90) Shiny

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The sun in the window shines on the cup of coffee in front of him, hot steam visible in the rays of light. Across him Brett is talking amicably about, well, he has no idea actually, because he's too busy swooning over him. The way his hair bounces when he's talking not only with his words, but also with his hands and whole body. The way that his new glasses fit him so beautifully, so much better than those metal rimed ones. The way his eyes move behind them, noticing everything around them with the razor sharp focus he's used from him, is hypnotizing. But most of all he can't stop being drawn to his lips that have that nice, bright, pinkish color that appears after drinking something hot, or kissing for that matter. Sinking down on those lips would be so good right now. He would like to grab the hem of his shirt, drag him over the table and just devour those lips, right here, in front of the whole place and the outside world to see. Of course he wouldn't be that inappropriate, as if he would have the guts to do such a thing in public. Oh, God, did he just nibble his lower lip?! Is he doing that on purpose to torture him?

"Eddy?" Brett chuckles. "Are you even listening?"

Eddy blinks rapidly to get his wits in order again. "Sorry. You were saying?"
Brett tilts his head to one side and looks at him bemusedly. Eddy lower his gaze and pushes his bottom lip into a pout. "It's your own fault anyway. You are way too distracting sitting there all shiny and stuff." he grumbles, evoking a laugh out of Brett. "But you were saying?"

"Shiny and stuff, huh?" Brett pushes his chair back, leans over the small table and kisses Eddy on his cheek. He turns his head towards his ear and whispers huskily, "So... am I making you hard then?"

"Brett!" Eddy yells his name through the store, loud enough for people to look at their table. He turns crimson while Brett retreats to his chair again, chuckling deviously. That bastard! How can he throw that question before him so blatantly? Because he certainly was not, but now Brett has mentioned, he might get into trouble quite quickly if he can't get his head straight. 'Straight' in all its meanings.
He takes a few deep breaths in order to steady himself. Brett, who hasn't lost eye contact for a second, smiles wickedly. He looks around quickly and then Eddy feels his foot sliding between his legs.
"Woah!" Eddy's hand flies under the table and he has Brett's foot locked already. He digs his nails through the sock, into the flesh, making Brett wince. "Down, boy." he reprimands, but a smile grows on his face.

"Okay, okay. I'll behave." Brett extends his arms in defeat, but winks at him once. "For now."

"You are incorrigible. Let's get out of here, before you'll embarrass me." Eddy kicks Brett's shin under the table and gets up. "Bubble tea?"
Brett laughs, puts his phone in his pocket and gets up as well.

The way home is much easier than how they got to the stores earlier. With his vision restored Brett walks easily, quickly and confidently again. It's amazing what glasses can do for someone.
Eddy almost laughs out oud when they get on the bus and they've managed to have the same driver as before.
"Ah! Mister stumble and co." The driver laughs as they enter and scan their cards, "How nice of you to join me again this late afternoon. Be careful with those drinks you're carrying." he teases, "Don't want to clean the whole bus."

"Don't worry! Won't happen again. I hope." Brett laughs

"Shame. It was quite the slapstick movie. It made my day."

Eddy sees a faint blush appear on Brett's cheeks, but instead of wanting the earth to swallow him whole and stuttering an apology like he himself would do, Brett laughs it off, rolls his eyes in a very exaggerated way and quips: "Glad my clumsiness has been enjoyable for someone at least."

"I have to agree that it was quite funny." Eddy confirms, a little bit envious that Brett can banter so casually with someone he doesn't know. The driver laughs again and pulls into traffic while Brett shoves Eddy hard enough for him to almost lose his balance.

"Thanks a lot, you bastard! I'll remember this when you are on the ground, thank you very much." But he winks at him appreciatively and pushes them forward to a free space for them to sit.

The trip back is light, sarcastic jibes tumbling over each other and when they step through the entrance of the hallway that leads to Eddy's apartment they are laughing still.
Eddy sees his front door, and quiets down immediately.
"What do you think? Will they be sleeping still?" he asks a bit nervously.

Brett looks at him sideways and shrugs. "More worried to walk in on them doing something more inappropriate actually."

Eddy sneaks to the kitchen window and peeks inside.
"Oh. It's safe. They are up and dressed."

They enter the hallway to the laughter at their friends ringing through the door.
"That's a good sign." Brett grins. He kicks his shoes off and puts his coat on a knob. He picks the bag full of Bubble Tea from the ground and stretches his shoulders. "Let's see what is so funny, shall we?"

A/N: 20,4K! You have no idea how grateful I am with every read, star and comment. It means so much that people like my story enough to read all 90 chapters. And ongoing.
I'm wondering about something and want to ask you: would you like to hear more about Mason and Timo and how their relationship progresses? Or shall I keep the focus on Brett & Eddy and M&T on the side?

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