25) Sunny morning

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"You're really going to accompany me, aren't you?" Eddy asks Timo while they wait for the lady behind the desk to finish making the bubble tea they ordered. It's not busy in the store so early in the afternoon. There are a lot of windows, making the place light and welcome. It's the best Bubble Tea place in the city.

"Yep. I'm not letting you go alone there." Timo has his hands in his pockets. His cheek is still a bit pinkish/bluish in colour and his knuckles are a bit chafed, but otherwise you wouldn't know that was in a fight the night before. 

Eddy looks at Timo with a frown. "I wasn't even sure that I was going when you came to pick me up this morning, insisting to go. You are so meddling."

"But you'll love me for it." Timo plays with one of the big straws he got from a jar on the counter, looking not at all guilty. "And I need to properly apologise, so this is a win/win situation, no?"

The woman behind the desk calls out to them that their beverages are ready and Eddy takes the 2 paper bags with the total of six cylinders bubble tea from the counter. He glances inside to see if all the straws are present. Without them, it's not easy to drink the aphrodisiac liquid. Of course they are. After he thanks the lady, they walk out into the sunny afternoon. It's a nice day: not to hot, not to cold, sunny, just perfect.

"I hope they'll like it. It's just a wild guess what they would want, right? There are so many combinations. But nobody will have a problem with Brown Sugar Milk Tea, half sugar, half ice and tapioca. Right?"

"Except for it being too sweet still, but hey, dentists need work too, right?" Timo smirks.

They walk down the street in silence. The sun is making everything so nice, making the memories of the night before like it happened ages ago. But it didn't. Yesterday there was a fight.  And now they are walking towards the person who co-caused all the drama. Eddy watches Timo, walking along besides him, wondering. "I don't understand. Why do you want me to go to Brett this bad, while you just bashed his face in yesterday night? It's totally not logical."

"I know, I know. It's because I might have been wrong, you know. Listen Eddy, I did that in the heat of the moment. I was so very angry he ditched you like that. He hurt you, so I wanted to hurt him. It was a stupid childish reaction, but I was so mad. You're such a lovable guy and you don't deserve the kind of attitude he gave you." He fidgets with his hands, staring into empty space, memories of yesterday playing like a movie before his eyes. He thinks hard about how to convey the moment when he changed his mind. 
"I started to doubt my actions when I was upstairs with him and saw him looking at you when you entered the room. Do you know you both look in the same way at each other? He might be a bit more stealthy about it, but he really can't keep his eyes off of you. I don't know why, but from the beginning you have been so hung up on him. You never have for any other person before. You normally have some kind of schedule for all the stages of intimacy, but now you even got laid the first night you spoke to him! He must have something then, right? So maybe I should put more trust into your instincts." He nods to himself. This is what he wanted to tell. He looks at Eddy if his point got across right.

"Yeah, you're right." Eddy says. He looks puzzled himself. "Brett makes me do things totally out of my comfort zone. I even speak up and do things much more than I normally do. He makes me braver, less shy. I don't understand myself."

Mason continues. "After, I talked it over with Mason, and we decided we want to give you both a shot at this. He really thinks you would be perfect together." He knows it is bit meddling, but it's not that bad, right? "Oh, speaking of Mason, he told me that he didn't tell Brett we will be coming." He says the last remark casually, but Eddy is startled.

"What?! So he doesn't know we are coming?! He might not want me there, you know?!" Eddy wonders again if this is a good idea visiting them out of the blue.

"Probably. Mason already said he might be quite surprised, and maybe not in a good way. But he thinks it's better like that. And even if he doesn't want you or us there, he has to deal with it. You know that sometimes life gives you things that you need, not what you want. And then it turns out to be exactly what you wanted anyway, but didn't know. So let's do our best, okay? Gambatte!"

Eddy sighs. "At least I'm bringing bubble tea. God, what a mess. Remind me why I'm doing this?"

"You'll be happy to see him, right?" Mason inquires with a grin.

Eddy looks sideways at his friend and can't help but smile. "Yeah. I have to admit I actually do. And there is a chance he might want to see me. I keep thinking about him anyway. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl. I hate myself for that. How old am I, for freak sake!" He thinks for a moment, then proceeds with a more serious undertone. "I've been thinking. I really don't want a relationship with him purely based on just sex. Those kind of relationships don't last. I think that I want to try to be friends first. Get to know each other more and see if we click further. Bind him to me? And if not, than I know that too and can move on from that. Although tempting, just casual sex once in a while is not a good idea. I don't want to share."

"That's a really good plan Eddy. I think it's amazing that you're crushing so hard and yet you're still the sensible guy. I love that about you. We'll see. I don't see a reason why he wouldn't want to be with you. You are a nice fellow. I totally mean that in a very platonic way of course. By the way, I'm curious about how they live. Apparently they live with the four of them together. What kind of house will it be?"

They start discussing what kind of abode they will be invited into. It's a nice way to kill time while they walk towards their destination.

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