61) App

244 18 2

                            'Hey Timo. You still at the 

Brett squints his eyes at the brightly lit screen that he's holding close to him while he's typing the words. The room he's in is way too dark for this intense backlight. He switches to night mode quickly and runs his finger on the lightbar to the left to make the screen as dark as possible. He looks at his side to see if it has woken Eddy, who has finally has drifted off to sleep. Luckily he's sleeping peacefully still.
The answer comes quickly.

'Yeah. .₂'
'You at Eddy's? He's okay?     .₂'

                  'Ye. As okay as he can be now. .₂'
                  'I'll stay with him. Dont worry. .₂'

'Thanks, mate. .₂'

                  'Do you know what those bitches
                   said to him? Exact words pleas.

This is the real reason why he messaged Timo. Of course he also wanted to let his friends know that Eddy is okay, that they are okay, but he wants to know what really happened back there. What did they do to crush his man like this?

'Don't know the exact words
 anymore? Let me think    

Brett sees the typing symbol flashing for a long time. It feels like forever before Timo finally sends the answer.

'She said something about him
  being too thin and too tall.
  Something about his teeth. And
  that he didn't move right.     
'Or something like that.    .₂'
'Oh. And him being everything
  you wouldn't like.                     
'Not cute and short hair...
 That kind of things I guess?   

                                                                   'Fuck!  .'

Brett almost swears out loud. It makes it even more clear where Eddy was coming from. This is exactly what he was afraid of. To be honest he isn't even as angry with those girls as he is at himself. Because wasn't it basically true not so long ago? He has always approached the smaller, cuter ones. And yes, he also likes long hair, preferably dark. But that doesn't mean he can't like anything else, does it? Finding someone attractive doesn't mean he could love that person. Loving someone takes so much more than physical appearances.

'So Eddy took that badly?  .'

                  'Yeah. I'm afraid so. Especially after
                   he felt like he fucked up this

'Then it's your job to convince
 him otherwise. Basically.       

                      'Of course. Already wroking on it.
                                                          ' *working   .'
                  'those girls. What did they do when
                   we left?                                               

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