27) Number?

249 14 8

The Sunday flies by, the mood relaxed and free. The five of them get along wonderfully. It's like they have known each other for years. When Vincent comes home after staying the night with his date, with the chaos only he can create being the whirlwind that he is, they also call Luke, so that the two friend groups can mix completely. They banter, bash each other's head in with Mario Bros, and play some music.
As the day progresses, it's Timo and Mason who, besides Eddy and Brett, really get along best. They're like two peas in a pot, and when they all decide on pizza, they are the ones to pick up the pizza for all of them. They all share them while watching an Avenger movie. Fortunately, the movie isn't that hard to follow, because instead of watching it, they're mostly just talking through it and commenting on how bad the movie really is.

It's very late when Eddy, Timo and Luke finally stand in the hallway and put their coats and shoes on.

They are about to leave when Timo looks at Eddy sternly and wearily asks "Aren't you forgetting something, Eddy..."

His friend looks up all surprised. "Huh?"

"Come on, mate. You can't be that thick! Get the hint!" After another puzzled look from Eddy, he gives up. "Like a number maybe....?" He jerks his head at Brett's direction.

Eddy's eyes widen. "Ah yes! Almost forgot. Again. Brett! Number, now!"

Brett instantly searches for his phone, finding it in his back pocket of his jeans.

Mason shakes his head sideways, while they exchange cell phone numbers "You both... You are just incorrigible."

"I think stupid would be more fitting." Timo suggests with conviction.
But both men look endearingly at their friends.

Brett transfers Eddy's number into his cell phone so fast, he almost hurts his thumbs. "Finally! I should have that tattooed on my hand. Thanks for reminding us, Timo." He then looks up at Eddy, longing in his eyes, but he doesn't act upon it. Everybody standing in that hallway feels the tension between the two men, but Brett and Eddy just nod at each other. They know what they've agreed upon: first get to know each other, be friends, and maybe in time they will be something more.
They say their goodbyes and the group scatters to their respective houses.


At home Eddy stares at his phone, doubting if he should text Brett today or tomorrow. He doesn't want to look too eager, but also not too aloof. He had it quite difficult not to hug Brett when they parted. And kiss for that matter. God, those lips... His thoughts float away, wondering how they would have tasted this evening. Would there be a bit pizza flavour still? Would he even dare to kiss Brett in front of all their friends? He would probably die of embarrassment, so most likely not. He's never been that affectionate with his lover in front of others or in public places. You never know who is watching and what they think about same sex relationships and what people might do finding out. As a same sex couple you have to be cautious with this kind of things, unfortunately. But kissing him would be so good... Eddy shakes his head in an attempt to literally push his thought to the back of his head. He made up a plan, so he will stick with it. He needs to be sure that Brett is serious about him. There can't be another way for them to be together, otherwise he would seriously get hurt.

But now the issue of texting. Should he? He can't decide, so he messages Timo instead.

E 'Hey, Tim. Thanks for today bro. You really helped me out.'

Timo's answer comes almost instantly, like he has been expecting Eddy to message.

T 'No prob man.'
T 'But I think you should just text him instead of me😇.'

Eddy snickers. This man knows him too well.

E 'Will do mum.'

Timo answers with a lot of smiley faces, alternated with grandma smileys.
T '👵😁 👵😁👵😁'
T 'Do it!'

Now Eddy really laughs out loud, imaging Timo doing the Shia stance while saying the catchy phrase

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Now Eddy really laughs out loud, imaging Timo doing the Shia stance while saying the catchy phrase. They have both done it before to motivate themselves to practice. All laughing that is, but it worked. Okay, let's do this.

He scrolls to Brett's icon and begins to type.

E 'Hey Brett. Wanted to say thanks for today.'
He sees that an answer is typed immediately.
Has Brett been waiting for his text?

B 'I had fun. Thanks for stopping by. And giving me another chane.'

Eddy looks puzzled at the last word. Chane?

B '*chance. Sorry. Typoo'
B '*Typo. Sheesh.'

Eddy laughs. He can't spell? Or is it just that he's typing to quickly?

E 'Of course. It's in my best interest too, you know. I hope we can figure things out.'

B 'I want to see you again sson, if that's ok with you. Do you have time somewhere this week?'

E 'I have a gig tomorrow evening and the day after. Wednesday?'

B 'Great. I have rehearsls everyday this week. I'll be home at 6ish. Dinner at my place nd games after? Invite the others too?'

E 'Sounds like a good plan. The groups mingled very nicely today. It'll be fun.'
E 'There's another thing: I want to take you out to this hot pot place I recently discovered this Saturday. Okay?'

There is a pause before Brett answers.

B 'And after?'

E 'Movie?'

B 'So no dancing/Club.'

It's a statement, not a question. He feels the hesitance in the typed words. Eddy knows what he is asking from him. But he doesn't want Brett to go to the Club next week, afraid to lose him to someone else again. He wants Brett for himself this time. Brett having a good time with him instead, and to look only at him. Will he do it? Or will he try to persuade Eddy to go?
It's quiet for a few seconds and Eddy almost loses faith, when he sees Brett is typing an answer. What will he do?

B 'Okay. I love hot pot. Can't wait.'
B 'It's late. I have to go sadly. I have to get up early tomorrow.' 
B 'Need to sleep. Goodnght.'
B '*Goodnigjt'
B 'F*ck. I mean Goodnight.'

E 'Hahaha'
E 'Night. Sweet dreams 😉'

Eddy can breathe again. That went more easily than he expected. Although it's him that suggested to become friends first, he definitely has ulterior motives and feels them very vividly as butterflies making backflips in his stomach. He wants Brett to fall for him, hard. Just like he did for him. So he has to be at his most charming the next times he meets with him.

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