89) Broken glasses

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By the time Eddy comes back from the bathroom, Brett is slightly panicking. Sure, Brett is dressed as well, but is missing one very important part in his attire.
"Edd? Did you see my glasses?" He slumps down on the bed in defeat, done looking for something he can't find. "I've searched everywhere. Help me?!"

Eddy pauses and thinks for a few seconds. "Well... You had them on when we were at the door." Brett's gaze shifts to the door. Although it's blurry, he remembers clearly what happened there. Will he be able to walk through it without getting hard anytime soon? Probably not.

"Hmm." Eddy continues, "When I put you on the bed you didn't have them anymore... I think?" Eddy drops down on his knees and searches the ground. Within seconds there is a deep groan, but not a good one. "Uh-oh." he reaches under the bed, sits up and then puts what he's found in Brett's outstretched hands. His glasses. But in two pieces. "Shit! We might have stepped on them..."
Brett groans and crashes backwards into the pillow. Eddy crawls besides him and hugs him. "Can we get your spare ones?"

"These are my spare ones. The others were broken by Timo." He grimaces as he remembers the fight between them.

"Sorry." Eddy snuggles a bit deeper in his chest.

"You can't help it." Brett sighs and entwines his fingers in Eddy's hair, caressing it. "Thank God I can get my new ones today. Can't see fuck now, though." he lifts his hand and stretches it until he can't see clearly anymore. "After this distance it's getting blurry."

"Bro!" Eddy gets up with a jerk, staring at him wide eyed. "That's just one hands length from your face!" he yells in astonishment. "You're as blind as a bat!"

Brett chuckles. "Tell me something new." he then shrugs. He looks up at Eddy with a devious smile. "But with my guide dog besides me, I'll manage for sure."

"What?! Who are you calling your dog?" Eddy asks, in amusement and hits Brett with a pillow right on his face.

"You, my sweet labrador." Brett laughs. He gets up and takes Eddy's hand. He walks them towards the door, still laughing at his own joke and opens the door.

Eddy covers Brett's mouth the moment they walk into the living room.
"Awww. Look at them." Eddy whispers. Timo and Mason are sleeping in each other's arms. "That's cute."

Brett squinches his eyes to slits to see what Eddy means, inches closer to the couch and backs up again.
"They are sleeping. Let's write a note and leave. Okay?" Brett whispers back.

Eddy sneaks to his desk to get paper to write a note and puts it on the table in front of the couch for his friends to find when they wake up. They tiptoe to the hallway, get their stuff and close the door softly behind them.

"That was the sweetest thing I've ever seen." Brett says while he is tying his shoelaces in front of the closed door. "Except for you, of course." he hastens to say, once he sees Eddy's bemused look.

"Yeah. People sleeping are always cuter than awake, no age restriction. Glad they are sleeping though. Timo barely got any."

"Mason didn't look too well rested either when he got up this morning." Brett agrees. "But! I'm dying for coffee. And sight. Let's go!"

Getting somewhere with someone who isn't used to bad vision is difficult, but also quite funny, judging from Eddy's laughing fits along the way. Brett manages to trip over uneven bricks and small thresholds. He clearly has no idea where he is going.
He makes his way halfway up the steps of the bus, when he trips again and almost launches himself at the bus driver.
"Fuck!" Brett swears loudly.

The driver smiles and winks. "Well, I don't think that's my profession. I'd better just drive, don't you think."

Brett grumbles an excuse and Eddy laughs vividly. "Sorry, mate. Let me help you." he hiccups. He picks Brett up from the ground, greets the driver and walks them to their seats.

"Well that was embarrassing." Brett sighs. Eddy snorts. "Glad someone enjoys it." he adds sarcastically, giving Eddy an accusing look.

"I'm really sorry, but I can't help myself. I have never seen you this clumsy. It's like I'm watching an old slapstick movie." Eddy has a hard time to keep his voice in check.

Brett rolls his eyes. "Well, although you think it's funny, I'm getting myself a spare ones immediately!"

Eddy cups his jaw and makes him look at him. "Your eyes are so much bigger without your glasses." He examines him closely. "Ever thought about wearing contacts?"

"Nah. I don't see myself poking things into my eyes. Unless you want me to?" he asks hesitantly.

"No. Only if you want it yourself." Eddy thinks for a second. "Hmm. I actually like it that I'm the only one who sees you like this. So don't."

Brett snorts. "Alright then. That's settled."

Brett sighs with relief when they enter the Opticians' not long after. Iris greets them enthusiastically.

"You came prepared without glasses?" she asks Brett.

"Tell me about it." Brett says soberly. "Broke the other ones as well. Got new ones just in time."

"You should have seen us coming here." Eddy snorts. "Can't belief I'm dating a disabled person!" he laughs out loud.

"Well excuse me! I have other fucking assets!" Brett banters back.

"Aww, poor man!" Iris laughs with him and goes to the back to get their glasses.

Eddy leans towards him, wiggles his eyebrows and says so softly only Brett hears "Other 'fucking' assets, indeed."

Brett bursts out in laughter. "That's within close range anyway." he snorts.
He straightens up when Iris hands him his glasses, then sighs with relief when his world becomes clear again. "That is so much better!"

"They look good on you." Eddy tells him appreciatively.

"Couldn't agree with you more." Iris confirms and hands Eddy his own set of glasses. "Now you. Let's see how they are for you."

Eddy puts them on and blinks with wonder. "Woah. That is really much better." He pulls them down and looks over them and puts them on again. "Woah. Didn't expect it to this much clearer."

"Imagine that difference and multiply it fivefold." Brett states. He takes Eddy's chin between fingers and turns Eddy's face sideways to right and left. "Damn. You look so handsome!"

"Yes, doesn't he?!" Iris smiles, backing Brett up, making Eddy blush.

After fitting them all properly and ordering another pair for Brett they walk outside into the sunlight again.

"God, never thought it would be that bad without glasses. I'm never without them."

Eddy looks in wonder right and left at the stores around them. "I thought I would only wear them when I would really want to see far. But now I know I won't take them off anymore. This is so nice!"

"And they are pretty on you. So why wouldn't you?" Brett compliments.

"Okay. I'm dying for coffee." Eddy exaggerates, the back of his hand on his forehead like a Southern Belle from Gone with the Wind. "Let's get our caffeine shot and then some Bubble Tea to go. I want to go back home and see if Timo and Mason are awake."

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