeable future. But we didn't talk about it how you would want to be known here when that happens. And it might complicate things for getting the position. You know? Maybe they might not want relationships within the orchestra. So that's why I didn't tell her immediately." he says seriously. "But just now she told me she'll quit in a month and then-"

Brett can't finish his sentence, because Indira appears at their sides.
"Oh here you are! Eddy dear! I'm so happy that he has found you, finally. You know he's been talking about his mystery lover to me for a month now? I was starting to think he was pulling my leg, but now I've finally been able to meet you!" she beams. "I'm glad I'll be leaving him with someone who will take care of him when I'm gone."

"You told her?" Eddy asks, disbelief in his voice. It's the Optician's all over. How does this all suddenly shift 180 degrees?

"Of course I told her! She just told me she'll be leaving us in a month, so I had to. She is really dear to me and I wanted you two to meet each other with the right titles in mind." Brett smiles and squeezes Eddy's knee softly. "She won't tell anyone so nothing will be jeopardized. I really want you to apply for her spot now and nobody should think I'm biased in my choice of hiring you." He blinks a few times, weighing his words. "Although I am." He shrugs. "Does this answer your question adequately now?"

Eddy sniffs and smiles a genuine smile. "Yes. Sorry."

"No apologies needed. Always ask. Don't fret."
Brett gets on his knees, leans over and kisses him chastely on the corner of his mouth.
Indira sighs a well meant "Ahhh." in endearment.
Brett gets up and reaches for Eddy's hand to pull him up. His nausea is gone now, butterflies in its place.

"Come on. Let's get Timo and go home." Brett wraps an arm around Eddy's waist and pulls him close to him as they walk to the café. 

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