5) Club Eddy

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It's Saturday once more.
Eddy is walking with his two best friends down the road and is questioning his life choices.
It's been a hell of a week. He should have been practicing for his upcoming concerts, but he just hasn't been able to focus. Far too often his mind has wandered to black glasses, fitted on a head with black hair.
And now he has decided to go to Club Hell once more to see this presumably straight man. From a distance obviously. Although he should be practicing for his upcoming gig.

How annoying. Why am I so stupid!

Luke walks beside him. He has dressed himself in a fancy attire, as usual. In his eyes that is. Eddy smiles at the sight of his Hawaiian shirt, dark green pants and bright red shoes. The combination produces tears to his eyes. It will stand out for sure.

"You've dressed yourself to the occasion, haven't you?" he smiles at his friend.

"You can make fun of me now, but you'll weep when I dance with the most prettiest of them all!" Luke retorts, all schmuck.

Now it's Timo who laughs wholeheartedly. Around strangers he's the quiet kind of guy, but with friends he's mostly cheerful, but also sarcastic to no end. He has a sharp, quick mind, and a tongue to follow it through.

"Right, 'cause she would seriously go for the guy dressed like a pineapple. No question about it. Sooo sexy." He laughs as he bumps into Luke's shoulder, raising and lowering his eyebrows in a quick way, very clearly the intent of the sneer he just made in his eyes .

"Eddy! Say something! I'm dressed super slick!" Luke points at himself with both hands, his index fingers stretched.

Eddy grins sideways at him. He loves him dearly, but he can't comprehends his clothing choices. "Yeah, you'll be the most super slick coconut in the room."

"Aw sheesh. You're both just jealous." he fake grumpily answers. "You both just don't have any fashion sense!"

Eddy almost can't contain his laughter. Timo on the other hand doesn't even try to hold it in. "Don't have.." *wheeze* "Fashion..." hahahaha... "Okay. I'll keep that in mind."
It results in another shoulder bump, but it's now Luke bumping Timo.
Timo chooses to ignore it. "But anyway: Eddy! How nice off you to join us this evening again. I didn't think you would after running away last time. You joining us has nothing to do with this bloke Brett, does it?" he asks with his eyebrows high, a teasing smile present.
Eddy colours slightly, being easily made like that. He knows they see right through him, so he doesn't even try to lie that hard.

"... Well obviously not. Why would I?" he tells them with a grin from ear to ear, looking away quickly, almost like he's apologizing. He knows it's not wise to go after someone like Brett.

"Yeah, why would you. Like you haven't been thinking about him all week. You can't fool us, mate! You were so absentminded. I've never seen you like this." Luke almost looks worried.

Timo cuts in, all serious now for a change. "Ed, I just want to warn you to be careful. Please? He's a womanizer. A playboy. You're not. He is not for keepers. Can you handle that?"

"Can I handle that? I don't know. Like I stand a change anyway. I just can't get the bastard out of my head. It totally sucks. To be more precise: I totally suck." he hasn't even completed his sentence when Timo instantly replies.

"I guess you wouldn't mind in this case." Yep. That's Timo for you.

Eddy blushes. "Timo! For fuck sake."

"Fucking wouldn't be bad though." Timo smirks.

They all laugh and then finally see the Club's entrance emerging like the caves of Mount Doom.
They banter some more, give their coats to the cashier and enter the dance floor. The wall of noise they meet almost knocks Eddy over. Why is the music so loud all the time?! Quickly he gets his earplugs out of his pocket and puts them in. Luckily he came prepared this time. This is so much better! Almost bearable.

Timo and Luke are already out there on the floor. The wild coloured shirt Luke's wearing stands out between the masses like a sore thumb. But he's also very easy to find in this huge crowd, so that counts for something. Apparently there are also some girls interested in him already. Eddy snickers to himself, and is happy for him.

Eddy installs himself at the same spot at the bar as last time, a beer in his hand. Not that he's that fond of the broth, but you have to do something when you are just standing there. The weird fact is, that Eddy actually likes to dance. But he only does it when alone. And preferably in his room where no one else can see him. Not in here. Not among all these pumped-up people chuck full of hormones. He wrinkles his nose. He can almost smell them floating around.
But the bar is a good place to overview the room, and a bit less noisy. His eyes wander over the people present, searching.
He almost instantly sees the man he's been thinking about all week and wished for seeing again tonight. He's dancing in the centre of the dance floor, surrounded by the same friends he was with last week. There are also some girls there. Of course there are. Why wouldn't there be.

Would I dare to go to him, at some point? Eddy wonders.
And what would I do, if I did? In this noise he can't hear me anyway, will he? So talking is not an option. Would I dance with him? Make sexy moves? Get him to notice me?
But all those people surrounding him...
Why am I even considering he would even
see me!
He rolls his eyes up in annoyance, feeling like a nerdy schoolgirl with a stupid crush on the most popular jock in school.
But he won't look away for too long. He can't. He needs to see what Brett is up to. 


VNV Nation: A Million (outtake)

The night, presaged by a dying sun
The life and times of ascent and fall
The dance has commenced in the fading glow
A wall of pitch for the dying of light
Protect us
Keep us from all that would harm
Encircle, encompass, guard over us all

Give up, give in
Light the night on fire
It sears, it derides and it leads us to fall
Walk on, walk through imitations of hell
The movement
The rhythm
The drums from afar

I endure, I resist what's killing me
An image invoked like a visage of hell
Submit to temptation taunting my soul
Unlock these restraints
Oh save us all

Love joins
Love unites
Love breaks us apart
The power to conquer here in our hearts
Enduring and sacred
Eternal as time
For love, love alone will conquer all

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