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It's almost midnight when Brett and Eddy step into the living room. Mason and Timo are the only ones left and they greet them with an ear to ear smirk on their faces.

"You two had some fun, didn't you?" Timo winks at Eddy from his spot on the couch.

Eddy blushes.
"Fuck. You heard?"
He slumps into the side chair that's left while Timo laughs.

"Some." Mason snickers. The ruckus and name yelling they heard coming from the room had amused everyone in the living room. But it couldn't have been fun only, for the quietness in between was way too long. Something must have gone on.
"You made Vincent blush you know. Suited his red hair beautifully." He adds casually.

"Bet it did. Don't care. I had fun. So shoot me." Brett retorts with his signature deadpan look. He puts a hand on Eddy's shoulder and squeezes it shortly. He sees Mason eyes narrow for just a second and he knows the question behind it.

Brett sighs.
"I'm okay, Mason. Don't worry. Eddy's got me. He got me out alright."
He smiles a wistful smile at Eddy surprised expression.
"Mason knows, Eddy. And I don't mind if Timo knows too. I've been thinking. You should be able to talk about all this shit we're going through. He's your best friend and you trust him. That's enough for me. Please talk to him if you have to get things of your chest that you cannot say to me."

Eddy binks his surprise away.
"Yeah... Thanks. That would be nice actually. "

Brett swallows. Of course Eddy has to to talk to someone about this. He wishes once more that he wouldn't make it so hard for them. He kisses the top op Eddy's head.

Eddy looks up and sees the turmoil behind Brett's eyes.
"Don't worry. We'll fix it. Together. Okay?"

Timo gets up and places his hand on Brett's shoulder.
"Thanks for your trust, Brett. I'll take care of Eddy if he needs me, okay? It'll be a pact between the four of us."

"A pact. I like the sound of that." Mason agrees.
He's glad when he sees Brett relaxing under Timo's touch visibly.
Timo may look on the outside he wouldn't be serious ever. Heck, even when the world would collide he would probably keep his cool, but in reality he's the most caring, trustworthy person Mason has ever met. Brett must know that too, right? Does he remember the blow he took from him a few weeks ago? It seems like something that happened an eternity ago and so many things have followed it after. The timeframe for the past weeks has been shaken up so much that Mason had almost forgotten about it.

"But everything was alright tonight?" Mason presses now he knows he can speak freely.

"At first no, got myself into a major panic attack. But Eddy got me out. After that it was very alright, like you have heard even here, embarrassingly enough." Brett smirks. "And now you've got to stop fishing. I'm not giving you sexy details."

"Good, because, spare me, I don't want any. Just want to know you're alright." Mason gets up, to grab them some more bottles of beer from the kitchen. "Well then, you must be thirsty. I'll get us something to drink."

"Hey, Timo. Why are you still here though? I thought you said you had to go home early?" Eddy asks.

"Nah. Changed my mind. I'll sleep when I'm dead." Timo stretches and yawns. "I was having way too much fun here. And I wanted to walk with you for bit on the way home. I've been missing you, you know. Haven't spoken to you much lately, because of a certain someone who takes up all your time." He quips playfully, looking at Brett.

"Still don't care." Brett answers, deadpan face present again and he lets himself fall on the side chair that Mason was sitting in mere moments ago.

When Mason walks from the kitchen into the living room with the bottles in his hand, he notices his seat is taken. There is only one seat left: the one right besides Timo. Mason glares at Brett, whose face shows it all: he knows exactly what he did. He lowers himself on the other half of the couch, carfeful to not touch Timo, and throws a bottle deliberately a little bit too hard in Brett's direction. Just by luck Brett catches it still.

"Woah there!" Brett yells, rubbing his sore fingers.

"Here you go, mate." He quips, emphasizing the word 'mate' mockingly and then hands Eddy his normally.

"You both did miss something though. We got some very nice roasts after you... excused yourself." Timo wiggles his eyebrows meaningfully.
"This is the second hilarious game you two invented. How do you come up with this stuff?"

"Not really sure." Brett ponders. "It's very easy when we talk. We have a handful more, at least."

"We should tape it and throw it on YouTube or something." Timo jokes.

"Not sure about that." Eddy downs his drink.
"But no matter how much fun I'm having sitting here with you guys, I have to get going. We have a wedding to play at tomorrow and can't risk falling asleep while playing Canon in D. You coming too, Timo?"

Timo sighs. "Alas!" he says dramatically, throwing his hands in the air. "The life of an adult sucks."

"If you're a good man, it might." Brett quips, fast in his reply, making everybody laugh.

A/N: I've posted the wrong chapter last Monday (54 instead of 53). So the update is with that one. 😅 I don't know if I'll be able to post next Monday. I'll try.

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