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"Hey! Brett!"
The boys are on the couch, controller in their hands, clearly working hard to keep their Nintendo characters on the platform where they fight each other to the death.

"Ah, fuck! Vincent, you asshole!" Mason screams in frustration as he receives a fatal blow from Vincent. He throws his controller on the table in defeat.
Vincent laughs his most evil laughter, clearly very pleased with himself, but before he's done celebrating he's violently pushed off the platform by Timo.

"Yes! Got you! Serves you right!" Timo laughs.

Brett sits on the side of the couch and watches the fight on the screen. Only Timo an Peter are left and the fight intensifies. One huge combo later and Timo dies a violent death and falls into oblivion. Peter jumps up, fisting his controller in the air.
"Whahahahaha! I win! Again! I'm the king of the mountain!"
The others grumble at him.
"Another round?"

"No, 'your Majesty'. Thank you very much." Timo bows sarcastically. "You can keep your damned crown. I've been beaten to ashes enough for now."

"Brett then?" Peter asks hopefully.

But before Brett can answer, Mason speaks for him.
"First Brett has to tell us how things went yesterday and today. If he doesn't mind, that is." Masons eyes fixed on Brett.
Brett looks around. Oh God, all his friends are looking at him now. And can he blame them? It was quite the spectacle when he and Eddy left the Club.

"All right, I'll tell you some of it. So everybody knows what happened in the Club?"

"Yeah." Mason shrugs. "I kinda had to fill them in."

"Okay. Right then. Well, as Timo expected, those girls got to him. He got sick, so I took him home. And I stayed, of course." Images of Eddy feeling so miserable flood his mind. Poor Eddy. At least he wasn't alone. "This morning he felt a bit better and we talked... and stuff." He wiggles his eyebrows. The others smile knowingly. "Let just say it made a lot of difference." He grins, then puts his hands in his pockets. This is all the info they are going to get and he knows full well they won't ask details. Okay, it's time for the diversion he has planned to change subjects.
"Oh, and then we went to the Opticians." he changes the subject, "And got me new glasses. Eddy winded up buying one too."

"Woah, what? Eddy needs spectacles?" Timo asks in shock. He considers it for a moment and then nods. "Hmm. He has been squinting at his sheet music a lot more recently, complaining the print was not good, but was it his eyesight all along then?"

Brett smiles, silently thanking Timo for taking the bait.

"What did he pick?" Vincent wants to know.

"You have to ask him, because I'm not going to tell you. I think he will show you in a week or so. But I have to say they suit him very nicely." Brett smiles wistfully as he thinks back.

"Oh God, that look!" Vincent grunts as if in pain. "So sappy. You are so lost!"

"Sappy? Is that even a word?" Peter smirks, eyes glistering maliciously. "Buuuut anyway. That means I can make fun of him with his extra set of eyes?"

"You can if you have a death wish." Brett warns. "Really. I'm not kidding: don't. I'll seriously hurt you."

Peter rolls his eyes back, but he nods. "Okay, okay. I'll behave. No one will mock your precious boyfriend."

Brett ignores him further.
"And then we went for sushi at that new place we talked about recently. It was quite good actually."

"Ah, Mason and I planned to go there as well!" Timo enthuses.

"Oh! I wanna go too!" Peter yells enthusiastically, but Mason shoots him a glare.

"Then you two go together. I'm going with Mason. Only Mason." Timo says decidedly.

The others howl with disappointment, Brett is quiet and sneaks a peak at Mason. Yep, he's blushing alright. Does Timo realize? Do the others? It doesn't look like it.

"Pff. And we call them friends." Vincent concedes first. "Spoilsports. Then we will invite Luke and we'll go with just the three of us. Tsk, tsk. Such disappointing behavior." He rolls his eyes in mock annoyance. "Come on Pete, we'll have to hit the sack. Poor working class have to get up early. So long, you bastards."

"Right. It's not like if I don't have to get up early too, you asshole." Timo sighs. He gets up and to Brett's surprise he shakes Mason's hand. "Thanks mate. Sleep well tonight. Bye Brett."

Mason walks him to the door and locks it after him. The others have vanished to their rooms already, so it's just them now.

Brett eyes him curiously. "Had a nice night?"

"Yeah, it was fine." He is saying it casually, but the blush on his cheeks give him away.

"Well, you got a handshake, while me and the others didn't." Brett wiggles his eyebrows. "And an invitation to eat sushi with only the two of you to boot."

"That doesn't mean anything. It just means we are getting along, not that he has feelings for me." Mason says with conviction, but hesitantly adds: "Does it?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Brett looks at the door as if Timo were standing there still. "It would be nice though. I can see it happen. You know, you two."

Mason sighs. "Thanks. But I'm not getting my hopes up."

"So nothing has changed for you? You want him?" Brett inquires.

Mason looks at the ground, the answer in the silence he emits.

"Mason. Please. Let me ask Eddy. Maybe he can find out..."

"Nope. Don't." Mason interrupts. "Listen. I really like being around him. I'm not going to jeopardize what I have with stupid feelings. I just have to push them aside and get used to it."

Brett eyes him soberly. 
"Hmm. Not so long ago it was you who told me 'Don't give up before it started.'" Brett points a finger at his chest. "Those were your words, mate. You should listen to yourself sometime."

Mason scrapes his throat. "Yeah, well. That's it for tonight." He gets up, making it clear that the conversation is over. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a shower and I'm off to bed."

"Uhu. A shower, eh?" Brett grins wickedly.

"Not like that! Your brain is in the gutter!"

"Hmm. So why are you blushing so badly then." Brett winks.

Mason throws a pillow at his face, laughs, and walks to his bedroom.

"Yep." Brett whispers at the retreating back. "It would be so nice to see you happy with a lover at your side, mate."

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