35) Eddy (2nd 1/2 NSFW)

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The stars are shining bright against the dark sky above Eddy, Timo and Luke while they walk home. The temperature is pleasant, the streets are flooded with the light of the stars and the occasional streetlamp so that they can still see each other against the darkness of the night.
The friends have been walking for a while when Timo looks sideways at Eddy, a smile across his face. "You were very bold today." he says with a grin.

Eddy blushes, even visible in the darkness. "Shut up." he says curtly, embarrassment echoes in the words. 

"I'm not trying to make fun of you, mate. You got some results, didn't you?" Timo smiles so hard his eyes squint together. "Your face says it all, you know." Of course he has seen the different shade of Eddy's lips the moment he walked out the door.

"Yeah..." he murmurs. Suddenly Eddy's composure breaks. "I can't believe I did that! How on earth did I do that?!" He's never been this bold. He's always the shy, 'waiting-for-the-right-opportunity' kind of guy. Not the 'I-go-sit-on-your-lap-making-you-want-me' kind.

"This man has quite an effect on you. He makes you do things." Mason shakes his head, only approval in his voice. He likes this Eddy that just goes for what he wants.

"I don't know what comes over me when I'm with him. I suddenly dare and do things I normally never would do." Eddy thinks back at the kiss he just shared a few minutes ago. "You know I just pounced on him in the hallway, almost knocking him over? I've never done something like that. It's unbelievable what he's making me do. I sometimes look at myself from a distance as if I were a bystander, and can't believe that it's me there doing stuff like that. What is it with me when I'm with him?!"

"Hahaha, you look at yourself and even you don't believe what you're doing? Then how can we?" Their laughter echoes through the night air, startling a cat chasing mice.

When they are almost at the crossing where they have to go their separate ways, Timo suddenly turns towards Eddy and hugs him. "You have grown so much the last couple of weeks. I like it." He ruffles up Eddy's hair.
Eddy blushes again and shrugs.
When timo let's go, he ask casually "What do you think about the other guys that come with Brett? We've got us a bunch of new friends suddenly."

"They're all right. Although Peter and Vincent are quite prominent wherever they are. They are a bit like Luke, right?" He looks to Luke for confirmation.

"No one is like me!" Luke quips immediately. "But yeah, you are not entirely wrong. I like them, they are fun to hang out with. We are quite an energetic bunch together." he snickers, "But I do understand that sometimes we are a bit tiring for you. They are worse than me though." he laughs. 

"Yes, but it's not necessarily in a bad way. I'm actually fine with being around them, can still be myself without feeling awkward. And that says a lot." Eddy is surprised how comfortable he feels with Brett's group of friends. "Luckily Mason is a bit more quiet, more reserved. He looks like he's Brett's, no, more like their, big brother or something. But I think he and Brett are the same age. I really like him."

"I totally agree. He's truly a likable guy." Timo mentions quickly.
There is something in Timo's voice that makes Eddy look at his best friend. Is he blushing? No, that can't be, he must be imagining things.

When they have said their goodbyes, Eddy hurries home.
He loves his friends, but he's so not over that hot kiss he shared with Brett yet and needs some privacy with his thoughts.
God, that kiss was something all right. He still can't believe that he was the one that initiated it. There is no doubt in his mind that he will have to masturbate with these images in mind. And that he will do so more nights after this one, for sure.

He struggles to find the right key to the front door, getting irritated by the slowness of his movements. Finally the lock gives way and he hurries inside.
When Eddy finally enters his living room after kicking his shoes off and putting his coat up, he doesn't even bother to flick on the lights. He goes to his bedroom immediately, and closes all the curtains. Privacy is what he needs now.

The images of what happened in the hallway at Brett's home flood his mind. He feels his lips tingling again. That kiss! Brett didn't hesitate to answer it immediately, eager to take it, making it even hotter than Eddy ever could have imagined and experienced ever. He touches his lips softly, stroking over the lower one which is still swollen and kiss-bruised, while his other hand wanders lower over his belly and over his jeans.
He cups his hard erection through his jeans and groans. Even the walk home didn't make it go away fully. Small mercy for the existence of long coats and that he had decided to wear it tonight. He would have been embarrassed AF if he had decided to put on his denim jacket.

Eddy groans again.
After all the tension build up all evening to finally be able to touch it feels so good.
He strokes his neck as if it's Brett's hand that is on him, massaging his bulge through the fabric with the other. Oh how he wishes that he could not only have pounced on Brett's lips, but also lower. He felt it clearly when sitting on his lap, making it harder with his movement. It was so difficult to uphold his composure. Especially hearing Brett's breath hitch several times when he moved.

And then in the hallway while leaving, when he thrust his leg between Brett's, he felt it growing with the intensity of their kiss. Brett was definitely affected by him. And it was he who caused it. It gave him the confidence to kiss him like that. He has never been this aggressive, mostly relying on the other party to initiate things. But now...? Now he wanted to tease Brett, and then finally give him something to remember, making him so hot that he wouldn't be able to think straight anymore. God, how nice would it be if Brett were completely lost in his desire for him...

Suddenly he needs to get naked. Hastily he rips off his clothes, throws them aside and lays down on his bed. He has no time to get some of his toys out of the cabinet, he himself has to be enough right now.
He closes his eyes, imagining the smaller man with dark hair and scintillating eyes on him, his hands going over his body. He groans softly again.
He takes his erection in his hand and begins to stroke it, his pace slow. He doesn't want to climax too soon, he wants to enjoy this first. But will he last, 'cause oh God, this feels way too good. His eyes roll to the back of his head, his breath speeding up.

"Oh Brett...!" he mutters to the ghost image he pretends is touching him. Up down, up down, his hand goes, his hand becoming more slippery, just the way he likes it.

"Yes, now! Please!"
He spreads his legs and puts a finger between his butt cheeks, putting pressure on the hole between them.

"Ah! Yes! Like that!"
He can feel the kisses Brett would place on his neck. Feels what he would experience if Brett would be moving into him, thrust after thrust.
He builts quickly, his whole body so sensitive. He wants to drag it out, but its not possible to hold back anymore.

"Brett!" he shouts loudly as he cums hard in his hand, feeling the waves of his orgasm wash over him.

He lays still for a few minutes, coming back from the soaring clouds he was on a moment ago, down to his bedroom, completely relaxed now.
That was good.
"This is downright ridiculous. I want this man so bad, it's not even funny." he tells the darkness around him. Eddy knows he's seriously lost for Brett.

Will they ever be together like this again? That he doesn't have to pretend Brett to be there, but have the actual man himself with him in his bed? He surely hopes so and that it won't take long, because he will not be able to hold back much longer. He will do his very best to make it happen.

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