16) Why not?

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In the end, it's just Brett and Mason walking beside each other in the dark lit city. Vincent and Peter already had dates within their BBT group. Vincent was dragged off to the Club again and Peter went with a blonde girl to drink some more at her place.

Brett doesn't mind. He's actually happy to leave all the bantering and noice behind. It leaves some room to think about what happened. He knows that a few week ago he wouldn't have declined Trixie's invitation. He would've just sexed her up and then fucked her somewhere to get some relief. But today there was no way that he would want to, all because he didn't like her. Since when has that been a problem before?

Mason notices his quietness and addresses it. "You okay, mate?"

Brett startles out of his thoughts. "Uhm, yes, of course. Just a bit confused."

"Confused about you turning down a possible one-night stand? Something you haven't done in a long time." There you have it. Mason; always the direct and perceptive kind.

"Yeah... Did you see her coming on to me at the Club too? When I was talking to Eddy? She was so persistent from the start!" Brett frowns at the memory of her cupping his fly. "Why was she outside with us anyway?! It's not like I've ever seen her before now, you know. You?"

"No. Peter said she is a cousin of Amy and staying at her place for a couple of weeks. You know who I'm talking about, right? Amy? Nice figure, poofy brown hair and gold rimmed glasses? About this height?" Mason gestures with his hand about 1,65m from the ground. "Come on, man. You should know her, you fucked her a few months ago!"

Brett deadpans for a moment and thinks real hard until the pieces fall together. "I think I do... They don't look alike in appearance at all, do they? But they do in chattiness. To be honest, I don't like either of them."

Mason looks sideways at him. "That has not stopped you before. She was all-over you. Kissing and stuff."

"I know! I felt violated. I really didn't like it!" Brett puts his hands into the pockets of his coat. "Big question is why didn't I like it?"

"I don't know mate. Let's analyse this then. What were you thinking about when she was snogging you?" It's a pretty crude way of expressing the action, but he's not wrong.

"I just wanted to push her away. I... Don't laugh, okay? I was thinking I would have liked it so much more when she would have been Eddy." Brett blushes slightly. It's his luck that it's dark, so Mason, hopefully, won't see it. "And I was rather bummed that I left him behind at the Club. I didn't want to leave yet when Vin dragged me away. I shouldn't have left. It was very rude thing to do."

Of course Mason is discreet enough to not acknowledge the flustering. "When I met you outside you didn't want to go back to get him. You said it was better like this, so that you didn't have to answer a difficult question or something. You want to tell me what that's about?" It's a question Mason clearly has been wanting to ask Brett since they left the others.

"He said that he's not an, quote: 'one-night-stand-kind of guy'. He invited me to his house again. It looked like he wanted more from me than just sex. I said I didn't know if I could give him that. Be that for him."

"But you like him, right? So why not find out?"

"That's exactly what he said: 'Want to find out'. And the weird thing is, I was actually thinking it over. My first reaction wasn't 'run!' for a change. So that's new. I'm actually  pretty confused about that. And while I was considering what I want and what to do, Vin dragged me out." Brett shrugs.

"I see. Why don't you get together outside the Club for a change. Meet for bubble tea. Or coffee. See how you get along then, without all the excessive noice and people. It's the more normal ting to get to know someone, right?"

"But what if we do... I'm not sure if I want to take that risk. What if I like him. And that he likes me. What if we become more. And then we suddenly don't. What if the breakup is bad. And then what will happen when he joins the SSO. How can I work with that kind of tension of him being there?!" There is clear distress in Brett's voice.

"I like it." Mason states.

"Huh?" Brett look up at him taken aback. He likes it when he's distressed? That doesn't sound like something Mason would ever want, it doesn't make sense.

Mason smiles at him, eyes twinkling. "I like it that you even consider the possibility of you two together."

"....." Brett startles in surprised realisation. Mason's right! He has not considered anyone to meet him after one night together. To get to know him. To be a bit or a lot 'more' than a fleeting by-passer.

Mason laughs at Brett's flabbergasted expression. "Just my two cents: I think I like this Eddy guy. I think you're lucky he even let you have that one night already. Why not invite him to our place and play some games. Let's get to know him a bit better."

Brett tenses straight away. "What?! Bring him to our place!? No way. We don't bring people to our place."

"We do if they are friends, don't we? Maybe he can be a friend."
They've arrived at the front door and end the conversation for now. Mason unlocks it and they enter.

Sitting on the couch, controllers in their hands, beating the crap out of each other up on screen, makes Brett relax again. After another draw, they decide to call it a day.

As Brett starts to get up from the couch, Mason takes Brett's hand and pulls him down again. "Hey Brett, listen. Do me a favour, please? Open yourself up to this bloke. I have a gut feeling it will be okay. Really. Just try this once? It's been long enough since B-Bitch. See if you can let yourself be loved for once. And maybe love back."

"I don't know if I can, Mase. I don't even know if he likes me like that if he gets to know me. Will it really be okay to start something? But what if he hurts me? Or what if I hurt him? You know I can be very stupid at times, lash out to people who don't deserve it. It's been a while since I've felt this... broken... again. It just seems like I'm not ready."

"Will you ever be ready? Sometimes you just have to jump in and see if you can swim. And if not, then I, no we, will be there to pick you up again. We won't let you drown. Don't worry so much, you nitwit. Call him, and pick a date."

"....." Brett freezes.

Mason frowns. "Oh God. Don't tell me you still don't have his phone number...?!"

"Yeah..." Brett looks apologetically at his best friend.

Mason rolls his eyes so hard his head needs to follow. He sighs and smacks Brett on the back of his head with a flat hand and leaves for bed.

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