66) NSFW (first half safe)

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Brett looks at Eddy with worried eyes.

"But why this again?" he says quietly.
"I really don't understand. Because I was so into it. Eddy, you saw I was, right?"

"Yeah. That's why I probably didn't watch you carefully enough." Eddy's face falls. "I forgot. I'm so sorry I didn't notice sooner things going wrong for you." Because he should have seen. He should have been paying attention to Brett more. How on earth didn't he? He shakes his head.

Brett cups Eddy's cheek in a hand and turns it towards him.
"You listen very carefully: This was not on you. Don't even think about it. It's just like I said. It took me by surprise as well."

"You were as white as a mushroom." Eddy says defensively, as if it's a legit reason for him to blame himself.

"You hate mushrooms."
His eyebrows are scrunched together. It's clear he's thinking really hard.
"But I'm trying to analyse what happened. Hmm. Maybe..."
He wraps an arm around Eddy and pulls him closer. Eddy rests his head on his shoulder and rubs Brett's arm gently with his hand, drawing circles on the skin.
"Yeah, maybe... I think it started to get difficult when we lost eye contact. Not immediately, but when you really got to it, you know, sucking." Brett looks meaningfully down.
"That's when you turned your eyes away from mine longer. And maybe I even closed mine?"
He thinks for a second and then shakes his head.
"I don't really know anymore if I did. But I know that then it went downhill quickly. The panic just grabbed me and wouldn't let go."

"Oh? Hmm. Let me think that through." Eddy is silent for a moment.
"You know, thinking back, it does make some sense. The first time you went into panic mode you were here," He gestures at the room. "You didn't know your surroundings and it was dark. So at first I figured it might be that you couldn't see where you were. But then after the roasting game we were in your own room and we had all the lights on. I thought it might help." Eddy sighs and shrugs. "Well, obviously it didn't, because you got into a panic a second time. But in both cases we did lose eye contact. So you might be onto something here."

"Yeah, guess so?"

"But upholding a direct eye line is a bit difficult when I'm busy down there."

Brett chuckles but his expression saddens again. "That's a shame though."

Eddy lifts his head and looks closely at Brett. He looks quite okay again. What if... Would it be okay, maybe? He licks his lips. "I would like to test that theory. You know, the upholding eye contact thing?"

"Huh? Now? How?"

"Don't they say that if you fall off your horse, you should get back on as quickly as possible?" Eddy receives a deadpan stare from Brett. "If you're up for it?" Eddy asks cautiously.
Again no reaction. Did he overstep his boundaries?
But then a small flame starts to burn in Brett eyes, a smile appears on his lips. Is that a yes?
Eddy's hand, that was still rubbing circles on his arm, goes to his chest and to his abdomen, lower and lower.
"Listen, I will use my hand for now, until we find a way to go further?"
Eddy encloses the now half hard member softly, still wet from where he just licked minutes ago. It reacts instantly. So it is surely up for it. But is its owner as well?

Brett swallows hard. "Oh, Jesus. That feels good."

Eddy gets up on his elbow, linking their eyes together, electricity sparking immediately.
He tightens his grip around the rapidly stiffening shaft and strokes it softly up and down. It instantly grows to capacity once more.

"You know I want you, right? It's not you who is the problem here. Don't ever think that."

Eddy raises his eyebrows. Maybe that's true, he was not the reason why Brett panicked, but he still will be more careful next time.

"I know you wanted me, Bretty. You're brain just went AWAL on you."
Eddy kisses him on the sides of his mouth. He knows why it didn't work. Evil from the past worked its way in. He just has to erase it.
"So... you want to try this?"

Brett reaches up and entwines his fingers in Eddy's hair, pulling softly at the strands as he combs through it.
"Yes. Please."

Good. He knows how to do this after all. He changes the pressure, up harder, down softer. Brett moans softly.

"You, on me, wow." Brett pants. "It just feels exquisite."

Eddy watches him closely. Brett's breath speeds up. He's building him nicely, this time in a good way. Brett's eyes are hooded and heavy. Wait, he's almost closing them.
Eddy stops for a second and squeezes to get Brett's attention back to him.
"Don't close your eyes, love. Look at me. Only me."

And Brett does. "Only you." he manages.

Eddy blushes, but he keeps moving his hands up and down, while he carefully keeps their eyes locked. Brett's eyes are now hooded again, glassy even, and his moans are everything. Yes, now he feels good. Eddy will not let anything, or anyone for that matter, come between them again.

It doesn't take long before Brett is at his limit. 
"Ah! I'm gonna -"
Brett doesn't finish his sentence, but pulls Eddy in and kisses him hard, panting in his mouth as he starts to twitch, coming in waves of pure pleasure. Eddy lets him ride out his orgasm as well as he can.

"Wow." Brett falls down again, not having even noticed that he got up when he climaxed. "That was intense."

"Yeah. For me too." 
Eddy smiles broadly and lays his head on Brett's chest. He hears his heartbeat racing still. It's a great feeling that the rhythm is his doing?
"It went well this time, eh?" he says quietly. "No bad images lurking from the side?"

"Only you, my sweetheart. There was only you."

Woah. Eddy's explodes from the inside out.
He said 'sweetheart'! He clearly said it! It's almost better hearing that than the orgasm that he just had. And it was a very good one. Did he say it by accident? But even if it was, he said it! So something in him must see him like that, right? He snuggles closer, hiding his reddening cheeks.
"Good. Just like it should be: only us."

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